"Tinnitus Relief" by MagniLife - Anyone heard of it?

Discussion in 'Your Living Room' started by Soccermom, Jun 24, 2007.

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  1. Soccermom

    Soccermom New Member

    Here's the link:


    This was in the Sunday paper today. It mentions "try it risk free." Sounds too good to be true, but maybe there's something in the ingredients that some of you have heard of???

    Anyway...just wanted to share. :)

  2. Rick

    Rick New Member

    ...I have tinnitus but it just doesn't bother me anymore. So I'm not going to try this product unless every one comes back saying it works. But for $20 for 125 pills, I wouldn't have a problem trying it if I had issues with my tinnitus. I've wasted hundreds of dollars over the years on things like these but now that I look back, it really was a minimal investment.
    ...There will be those who claim snake oil and advise against it. And I personally have serious doubts that it works, but as long as it's safe and you don't mind losing 20 bucks, then you decide. The safety factor is the most important, don't take these people'
    s word for it. Google each ingrediant and also go to PubMed and look up each ingrediant. You'll see if there's any adverse effects. Good lick and keep us posted. There's also a "tinnitus" board and ifif it works, that board will be buzzing (sorry for the pun). http://p080.ezboard.com/ftinnitussupport92262frm1
    Hopefully the link stil works, I haven't been to visit in a long time.
  3. pardonme

    pardonme Guest

  4. milo

    milo New Member

    I've had all symptoms except tinnitus thank God. I'll pass.
  5. Soccermom

    Soccermom New Member

    So these two ingredients could actually CAUSE tinnitus???? Does not make sense!! Thanks for the info. :)
  6. Red Barchetta

    Red Barchetta New Member

    I have not tried this myself. But I'm sure there are a lot of variables with the amount of those ingredients, what else is in it, and the person taking it.
    Don't forget, AntiVert is usually one of the first things tried to control nausea and dizziness, and dose work a lot of times - but one of the things mentioned on the label for AntiVert is "May cause dizziness" so.........
  7. cheese

    cheese New Member

    Don't waste your money on homeopathy.

    Quite simply, there isn't a bigger scam in the medicinal industry.

    They answer to no one. They don't have to prove the shyt they sell.
  8. pardonme

    pardonme Guest

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