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scott tom

1 year on Valtrex (antivirals)

  • I have been taking Valtrex (valacyclovir) since last Feb. I found relief from vertigo within weeks, but i had no idea that i would find so much more relief after 6-7 months.

    List of symptoms that have been eliminated:

    No vertigo
    No dizziness
    Not even off balance anymore
    Complete restoration of hearing
    No hyperacusis
    No tinnitus
    No fullness
    No weather affects me anymore

    In short, i have NO symptoms anymore. Total recovery.

    I can now do the following activities:

    Skydiving (can you imagine??)
    Running, swimming, karate, cycling
    I am even allowed to fly my airplane again (can you imagine??)
    I can eat what i want. No dietary restrictions other than common sense.

    Bottom line. Before you consider surgery, supplements, diets, etc., consider taking antivirals. But if you do, following these guidelines:

    Take 3000 mg per day for at least 6 months before you give up
    Slowly taper down to your maintenance dose. You may find that you need to take a higher maintenance dose than Gacek mentions. Don't worry about it.
    Check kidney and liver functions twice a year.

    If your doctor won't listen or try it, fire his ass. Find a doctor who cares about you, and not about getting another Mercedes.

    I wish everyone the best!
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