1. This database is made possible by your posts on our Meniere's Talk forums. Be sure to jump in and share your own stories and experiences so that we all benefit from each other. Thank you!

Info & Coping Strategies

Information and coping strategies in dealing with (and diagnosing) Meniere's Disease. If you'd like to add something here, post it on our Living Room forum and let us know!

  1. Meniere's Ministry - A reverend offers spiritual and coping support

    This is my attempt to connect spiritual wholeness and health with people who are in the throes of a disease that causes much dis-ease and distress. In a sense, I am attempting to be a Chaplain to those who have MM.
  2. Fatigue and why you feel so tired

    Fatigue comes up frequently with people who have Meniere’s Disease. Here's why.
  3. Issues to be aware of when seeking Social Security disability

    Most disability forms ask questions that are virtually impossible to answer when dealing with vestibular problems.
  4. Stages We Go Through With a Chronic Disease or Condition

    Stages that we go through, from the initial shock through acceptance and hope, when living with Meniere's Disease or any other chronic disease or condition.
  5. List of commonly used acronyms

    An easy reference guide to (mostly) medical acronyms used on our forums and elsewhere
  6. Coping with Meniere's Disease

    A few years ago I was asked to write an article for Hearing Health magazine (operated by the Hearing Health Foundation) about Meniere's Disease. They had an accompanying article from a doctor about the disease so I wrote about it from the...
  7. Causes of Meniere's

    Dr. Timothy Haine's summary of possible causes of Meniere's - last modified by him as recently as Feb. 2018. Clip: A synthesis of present thought is that Menieres syndrome appears to be the final common pathway that the inner ear responds...
  8. MAV vs. Meniere's

    Here's a summary I made of a long article on MAV from the Tampa Bay Hearing & Balance Center. Hopefully it will give some clues to those who are trying to determine if their vertigo is MAV or purely Meniere's. I've put it in a MAV vs....
  9. My 15-yr battle with Meniere's - Migraine Assoc Vertigo - Mitochondrial Disease

    One man's (long) story on why you should make sure to rule out Migraine Associated Vertigo before settling on Meniere's as your diagnosis.
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