1. This database is made possible by your posts on our Meniere's Talk forums. Be sure to jump in and share your own stories and experiences so that we all benefit from each other. Thank you!

Info & Coping Strategies

Information and coping strategies in dealing with (and diagnosing) Meniere's Disease. If you'd like to add something here, post it on our Living Room forum and let us know!

  1. Meniere's May Be Mold/Fungus Induced

    One person's experience in finding out his Meniere's Disease was mold/fungal related and how it was treated
  2. The 10 commandments of Ménière’s

    The 10 commandments of Ménière’s 1. Thou shalt have others diversions before Ménière’s. Fill thy life with other activities, be they mundane, daring, altruistic, or merely amusing. To fill thy life with thy ailment is to surrender to it,...
  3. Skills for Coping with Meniere's Disease

    A long-time reader offers her comprehensive list of coping skills and perceptions that's become a staple on our forums
  4. Brain Fog - Cognitive Aspects of Vestibular Disorders

    Lecture transcript from an MD that gives great insight into what it is like to experience (and live with) brain fog, a common cognitive side effect.
  5. Meniere's Letter: Before You Judge Me

    Life with Meniere's Disease : Before you judge me on one of my good days, you need to understand what one of my bad days is like.
  6. Migraine Associated Vertigo (MAV) – Misdiagnosed as Meniere's

    How to identify, "survive" and handle chronic migrainous vertigo, otherwise known as vestibular migraine or migraine associated vertigo (MAV) which is often confused with Meniere's Disease.
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