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Discussion in 'Your Living Room' started by bewestbrook, Mar 26, 2019.

  1. bewestbrook

    bewestbrook New Member

    Jan 14, 2019
    JulieZ - Thank you for the suggestion and your updates as you go along. I tried the generic Valacyclovir and it had terrible side effects for me, though not for most people. Other threads have mentioned problems with various manufacturers. When you update, if you don't mind, could you include that information, too? I'm going to try and different antiviral and would also post in the DB.
  2. JulieZ

    JulieZ New Member

    Nov 28, 2018
    Hi - So, I did try Valacyclovir, but I quickly had to stop taking it because it made me feel terrible. The brand I was taking was Amber.

    I have been taking Lysine for a couple of months now, and I have to say, while there has been no miracle cure - I'm doing much better. I track the Meniere's symptoms in a calendar I keep where:

    0 = No symptoms
    1 = No swimminess, minor post-nasal drip, no medication
    2 = Hint of swimminess or severe ear symptoms managed with Pseudophed
    3 = Minor attack
    4 = Medium attack
    5 = Severe attack

    I never get to 0, but in January I had 10 level 2 episodes, in February I had 2, and in March I had 1. I think the Lysine must be helping
    • Like Like x 4
  3. bewestbrook

    bewestbrook New Member

    Jan 14, 2019
    Hello, There! - The Valacyclovir made me feel horrible, too. I'm trying a new one and will report on it. Just started last night. I've been religiously following the John of Ohio regimen with some success. After starting with Lysine, I found out more about how arginine and lysine "compete" for what I dimly understand to be a channel for whatever it is that happens next. While my understanding of the process is woefully incomplete, the take-away seems to be that the lysine will be most effective as an anti-viral when you also control for arginine, which is found in certain foods. There are a ton of lists out there, but I did find one from the FDA (I think). I'll find it and add it here. For me, watching that relationship definitely made a difference. After 2 very severe attacks, I started John of Ohio; had 1 much less severe attack; controlled for arginine and have had at worst my version of your #2 a couple of times - dizziness without vertigo, ramped-up tinnitus, nausea w/o vomiting. These attacks seem to come in a 6-week cycle, so at week 5, the lysine dose goes from 3000mg/day to 4500mg/day. That 6-week cycle is up this Wed/Thurs/Fri.

    Your numbering system is great. I am definitely stealing that!
    • Like Like x 1
  4. Lynne

    Lynne Member

    Oct 18, 2022
    Julie, I’m two months into these crazy attacks. Thanks for an easy way to document and track. I think that I can rennet all of the attacks, but after a few more I forget.
    I have referrals : ENT, neuro, hemo, cardio, vestibular balance therapist. MRI/A showed nothing. Blood Wk - low wbc’s and platelets.
    Not sure Drs have a cure. But, I am taking aspirin at onset. Sometimes w/ dizzy pills and nausea pills. Never know when I am going to be attacked. But, working on it. I’m doing the JOH regime. So, many pills.
    I hope all is well. :)

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