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Discussion in 'Your Front Porch' started by California Sun, Jun 11, 2019.

  1. California Sun

    California Sun Active Member

    May 23, 2019
    Anyone here growing a summer garden? What are you growing? I am growing basil and a type of Italian cucumber called tortorello barese, which is native to the Bari area of Southern Italy. Most people have never heard of these cucumbers but they are the best cucumbers I have ever eaten. The weather here had been so cold for so long I didn't think I was going to have them but I started some seedlings late and they are doing well. Since it stays warm here through October, I think they will do OK.
  2. AnneT

    AnneT Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2014
    I love my time in my garden! The growing season is short here, between altitude and crazy weather.

    My veggie patch has been overtaken by poppy, mint, cilantro but I did plant some potatoes, carrots and lettuce.

    My side garden has chives and rhubarb.

    Happy gardening!
  3. California Sun

    California Sun Active Member

    May 23, 2019
    I grow mint but I keep it in a pot, otherwise it becomes invasive. I never had much luck growing cilantro. It grows, but then immediately goes to seed. I'd like to grow more stuff, but I only have a small area for a garden.
    I've been enjoying fresh strawberries every day from my plants, which I have in pots. I have citrus trees in my back yard--lemons, limes, grapefruit. oranges and tangerines,and blackberry vines at one side of the house. I have a peach tree, too, but I rarely get any peaches because the squirrels decimate them before they are even ripe. We love raspberries and have tried to grow them but we can't grow them to save our lives.
  4. AnneT

    AnneT Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2014
    Aah, citrus trees! How lovely! And blackberry yum. We have some small apple trees and a sour cherry. Blackberry doesn’t grow here, sadly but raspberry does.
  5. California Sun

    California Sun Active Member

    May 23, 2019
    Do you have any advice to share about growing raspberries? They are grown commercially in this area so I know that they can be grown here. Would love to have an apple tree but apples don't grow here. I'd love to grow apricots--had a tree but it never produced and then died. I love apricots but the apricots and peaches available in the stored are tasteless, and either hard as rock or mushy. Yuck! So I don't buy them anymore because I just ended up throwing them away.
  6. AnneT

    AnneT Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2014
    All I know about growing raspberries is that they don’t like growing next to strawberries... and the strawberries didn’t like it either... like they were fighting.

    Maybe ask your local nursery - growing advice from The North might not apply to California Sun!

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