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Discussion in 'Your Living Room' started by Denise Rene, Jun 29, 2020.

  1. Denise Rene

    Denise Rene New Member

    Jan 19, 2020
    Wichita, KS
    This is one that has been happening to me for quite a while and I will try to explain it the best I can. I will turn my head, in any direction, and I will feel a shift in my head. It is kind of like a momentary lapse in... everything... with an almost brushing sound and it can happen once or several times in a row. It's like a white snow sound with the shift in focus.

    Am I crazy?
  2. Nathan

    Nathan Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2014
    Subsurface ocean, Europa
    Periodically when turning my head quickly—such as instinctively whipping my head & thus my field of view toward a startling sound—I experience momentary post rotational nystagmus; a horizontal optokinetic response, coupled with a lapse in visual focus, however this occurs without any auditory anomaly.

    The probability of this occurrence, while low, increases significantly when I'm sleep deprived, its duration limited to a half-life of milliseconds.

    Mm, I'm not sure. How long is momentary? Milliseconds? Seconds? Minutes?

    This lapse in "everything", does it produce an experience of amnesia? Lost time?

    Does the white snow, brushing sound instruct you to rendezvous with the lizard people?
  3. Denise Rene

    Denise Rene New Member

    Jan 19, 2020
    Wichita, KS
    Ok... dude... all of that. I still don't know all the terms and I appreciate you laying it out.

    Now I know how to describe it.

    It can last a few seconds but no lapse in time or amnesia.

    No rendezvous instructions as of yet. I'm still waiting for further communication.

    Thanks again.
    • Like Like x 1
  4. Nathan

    Nathan Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2014
    Subsurface ocean, Europa

    Glad to be of service, Denise.


    The dude.
  5. Jimii

    Jimii Member

    Apr 10, 2019
    Yes, happens to me too, but without the sounds. Certain busy intersections on my commute it happens all the time.
    Sometimes it feels like my head just fell off. Luckily it is brief.


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