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John of Ohio

JOH (John of Ohio) Regimen for Meniere's Disease details

  1. eveva

    eveva Member

    Jul 30, 2020
    • Useful Useful x 1
  2. Andre

    Andre New Member

    Dec 2, 2020
    What brand do you take of the multivitamin?
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  3. eveva

    eveva Member

    Jul 30, 2020
    I am very thankful to the forum. I started my treatment following the JOH protocol 6 mo ago.
    Will try to describe the result in summary.

    Gradually started all the components of the protocol in smallest dosages (taking in consideration advanced age and low weight). Beside Vinpo and MSM, which I tried for 3 mo and discontinue. the 6th week of treatment I was very dizzy every morning. Two weeks later added B5/B6. In other 2 weeks added Valtrex, which I tolerated well. Dizziness stopped. After 3 mo switched to Valacyclovir by Cadista because of price. Did not tolerate well. Stopped. Did blood work for HSV-1 and HSV-2 after 4 mo on AV. No change on Gluco G Antibody, still more than 8 Al. Now on Acyclovir. Tolerating well.
    No MD episodes for several mo.
    My sleep is much better. Stopped taking Melatonin. Recently the dizziness is gone. All this time I am taking Vit D3 2,000 IU because of osteoporosis. I am taking CoQ10 because I am on statins to control the cholesterol. Also taking Chelated Magnesium for a couple of years. Probably should take sometime a brake taking Magnesium.
    That's my history. I will appreciate the comments.
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  4. John of Ohio

    John of Ohio Active Member

    May 17, 2014
    Magnesium deficiency (common, almost universal in modern diets) inhibits full function of vitamin D's support of the immune system. The Mg may have given your immune system a boost, thereby suppressing viral activities that cause Meniere's symptoms.

    --John of Ohio
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  5. jose suarez

    jose suarez Member

    Nov 2, 2020
    I been doing your regimen too but I only take the important ones, lysine, ginkgo biloba, vinpo, lemon bioflavonoids vit c. I feel in balance, before I used to feel like unbalanced in the morning or when I pass time sited. But I would like that my tinnitus decrease I think that would be the best remedy that way I could hear better , I can said the tinnitus change with that, before I used to have a tinnitus that the pitch was changing constantly. Now is one level, like no vary the pitch is the same all time. Should I need to add the rest of the regimen or should continue with the same. I already have 2 months using the same that I mentioned
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. John of Ohio

    John of Ohio Active Member

    May 17, 2014
    Of all the Meniere's symptoms, tinnitus (with my regimen, and most other therapies) is the hardest, most difficult, lingering thing to finally conquer. After the other symptoms have begun to subside, or have disappeared altogether, tinnitus (in some form) often continues for months. The only thing to do is to persist with the regimen, and hope that the tinnitus finally fades away. It can take lengthy periods for the inflamed tissues of the Meniere's inner ear to "heal" and return to a normal state. In regard to tinnitus, I've not discovered a way to speed this up. Personally, after my regimen suppressed all the other symptoms I had (thankfully), tinnitus continued for at least two years, but in slowly diminishing volumes.

    --John of Ohio
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
  7. Kevin Lewis

    Kevin Lewis New Member

    Sep 1, 2020
    I have also been on the JOH regimen for 3 months. Lysine , Lemon Bioflavonoids , Complex vitamin C , Vitamin E and D3. I was not sure about the Vinpo from different things I have read. The first month into the regimen I went through a couple of very bad vertigo episodes but I am told this is typical of the virus fighting back. Tinnitus is still around but seems a little quieter. Over all I have felt pretty good and if this keeps up I have no problem staying on this regimen.
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  8. Autumninthefall

    Autumninthefall Active Member

    Aug 10, 2019
    Just a combination of your receding hairline accentuating an accumulation of prions, which in turn is causing a protrusion of your frontal lobe. :D
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. arcticblueice

    arcticblueice Member

    Aug 12, 2018
    Hey John,
    I have been using your regimen since 2017 and it has been very effective without any side effects.
    Thank you very much for your time, talent and for sharing your wealth of knowledge. When I suffered my first acute attack from bilateral Meniere's Disease, the information that you provided was nothing short of miracle. God bless you my dear friend for helping so many of us affected by this wretched disease.
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  10. John of Ohio

    John of Ohio Active Member

    May 17, 2014
    Glad to learn of your success with the regimen. You are one of, now, many hundreds who have gained relief from Meniere's with this particular over the counter therapeutic approach. My best wishes.

    --John of Ohio
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  11. Jimii

    Jimii Member

    Apr 10, 2019
    Should I post my results in this thread, or start a new one?

  12. John of Ohio

    John of Ohio Active Member

    May 17, 2014
    Post here, please.
  13. Jimii

    Jimii Member

    Apr 10, 2019
    Started the first three ingredients in mid October 2020, after having a bad summer/fall.
    Started all at once, 3000 mg L-Lysine, 2000 mg. Lemon BioFlavinoids, and 20 mg Vinpocetine per day.

    Had the last bad vertigo attack on Thanksgiving morning. December and most of January were absolutely great. My hearing even came back for a couple of days in December. I did reduce the L-Lysine to 2000 mg per day when I read that thread about kidney issues and added D3 once a day. I have not had any bad side affects at all, but one good one. I was able to get off Omeprazole. My Dr. wanted me off of it, since there may be a small link to kidney damage in long term use. One of those first three ingredients did it. I have lost almost 20 lbs. as well since November.

    Now for the bad. Mild vertigo started again on Jan 25th 2021. Occurred daily, but they were mild and lasted only 20 minutes. I woke up last night around midnight dreaming about vomiting. I then realized I was having a bad vertigo attack. At 2:30 am I barely made it to the bathroom. It is now 10:30 am and the vertigo is still going. Longest attack I have had ever. Previously none lasted more than 4 hours. I can barely function, cannot drive to work. I did snow blow the driveway, but I had no choice. Having the snow blower handles to hold on to was necessary.

    Last winter, Nov. to March, I was symptom free without any treatment at all. I think it is just the nature of this disease.

    I am considering stopping the treatment completely, or adding back that 1000 mg of L-Lysine?

    • Like Like x 1
  14. starmanj

    starmanj New Member

    Dec 6, 2020
    My Meniere's has been brewing for over a year, but July 2020 came on strong and was progressively growing worse every week. December 2020 even with strict Meniere's diet was either dizzy or had aural fullness/brain fog. All with raging Tinnitus. Started JOH protocol 1/1/2021. Four weeks later all symptoms except Tinnitus gone.

    I wanted thank you, not just for helping me, but for possibly saving lives from those whose Meniere's are so debilitating they may otherwise have not wanted to live. I have shared your protocol with Meniere's patient I have found who have had it for 20 years and actually bleed from the ears. Your research and support in this forum is simply invaluable. You are a selfless person who deserves accolades and place in medical journals. I'm stunned doctors and ENTs don't automatically send their patients to this thread! My ENT told me it was nervous tension.

    Anyway my fear and near-depression is now gone.

    Thank you.
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  15. John of Ohio

    John of Ohio Active Member

    May 17, 2014
    Thank you for posting your success; exactly what I hoped (and anticipated) when I so long ago posted my information.

    I appreciate your suggestion that my particular (or, for the medical community, peculiar) Meniere's treatment approach should be made known to the medical community, ideally with its appearance in a medical journal. But for that to happen, a serious, lengthy, double-blinded clinical study of the treatment protocol would have to be conducted. For statistical validity, several hundred people with properly diagnosed Meniere's disease would have to be enrolled in a clinical study. About half would be "treated" with placebo materials, the control group, along with the other half, the experimental group, would get the authentic regimen.

    But the materials in each of these two clinical arms will be disguised. No one, doctors running the study, nor patients themselves would be able to tell if they were getting lysine or starch (the placebo). Same with all the other elements of regimen.

    Then, after a yet to be determined clinical treatment period (I would suggest six months), the measured symptoms, cryptically hidden in computer files would be unlocked and publically revealed; primarily in a medical journal article.

    I'm confident that were all of this to happen, if such a detailed clinical study were to be conducted, the results would be, for the vast majority of clinical subjects, the same as just posted. As I've mentioned, I have over 240 personal reports from users of my regimen, yielding a success rate of over 80%. A big, proper clinical study of my Meniere's treatment regimen would validate this. In fact, because in a clinical study compliance with dosing would be closely monitored, positive results are likely to be even better.

    But, the realities are as follow. First, until such a journal article appears, very few practitioners, understandably, will endorse or recommend the regimen. It's not in any medical textbooks, nor in any medical journal articles. It's never been "proven" to be either safe or effective. It's just some off the shelf stuff, so it can't really work for a recalcitrant disease like Meniere's. Most practitioners will discount accounts like the above, "Mere coincidence; none of that stuff could have been the cause of the remission."

    Then, conducting a proper, statistically significant clinical study of my novel Meniere's treatment regimen would require, at least, several hundred of thousands dollars. Even more difficult would be finding a team of medical professionals who would wish to stake their professional reputations on such a study. If this involved an FDA-recognized new drug, no problems. But, doing a study for a "regimen" that some biology teacher devised using over the counter supplements will excite no physician. Won't happen.

    Things with the regimen will continue as they have, rather narrowly.

    –John of Ohio
    • Like Like x 4
    • Winner Winner x 1
  16. jose suarez

    jose suarez Member

    Nov 2, 2020
    Im using 4 000 mg daily and it works perfect for me. The tinitus is now less than 40% before the high pitch sound was craZy now is super lower, with the regimen i feel stable and in balance fullness disappear. Iam using the lysine the vicepo the ginko vit e vit d3 And i feel amazing. I have been using for 5 month now. I recomended. I have bilateral merniers
    • Like Like x 1
  17. jose suarez

    jose suarez Member

    Nov 2, 2020
    The lindberg lemon bioflavonoid are out of stock and in Amazon cost 66 dollars i get this one from the site you suggest

    Pipingrock lemon bioflavonoid complex. It has the same exact ingredient as lindberg. Verify if im correct please. Because i ordered also cost less just 12.99
    • Like Like x 1
  18. John of Ohio

    John of Ohio Active Member

    May 17, 2014
    Give it a try. I checked the ingredients, and the essential bioflavonoid, eriocitrin, is included.

    --John of Ohio
    • Like Like x 1
  19. jose suarez

    jose suarez Member

    Nov 2, 2020
    Thanks i will
  20. TexOkie

    TexOkie Member

    May 7, 2021
    Tulsa, OK
    I just received my package from Vitacost and will get things sorted and start the regimen within the next few days.

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