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Vertigo During Attacks

Discussion in 'Your Living Room' started by Brian, Nov 30, 2021.

  1. Brian

    Brian Member

    Jun 20, 2021
    When you get the vertigo attacks does keeping your head still help to alleviate it? I find if I keep my head completely still I can stop the vertigo but if I move it even a slight bit it spins again. Also do your ears ring before a vertigo attack?
  2. redwing1951

    redwing1951 Well-Known Member

    May 13, 2014
    New Hampshire/Florida
    During my vertigo attacks I would crawl into bed and get into a fetal position. I would tuck my pillow around the back of my head covering my ears and close my eyes. This helped the vertigo to stop as long as I remained perfectly still. The attacks could last for hours.
  3. Brian

    Brian Member

    Jun 20, 2021
    basically same. My attacks last 9-12 hours and one time 5 days. That was the worst one I had. That one jacked up my hearing but apparently it sort of recovered.
  4. Donamo

    Donamo Active Member

    May 12, 2014
    Brian, you were/are taking AVs, right?
  5. Brian

    Brian Member

    Jun 20, 2021
    I was I was allergic. Allergist tried to desensitize me and it wasn’t successful. Was on it for 14 days with no change. I toughed it out with the help of prednisone. Was on Famvir 500x2
  6. Brian

    Brian Member

    Jun 20, 2021
    I know you’re back on them. How are you how is the tinnitus?
  7. Donamo

    Donamo Active Member

    May 12, 2014
    it's not too bad - a high pitched whine, throbbing on bad days. I don't worry about it too much, dizziness and hearing loss is what I try to prevent. Tiny stresses, wimpy little things like returning a defective item to a store is enough to make me feel "off".

    I am feeling better though, less dizzy times, some pretty darn good days. Getting exercise, eating well, taking AVs, monolaurin and olive leaf, playing golf :)

    I wish the AVs would work for you. Have you tried mega Vit C? It's what started me on this track - it's written up in the data base I think.
  8. Brian

    Brian Member

    Jun 20, 2021
    i haven’t but I’ll try anything. I may give the antivirals another shot. I’m miserable
  9. Brian

    Brian Member

    Jun 20, 2021
    Funny you said the tinnitus is a high pitched whine. They say Ménière’s causes low pitch roaring but mine is both low and high. I have a diesel truck, refrigerator noise, and high pitch stuff too.
  10. Donamo

    Donamo Active Member

    May 12, 2014
    Yes, you have to keep trying. What makes you think you were allergic to the Famvir? i.e. what sort of reaction did you have? Are you following the Heal Your Headache diet?
  11. Brian

    Brian Member

    Jun 20, 2021
    Throat swelling difficulty breathing rapid heartbeat chest pain. And no it wasn’t anxiety attack lol
  12. Donamo

    Donamo Active Member

    May 12, 2014
    Yeah, that doesn't sound good, LOL. Very disappointing I am sure. 2X 500 is not a light dose. If I were you, I'd get that Headache book if you haven't already, follow the diet.

    When I was in a similar state as you and didn't have access to AVs, I tried liposomal Vit C. I took it until I had diarrea, then backed off just a touch and kept taking it. I was so full of gas, stunk up the whole house LOL.

    BUT, my vertigo decreased and my other symptoms (hearing, fullness) improved. It showed me that I could do stuff myself that could get me out of this misery. Like the place you are now.

    IF you were to try the AVs again, and I'm not sure that is a great idea, I would try 1000 Acyclovir every other day as a starter.

    Best of luck. If you can't fix it, there is always surgery, so you can be fixed, one way or another.
  13. Brian

    Brian Member

    Jun 20, 2021
    The every other day may be a great solution. I don’t want surgery ever for this. I still have most of my hearing and I don’t want to make my tinnitus worse. Tinnitus is my most debilitating symptom. I’ve had rotary vertigo for days and the tinnitus is worse. I’ve have no peace of mind and can’t think or read a book. Can’t even shit in peace!
  14. SurferGirl

    SurferGirl Member

    Nov 7, 2020
    As I read the recent thread of everyone's symptoms at this time of year, I see a pattern. I have had Meniere's for 17 years, with hearing loss, tinnitus, vertigo, progressively worsening through the years. Last year, November 2020-March 2021, I had 2 rounds of a series of 3 steroid ear injections. These injections seemed to help the frequency and extreme vertigo/tinnitus episodes. Summer was very good with no stress and able to water walk for exercise. Now with the weather in mid NC changing from cold to warm to cold, etc, holiday stress, and unable to exercise due to the vertigo, my episodes have increased. I started another round of 3 ear injections the beginning of November, same time as last year. I understand the comment of "just the wimpy little things" bringing on the symptoms. Do you think stress and weather change have greatly affected your symptoms? I have learned to deal with the hearing loss, ear fullness which constantly fluxuates, and tinnitus, but vertigo is the worst. There's seem to be no way for me to deal with it except to stop everything until I find I can manage getting around. My heart goes out to your all.
  15. Donamo

    Donamo Active Member

    May 12, 2014
    Yes, and my heart to you SurferGirl. Stress and anxiety are definite triggers. Also, people who talk non-stop can give me vertigo. There are a couple of golfers in the league I play in that just never shut up. I had a bad vertigo attack after about an hour with one of them. Had to pretty much be carried of the course.

    I had to explain to the organizers that I just cannot be put in a foursome with either of those guys.

    It makes you feel like a fragile person, but, I guess that's exactly what we are.

    On a brighter note, my diet and AVs ect seem to be working, no "off" feeling for about 3 days and my hearing has improved a bit. Hallelujah!
  16. EkkoMusic

    EkkoMusic Member

    Jul 26, 2021
    So great to hear this Donamo -- what AV dose are you on again?
    Are you still on monolaurin / OLE? What specific dietary changes have made an impact for you? And how long has the improvement taken?
  17. Donamo

    Donamo Active Member

    May 12, 2014
    I have been taking 3 X 1000mg Valacyclovir for the last few weeks. I take Monolauren, Olive Leaf, and pill called ViVi, vit D, and B Enzyme with a couple of Krill Oil - you need the oil to make the B work apparently, and Life Extension One Per Day.

    My Wonder Wife bakes muffins etc using Tiger Nut Flour, Tapioca Flour, Cassava Flour. I avoid ALL nut things (due to Arginine) and don't eat much wheat (not necessarily for MD, wife likes to avoid it and that is fine by me)

    For a sweetner in baking etc she uses Swerve which is low glycemic. I drink coffee, black.

    We almost never eat out (when my MD is a problem), MSG is a trigger for me.

    The last time I felt "off" was Nov 22, so about 2 weeks ago. I keep a log, and rate (10=bad) my Hearing - Tinnitus - Fullness - Balance a few times a day in EverNote.
    Nov 6 2021 I was H9 T6 F8 B7
    Dec 5 H2 T3 F3 B0
    H0 would not mean perfect hearing - just the best that I have had in a very long time. I am really glad my hearing has improved, it was pretty much gone in my bad ear but much better now. I didn't think it would come back, it was so far gone.

    I am also cutting down on sweet stuff. I used to eat a lot of dried fruit but it has a lot of sugar. Breakfast is a problem but I eat puffed millet with these cinamon squares wonder wife makes with those flours as above. No more raisins and dried blueberries on it :(

    This all seems to be working for me. Takes a while but I'm so glad to be ok again.
  18. EkkoMusic

    EkkoMusic Member

    Jul 26, 2021
    Thank you SO much for this information. This is a perfect breakdown that I feel I can immediately start myself.

    I am also inspired by your logging system; I may implement that as well. I currently have only logged the duration of my fullness episodes daily (thankfully fullness is my only symptom at the moment), but I think severity could be a valuable statistic (especially since I think it's gotten a bit better for me after starting 1000mg Vit C 2x/day).

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