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John of Ohio

JOH (John of Ohio) Regimen for Meniere's Disease details

  1. MikeDB

    MikeDB New Member

    Apr 27, 2022
    Hi there,

    First of all, just like to say a quick thank you to John for taking the time to provide sufferers like me with some hope.

    I have recently started taking your regimen and have had very positive results so far. Only two months in but the drop attacks have stopped and the feeling of fullness of ear and headaches have also pretty much stopped. Only pulsatile tinnitus and muffled hearing in my right ear remain for now but I can live with those no worries. The only part of the regimen I'm not taking currently is the Vinpocetine (unavailable in the UK).

    Just have a couple of questions for JOH.

    Hi John,

    Do you take the Lemon Bioflavonoid, Ginkgo, Vitamin D and the Vitamin B complex with or without food? Most of the jars state with food but I wondered if like the Lysine, it's better and more beneficial to take before or after meals? Any advice would be great.

    And thanks so much again, your advice has really helped - I owe you one!

  2. Grant Steinkellner

    Grant Steinkellner New Member

    Aug 18, 2020
    Try this along with the Jon Routine. This is THE BEST overall program I have found to help minimize the symptoms. https://www.70irving.com/post/halti...3BoGphXmRnKQkjKZOEIJ9jFQnoDQMubyeixdowuedUmqg
    • Like Like x 1
  3. John of Ohio

    John of Ohio Active Member

    May 17, 2014
    Actually, I no longer take the entire regimen. No vinpocetine (no longer available in most markets). No lemon bioflavonoid. And no ginkgo. Not even any lysine anymore. I’ve been without any Meniere’s symptoms for about 15 years, because of the regimen; so I no longer need to take it.

    Today, to keep symptoms entirely in suppression, and for other good health reasons, I do take vitamin D, 7000IU a day, and a multivitamin that includes in ample amounts the B vitamins. The B vitamins can be taken with a meal, but because they are water soluble I think they are absorbed well enough without food.

    My vitamin D comes in an oil-filled softgel, so the oil vehicle allows the vitamin to be absorbed, with or without food.

    But, for lysine (which I no longer need, the vitamin D seems to sufficiently support my immune system’s ability to suppress herpes, and other viruses), lysine should always be taken without food; at least 20 minutes before a meal, or at least 2 hours after a meal. If taken with a meal lysine gets mixed with all the other amino acids in foods and the body then turns around and uses it and the other amino acids to synthesize proteins; hair, fingernails, muscles, etc. But if the lysine is by itself in the gastrointestinal tract, it gets absorbed as a lone amino acid, which then, by itself, circulates in the blood stream for a longer period of time. It can then infuse into cells and get absorbed by herpes viruses trying to replicate. The lysine distorts or disables an enzyme required for replication. Without it, the virus just sits and goes inactive. No inflammation of the inner ear; no more Meniere’s symptoms.
    • Like Like x 1
  4. Roxy Barnes Mackey

    Roxy Barnes Mackey New Member

    Apr 11, 2022
    Is there a barometer app that people use and like ? I seem to be having symptoms with low and hi pressure But I want to track it myself
  5. Tony R

    Tony R New Member

    Jul 25, 2021
    Hi Don
    Thank's for responding to my post.If you're interested on the 17th Feb 2022 I posted in this thread and gave a bit more history of my Meniere's.
    I haven't been able to find a practitioner yet that will prescribe anti virals.I have only asked my ENT who discounted the treatment and wasn't interested in prescribing.
    I have just sent an email to my GP and attached Richard Gacek's paper on the subject.
    Maybe I'll have more luck there.
    I've just received the Heal Your Headache book so will read up on what is recommended.I haven't gone too hard diet wise in the past as I was coping reasonably well but this last few months has really shaken me up.
    I do mainly cook and eat at home so keep salt low and probably never eat MSG.
    Nuts are an interesting one as I do often snack on them as I thought they were healthy :(

    One thing I am wondering is I've never had a cold sore in my life (58 YO) so wonder if maybe I don't have the Herpes Virus? Or can you have the virus and never get cold sores?
  6. MikeDB

    MikeDB New Member

    Apr 27, 2022
    Hi John,

    Thanks for responding so quickly and providing all the info, it's very helpful!

    Do you suggest I should take the Lemon Bioflavonoid, Vitamin E and Ginkgo with or without food? Which do you think would be more beneficial (like the Lysine - better before and after food)?

    Thanks again,

    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Terratag

    Terratag New Member

    Mar 18, 2022
    I use 'Barometer' on Apple store - it's a blue icon with a white dial that says hPa on it.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. Tony R

    Tony R New Member

    Jul 25, 2021
  9. John of Ohio

    John of Ohio Active Member

    May 17, 2014
    Food doesn't affect any of those; only lysine.

    --John of Ohio
  10. MikeDB

    MikeDB New Member

    Apr 27, 2022
    OK great, thanks John.
  11. Roxy Barnes Mackey

    Roxy Barnes Mackey New Member

    Apr 11, 2022
    Can you send me a picture of the app. There are several with those colors
  12. jose suarez

    jose suarez Member

    Nov 2, 2020
    question, the hearing loss is progressive when you have meniere's? or is related to the vertigo episode? please who can answer that to me.

    • Like Like x 1
  13. Arras

    Arras New Member

    Jun 11, 2022
    Hi John.

    I have not been diagnosed with Meniere's, but I have all of the symptoms. To date, the ear fullness and tinnitus have been the worst parts, but the dizziness and vertigo have been difficult at times. My ENT says I have BPPV, but I think he thinks my ear fullness will just resolve itself in time (it's been going on 3 months and the tinnitus 1.5 months). Anyway, I have decided to try the Lemon Bioflavonoid Complex and Vinpocetine to try to get my left ear to stop feeling full and perhaps to reduce the tinnitus.

    I just want to say a big thank you for doing the research and for sharing your journey and your process. I am very hopeful that perhaps this combo will give me some relief. I will keep you posted on any progress I make and I just want to give a shout out to all those dealing with Meniere's. I am hoping for you all. These symptoms are miserable.
  14. John of Ohio

    John of Ohio Active Member

    May 17, 2014
    I would strongly recommend that you include the lysine, too. The fullness (in most cases) is caused by the inflammation from an active herpes virus infection in the inner ear. Lysine interferes with the virus's replication process which (eventually) can suppress the replication and the inflammation it causes. Take the lysine as described in the regimen, without food, etc.

    Keep us posted on your progress.

    --John of Ohio
    • Like Like x 1
  15. Tony R

    Tony R New Member

    Jul 25, 2021
    Hi Guys and Gals
    Hope everyone is traveling ok.
    Just wanted to do a quick update.I'm now 8 months into the JOH regime and I'm still being smashed by Meniere's unfortunately. I feel like I have symptoms about 50% of the time. I increased the Lysine to 4000mg daily and also now take 6000IU of Vitamin D. I've also started seeing a Chiropractor to see if that does anything.
    I realise I've basically asked a similar question before, but at 8 months in, most of this year pretty terrible Meniere's wise I'd love to know if it's taken longer than 8 months for anyone to gain relief with the JOH Regime?
    Kind Regards
  16. Donamo

    Donamo Active Member

    May 12, 2014
    I'm sorry that you are in this bad situation Tony. I think it is time to try some new things, have you read the suggestions in the Heal Your Headache book? They helped me. Can you get anti-viral pills? There are lots of things you can try - monolaurin, LDM100, diet, detox, mega Vit-C.

    The very first success I had was with huge doses of liposomal vitamin C. It wasn't pleasant but it showed me that success was possible. JOH is a good system for many but it is not helping you much. I wouldn't stop it but I would suggest you move on - read Heal Your Headache
  17. Tony R

    Tony R New Member

    Jul 25, 2021
    Many thanks for your suggestions,I can't get anyone to prescribe the anti-virals at this stage so I'm going to try and get some online as I'm really interested to try them.I'm in Australia and have asked my ENT and 2 GPs without success.
    My thoughts were to really give the JOH regime a good try before doing other things but I also think it's time to try something else.
    The Heal Your Headache book is very interesting, the diet doesn't look like too much fun.Did you stope everything he suggests?
  18. Donamo

    Donamo Active Member

    May 12, 2014
    Not sure that I stopped everything, maybe at one point I did. Now, I drink coffee. But I avoid all nuts (arginine), MSG. I do follow most of his suggestions and don't find it too tough.

    There are so many things to try. Currently I am trying
    - LDM-100 ( I buy this bundle Lomatium Starter Bundle - MunityBoost and LDM-100)
    - Fulvic & Humic Acid
    - monolauren
    - grape seed extract
    • Like Like x 1
  19. MikeDB

    MikeDB New Member

    Apr 27, 2022
    Just wanted to add to the post I made on April 27th 22...

    Along with the regimen (Lysine, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, MSM, Vitamin D, & Vitamin B Complex) and a low salt, low sugar diet, I have also started taking Betahistine (I believe it's called Serc in the US) 3x 8mg a day (after food).
    After a few days I noticed an improvement but it's now been a month and I'm feeling much better. My drop attacks have stopped, I don't have any vertigo or dizziness and the pressure and feeling of fullness has improved. My hearing is better too. Only tinnitus remains.

    I thought I'd post this because if anyone out there who reads this is suffering from drop attacks, perhaps give Betahistine a go. I have had no side effects at all and noticed a distinct improvement in just a few days.

    All the best to everyone, there is hope!
    • Like Like x 2
  20. Jessica Edwards

    Jessica Edwards New Member

    Jun 17, 2022
    Hi there so encouraging to read Are you still taking it with no side effects? Do you have sensitivity to noise? Thanks J

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