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John of Ohio

JOH (John of Ohio) Regimen for Meniere's Disease details

  1. maireann

    maireann New Member

    May 22, 2020
    I had 5 really bad episodes of vertigo over the course of about 8 months over 2 1/2 years ago. Nothing before and nothing since.

    The ENT I saw at the time gave me a menieres diagnosis but I am not to sure.

    Anyway my biggest problem at the moment is unstable tinnitus meaning that for 2 to 3 days it is severe unmaskable and then for 1 to 2 days it settles down and I am fine with it. This cycle then repeats itself endlessly.

    Was thinking about giving lysine a go to see if this could help - can anyone recommend a make and amount to take. I'm in the UK
  2. Al DM

    Al DM Member

    Aug 29, 2022
    You will find loads of options just on Amazon and it's cheap. Just be warned that the 1000mg tablets are pretty big. If you trouble swallowing big tablets, then get 500mg gel caps instead.

    I just reordered some today. Peak Supplements L-Lysine, 360 * 1000mg tablets, £16.99. I am currently taking 3000mg per day, so that's 4 months worth.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  3. Lynne

    Lynne Member

    Oct 18, 2022
  4. Lynne

    Lynne Member

    Oct 18, 2022
  5. Lynne

    Lynne Member

    Oct 18, 2022
  6. Lynne

    Lynne Member

    Oct 18, 2022
    John and all,
    I am 70 (looked and felt 50). I am no longer strong after 2 mos of struggling w/ ear headache tinnitus (for years) nausea and severe vertigo.
    I ignored the going gradually into the regime. I’m taking the multitude of pills I just wanted to get back to my normal life of living and eating and sports 2-3 xs a day.
    I hope I didn’t screw up. I also, use spices and food to address my issues. I quit daily Melatonin due possible side effects.
    Now, I don’t sleep well. lack of sleep, stress, movement of head and possible food can trigger attacks. Dr. gave me motion sickness and nausea pills. The nausea pills are good. Also, like many vestibular migraine patients suggest is aspirin- that helps slow down a 12 hour attack.

    I hope it all works! It took my life away. I’m being risky trying other stuff….massaging head, ice, sitting up, migraine glasses….
    I’m not giving up!
  7. John of Ohio

    John of Ohio Active Member

    May 17, 2014
    For me (uncommon, not well-recognized) melatonin causes diarrhea. Had to stop using it. Took several weeks for the diarrhea (loose stools) to abate.

    But a major problem in sleep in the modern, electrified world is persisting light throughout the night. Of course, we all close our eyes when sleeping. That's supposed to provide the eye-darkness required for good sleep. But unless you sleep in a dark closet, with the door closed, there will be enough ambient light in your bedroom, from clock faces, or even moonlight through the window, which your body detects; even with closed eyes. That compromises sound sleep.

    The solution? Buy a close-fitting night mask and wear it each night. I use one each night and sleep very well now.

    --John of Ohio
    • Like Like x 1
  8. Lynne

    Lynne Member

    Oct 18, 2022
  9. maireann

    maireann New Member

    May 22, 2020
    Thanks for the info
  10. Lynne

    Lynne Member

    Oct 18, 2022
    Try Vitacost for supplements. That’s one of the ones JOH had recommended. Great prices and what you what. And, yes, I made the mistake of buying the 1,000 mg tablets, even though JOH recommended the 500. He didn’t mention why he chose 2-500’s Vs 1,000. The 1,000’s are hard to swallow!
  11. maireann

    maireann New Member

    May 22, 2020
    Do you have a link to where I can buy these in the UK? I searched amazon but couldn't see them
  12. maireann

    maireann New Member

    May 22, 2020
    Also wondering since I have had no vertigo issues for over 2 years I should progress with 1,000 mg L-Lysine per day rather than 3,000 mg in the hope that this will eventually have a positive effect on the tinnitus?
  13. John of Ohio

    John of Ohio Active Member

    May 17, 2014
    If you've been symptom free for 2 years at 3000mg/day of lysine, it would be fine to drop to 1000mg/day. Very likely the causative virus is entirely suppressed, perhaps even no longer present.

    The tinnitus results from the inflammation that occurred in the inner ear. Not easily repaired. It took several years for mine to subside.

    --John of Ohio
  14. maireann

    maireann New Member

    May 22, 2020
    That's the thing - I have been symptom free for over 2 years without taking lysine or anything else for that matter. However the tinnitus has been very problematic. So was thinking of trying lycine to deal with the tinnitus but not sure to go 3,000 mg or 1,000 mg to start with?
  15. John of Ohio

    John of Ohio Active Member

    May 17, 2014
    I presumed you were on the lysine the entire period. Lysine is inexpensive. Get back on it and see if it helps turn down the tinnitus. But that most likely will take months to occur. Perhaps 2000mg/day would be a good start.

    --John of Ohio
    • Like Like x 1
  16. Lynne

    Lynne Member

    Oct 18, 2022
  17. Lynne

    Lynne Member

    Oct 18, 2022
  18. Lynne

    Lynne Member

    Oct 18, 2022
    Hi, I’m new in this journey I’m on the JOH Regime (~1 month) and I have had 3 ozone insufflation treatment (1 1/2 weeks). The ozone treatments have reduced the fullness in my left ear. And, I think the regime has curbed my migraine-like headaches and helped reduce the intensity of the 12 hour on the floor extreme vertigo. My internest gave me Odansetron (vomit pill. It is a life saver since I was losing weight and it keeps me from vomiting w/in seconds. Also, after I take it, I eat immediately. And, it now is staving off the attacks. What I wanted to ask you was what are the other supplements you were or are taking? Thanks
  19. Lynne

    Lynne Member

    Oct 18, 2022
  20. Ssu11321

    Ssu11321 New Member

    Nov 26, 2022
    This sounds exactly like me! In July of 2020 I was working in AZ and had flown there about a week before this happened. Walked into the room and heard this loud explosion in my left ear and fell to the ground in so much pain. Over the next months I had trouble breathing out of the left side so tried some netipots but no change. Tried the device from CVS to blow air - nothing. I then saw an ENT in Indiana, an ENT in Florida, Dr. Bojrab in Detroit area (Michigan ear institute 3 times), Saw Dr. Bojrab's son once and he said my eust. tube was stuck open. Put me on some panthenol nose spray (something with sodium in it. Tiny little bottle was $100.00. Used it for several months no change.
    All tests were ok except left ear, muffled voices, sounds are amplified, constant humming sound like an air conditioner, and ringing. Constant pressure left ear and trouble breathing out of left nose. At first when I got up around 12,000 feet in the air I could get left ear to pop open. But landing was painful and while on ground ear plugged again. Trying to pop does nothing - sounds like it tries to open but never does. The longer I am up during the day the more pressure. Sometimes have to lay down to get the pressure to relive. It is affecting my work as I cannot hear out of that ear well. People say my words are muffled when I speak. I tried one set of hearing aids, the one that goes over the ear, but I have long hair and wear glasses and the volume controls on the top of the ear got stuck in my hair and fell out of my ear. It did help some but it is the pressure that is affecting me. Tried the Bluetooth ones from another company online and even with the loudest volume could not hear well. Also have been seeing Drew Hall upper cervical in Sarasota, as he has claimed results for Meniere's but after a year I was only able to get that ear open for like 15 minutes. Saw another ENT in Florida and she had my results (CT scans, hearing tests, pressure tests, MRI's) sent to another otolaryngologist in Florida. No diagnosis from anyone until the one in Tampa said I have Cochlear hydrops. A year after this happened one episode of vertigo but none since. Does affect thinking. Now no ability to open the ear even in the air. I tried to reach out to the Dallas group and 3 times sent my labs, tests, etc. and they keep saying they never got it. Sometimes the pressure is so bad have to lay down then if I lay on my right side (left ear is the problem one) pressure let's up a little and I can breathe. Sometimes I do get headaches on that side.
    I had TMJ surgery late 80's so assuming that is not causing the problem. I thought maybe my constant flying had something to do with it but pilots fly all the time. I would give anything to just get rid of the pressure as many times it is painful. I will fly ANYWHERE if I thought I could get this fixed!!

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