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John of Ohio

JOH (John of Ohio) Regimen for Meniere's Disease details

  1. John of Ohio

    John of Ohio Active Member

    May 17, 2014
    Taking 5000IU of vitamin D-3 in one, single dose works fine. Most if not all vitamin D-3 50O0IU products are single softgels, which are filled with a food-grade oil. Vitamin D is fat-soluble, is best absorbed by the body when fats or lipids are present. With the softgels, the included oil provides the fat or oil needed for absorption.

    --John of Ohio
  2. MrE

    MrE Active Member

    Nov 17, 2022
    Thanks John, some people might say that your theories are crazy, but as usual your response is based on solid facts which I appreciate.
  3. Jonny_rotten

    Jonny_rotten New Member

    Dec 20, 2022
    Is there anything in the stack that helps with tinnitus?

    ive upped my l lysine as ive had a cpl of attacks this week

    was on 3g going to up it to 5g
  4. MrE

    MrE Active Member

    Nov 17, 2022
    I’m sure John can answer with more detail, but generally, anything related to circulation could help. The vinpocetine and ginkgo are believed to have helped some people. Other substances such as French maritime pine bark extract (also known under the brand name Pycnogenol) have some clinical data backing up increased cochlear blood flow. On the prescription side, betahistine (brand name SERC) has helped some people as well.

    The challenge remains, that things work in synergy, so it hard to know what helps in isolation. One thing is for sure, rarely does anything help quickly.
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  5. Jonny_rotten

    Jonny_rotten New Member

    Dec 20, 2022
    Cheers mate informative reply

    mine was going great but its gone abit louder lately, i think even since ive upped the l lysine it might of i know @John of Ohio mentioned when you try to fight the virus it fights back so that might be a sign
  6. Jonny_rotten

    Jonny_rotten New Member

    Dec 20, 2022
    Only thing that helps with mine is xanax but obvioisly cant use all time i just use it as a treat
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  7. MrE

    MrE Active Member

    Nov 17, 2022
    If there's one thing I've learned is that positive (or negative for that matter) is not a linear progression, which is why it's so important to remain consistent with your regimen. I have good days that make me hopeful for the future and then bad days that bring me down. However, I keep a daily log and when I look back over the months I see a definite improvement with some of my symptoms.

    I really don't know about the fight back theory, but healing can result in a lot of changes. Case in point, about a month in to taking antivirals I started to feel tightness in my ears and sometimes a low grade blunt pain that I've never felt before. Is that a positive or negative change? I have no idea! LOL
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  8. Jonny_rotten

    Jonny_rotten New Member

    Dec 20, 2022
    Thats exactly it, one bad day you sometimes can overthink it and think your back to the start but its over a month or months you need to track progress

    before this regieme i was having multiple drop attacks every day, now i havent actually had a drop attack for months and months ive still had bad days but not as severe or long lasting
  9. KathyH

    KathyH Member

    Mar 22, 2023
    My ENT said the Betahistine is to increase circulation in ear and that may help to prevent vertigo, not tinnitus....and NIH says takes 6-12 months to work to prevent vertigo/fewer episodes, if at all.
    My tinnitus is now mostly pulsatile in my Meniere's right ear, sometimes like today a high pitch ring in both ears also. Yesterday a neurologist ordered MRIs of neck and brain, of 8th cranial nerve and for acoustic neuroma, as my tinnitus changed to pulsatile this year (used to be hums, roaring, ringing, awful) and I started having vertigo March 1. Pulsatile is awful too.
    I had an Open MRI January 2021 after my first SSNHL and didn't see a neuroma then. This neurologist said Open don't give good enough images.
  10. KathyH

    KathyH Member

    Mar 22, 2023
    have you considered getting therapy for tinnitus? For instance, if you live in WI the UW-Madison has a Tinnitus and Hyperacussis Clinic, with telemedicine.
  11. Jonny_rotten

    Jonny_rotten New Member

    Dec 20, 2022
    Im uk based!
  12. KathyH

    KathyH Member

    Mar 22, 2023
    are there therapists there offering treatment for tinnitus?
    Also, I'm always told that hearing aids can help mask the tinnitus....
  13. Michael_PNW

    Michael_PNW New Member

    Mar 31, 2023
    Hello all,

    I'm new to this forum and just started JOH almost a week ago. My Meniere's diagnosis was about a year ago. I had SSNHL a few months prior. I was able to manage my symptoms fairly well by loosely following the "Heal Your Headache" diet and living a mostly clean lifestyle.

    This year things took a turn for the worse. I had multiple dizzy days a week in January and February with the occasional vertigo. After getting a dizzy spell while driving I decided I needed to look into some other therapies. I started NUCCA in February. NUCCA seems to be helping. I only had one dizzy spell in the first half of March, but things have been bad again these past couple of weeks.

    I was feeling decent when I took my afternoon dose of l-lysine today, but starting feeling dizzy about 30 minutes later. Have other people had similar experiences with lysine? If so, when did you find that things started settling down? I know MD affects us all differently, but there do seem to be some common themes.
  14. John of Ohio

    John of Ohio Active Member

    May 17, 2014
    Commonly, when starting with the lysine symptoms may actually get worse for a time. Similar reports from some taking prescription antiherpetic drugs. The virus goes into a rapid replication mode when being suppressed by either lysine or prescription antiherpetic drugs.

    But in almost every case where this happens the virus wears itself out with its increased activity and control of the virus ensues. Hence, persist. Things should start to turn around in a while (a few days to a few weeks). After that there should be good control with the lysine.

    --John of Ohio
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. UKPaul

    UKPaul New Member

    Apr 2, 2023
    I am starting on the JOH regime. I am already using betahistine (16mgx3). Is there a benefit for taking lemom bioflavonoids too?
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  16. Jonny_rotten

    Jonny_rotten New Member

    Dec 20, 2022
    Upped my l lysine to 5-6g a day to try and put this thing in remission

    its strange though anytime i up it i actsually feel noticibly more dizzy/swooshy for good few days untill then in subsides
  17. Mosen

    Mosen New Member

    Apr 12, 2023
    Florida, USA
    Hi John. I have been diagnosed with the Meniere disease and I started your recommended regiment last year after taking all the known medications and receive absolutely no relief from them. So I started searching and accidentally came across your article and the regiment. I decided to talk to my doctors about it and the conversation was very short and negative, as you also mention in your article. I decided to go forward with the regiment last April and I can tell everyone that it has been like a miracle for me. My vertigo attacks have subsided to almost zero although I still have minor dizziness. My hearing is completely lost in one ear, so I have the Cochlear now in the right ear and just about gone in the other one with about 50% left which I'm trying to hang on to it with dear life. I think the regiment has also helped me with keeping the hearing that I have left. It took me this long to find you to tell you about this and thank you for the regiment and your guidance. Thanks again, Mosen from Florida.
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  18. John of Ohio

    John of Ohio Active Member

    May 17, 2014

    I'm so glad that the regimen has worked for you. Just the reason I posted it, to help people.

    And, yes, the medical profession doesn't much concern themselves with anything like the regimen. It's all over the counter supplements, and there are no "studies" showing that herpes viruses are a cause of Meniere's. Nonetheless, about 85% of those with the disease, who carefully try the regimen, get the relief you did. Thanks for posting your success. It can encourage others.

    --John of Ohio
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  19. Mosen

    Mosen New Member

    Apr 12, 2023
    Florida, USA
    Thanks again John. You mention that herpes viruses are showing up in studies to be the cause of Meniere's. Do you recommend taking any herpes medication along with your regiment? If so, which drug or supplement do you prefer or recommend?
  20. MrE

    MrE Active Member

    Nov 17, 2022
    Mosen, have you taken a prescription antiviral at any point? Acyclovir, Valacyclovir, and Famciclovir are the top three.
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