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John of Ohio

JOH (John of Ohio) Regimen for Meniere's Disease details

  1. John of Ohio

    John of Ohio Active Member

    May 17, 2014
    No, actually there are no clinical studies that are accepted by the general medical community that definitively show that herpes viruses are causes of Meniere's. Most medical professionals contend that the disease is profoundly idiopathic, of unknown or unknowable causes.

    But herpes viruses do not react to the absence of any studies that might show them to be causes of the disease. In fact, about 85% of those who diligently try my regimen, focused centrally on the taking of lysine, gain symptomatic relief. (I know this from analyzing over 240 regimen user comments emailed to me.)

    There can be no harm in combining prescription antiherpetic drugs along with the lysine. Whether such a combination yields improved therapy is not yet known.

    --John of Ohio
  2. Mosen

    Mosen New Member

    Apr 12, 2023
    Florida, USA
    No I have not. Should I ask my doctor for it or is it over counter? Also, is it a one time ordeal or do I have to take it for a long time, like a regiment? Thank you John
  3. John of Ohio

    John of Ohio Active Member

    May 17, 2014
    Yes, Acyclovir, Valacyclovir, and Famciclovir are the top three prescription antiherpetic (herpes-treating) drugs. But I've had no personal experience with them; have no particular expertise regarding them. But I find no reason that my regimen and these prescription drugs can't be used or tried simultaneously. They do not conflict with each other.

    --John of Ohio
  4. Symphony88

    Symphony88 New Member

    Oct 22, 2022
    Can you tell me the types of things that can happen to the body if too much lysine is taken? I have now lowered my lysine and am consulting with my neurologist on taking valcyte.
  5. John of Ohio

    John of Ohio Active Member

    May 17, 2014
    In fact, do an online search for information on the side effects or toxicity of lysine. There appears to be no definitive data or information on the topic. Lysine is apparently very safe; without any recognized side effects.

    --John of Ohio
  6. Good Listener

    Good Listener New Member

    May 29, 2023
    Hi. I've been dealing with Meniere's-like symptoms (mostly minus the vertigo) for about 18 months without a formal diagnosis from my ENT, but I'm going back next week to try to nail it down. I suspect there may be an allergic component to it, given the circumstances of my history with it. I have purchased all of the supplements.

    The symptom which most concerns me is the low-frequency hearing loss, which I experience in my right ear. It does come and go, and sometimes I hear distortion below about 100Hz on days when I'm having fullness, and only occasionally does it return to normal. Has anyone claimed to have restored their LF hearing loss on this regimen?
  7. Good Listener

    Good Listener New Member

    May 29, 2023
    I'm very interested in knowing if anything might be vasoconstrictive—Alzheimer's prevention is big with me, and the vascular component to dementias means that I'm always trying to maximize blood flow. I think I'll have to take a cautious approach to Lysine in case it turns out to be counterproductive to my other health goals.
  8. Good Listener

    Good Listener New Member

    May 29, 2023
    I may have spoken too soon: Is Herpes A Trigger for Alzheimer’s Disease? - Holistic Primary Care

    Contains mention of 7 double-blinds testing lysine supplementation for anti-herpetic treatment for the potential benefit of Alzheimer's prevention. It's from 2011, but I find Perlmutter to be pretty sound on most things metabolic. I will continue Lysine.
  9. arcticblueice

    arcticblueice Member

    Aug 12, 2018
    I have been using 24mg betahistine and the JOH regimen since 2017 for bilateral Ménière’s disease with very good success in eliminating all the symptoms except the tinnitus. However my hearing loss continued until 2020 and by the grace of God it has now stabilised. The result was losing about 90% of my hearing on the right and about 30% on the left. All the best my friend
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  10. JanieJiffy

    JanieJiffy Member

    Apr 30, 2023
    Can you tell me if that's 24 MG per day, or per pill, of Betahistine?

    I am reluctant to start Betahistine during the allergy season as I understand you shouldn't take antihistamines at the same time.
  11. arcticblueice

    arcticblueice Member

    Aug 12, 2018
    24mg betahistine every 8 hours. In America a compound pharmacist will make 24mg capsules or any customised dose per the prescription. In the UK, it is one 16mg tablet & one 8mg tablet(comes in a box). The total daily dose is 72mg. On a separate note the people I read about not having success with betahistine are taking lower doses of 8-16mg daily. Other people have written that higher daily dosages of up to 96mg have brought them really good results as well but the wild card is there is “your Ménière’s and my Ménière’s” so it takes time and patience to find that sweet spot in what your body responds to. I took an early retirement from my job in my 40’s because my body couldn’t take the stress but I work full time now in my 50’s and my bilateral MD symptoms are better managed. I give thanks to God Almighty for his mercy. All the best my friend.
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  12. JanieJiffy

    JanieJiffy Member

    Apr 30, 2023
    Thanks so much! I pray for God's mercy too, as with this vertigo, I can't be of much use to either myself or my family.
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  13. JanieJiffy

    JanieJiffy Member

    Apr 30, 2023
    I'd also like to ask, how quickly did Betahistine work for you?
  14. arcticblueice

    arcticblueice Member

    Aug 12, 2018
    Within 5-7 days the vertigo was reduced to mild dizziness and after about 15 days the dizziness stopped as well. It is worth mentioning that the JOH regimen took about 4 months to achieve the desired results. I have not had any vertigo since 2019 and I have had no dizziness since April 2020. Betahistine only helped with the vertigo and the JOH regimen helps with everything else except my permanent tinnitus that is a result from losing so much of my hearing. I wish you all the best on your journey to feeling better, keep going….
    Never, never, never give up - Winston Churchill
  15. John SC

    John SC New Member

    May 28, 2023
    Thanks for the report on JOH helping after four months. I am about 1 -1/2 months in trying JOH. Things are definitely better, sometimes a feel fine, sometimes a bit off, but only one real episode since I started, which is a huge improvement. Fatigue is still an issue.
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  16. jose suarez

    jose suarez Member

    Nov 2, 2020
    my question is, the loss of hearing is gradually part of the disease? or we just loss hearing when we had a vertigo?
  17. Mosen

    Mosen New Member

    Apr 12, 2023
    Florida, USA
    I've been on John's regiment for the past 14 months for my Meniere and I can tell you that I have made some tremendous improvements on my vertigo and dizziness but no improvement on my hearing loss as of yet. Along with Vestibular exercises, John's regiment has done wonders for me and I can say that I'm getting back to normalcy with only 1 attack in the past year. I wish you luck Jose.
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  18. John SC

    John SC New Member

    May 28, 2023
    For me, the hearing loss was the first symptom and the other issues came up much later.
  19. jose suarez

    jose suarez Member

    Nov 2, 2020
    i been using the JOH regimen for almost 3 years now and I dont have it any (thanks god) vertigo episodes, I'm feel super great, just the tinnitus still bothering but is not in a high pitch. only when i ingest something that has high sodium it increases the ringing. i have it audiometric test every year last year my hearing increases a little bit. but my question is if someone know that the hearing loss is gradually because of the mernier or is just only related when we got a vertigo attack?
  20. Mosen

    Mosen New Member

    Apr 12, 2023
    Florida, USA
    Not sure if this is the answer you're looking for, but for me, the hearing loss came before the Vertigo and dizziness.

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