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John of Ohio

JOH (John of Ohio) Regimen for Meniere's Disease details

  1. susan silberman

    susan silberman New Member

    Sep 1, 2020
    Again, thank you for taking your time to help people feel better.
    The problem with this VitaCost L-Lysine is that it is 1000 mg and according to the reviews it is very large and hard to swallow. I cannot seem to find a L-Lysine with vitamin B6 in 500 mg capsules.
    I did check my multi vitamin which I take each day and it does have 25 mg of B6. Do you think it is sufficient. If it is I can order L-Lysine free form through many websites.
  2. John of Ohio

    John of Ohio Active Member

    May 17, 2014
    Many companies sell lysine; not just Vitacost. Check around and purchase a pure lysine supplement. The vitamin B6 is not a part of the regimen; not required for it to work.

    --John of Ohio
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  3. susan silberman

    susan silberman New Member

    Sep 1, 2020
    How do I know if it is pure? I see they list "free form".
  4. John of Ohio

    John of Ohio Active Member

    May 17, 2014
    "Free form" means that the lysine molecule is not attached to any other molecule or amino acid. It's pure lysine. If the product label says "L-lysine" or "lysine," it will work. For purity, look at the product label, see if it lists anything other than just "L-lysine" or "lysine."

    --John of Ohio
  5. Lachlan

    Lachlan New Member

    Sep 7, 2023
    People should be aware of vitamin B6 toxicity, especially if there is B6 in other multi vitamins they are taking. I personally experienced peripheral neuropathy from taking 75mg B6 per day included in the Vitacost 1000mg L-lysine (3x 25mg).

    I am switching back to the Vitamin Shoppe 1000mg L-lysine which has no B6.

    B6 toxicity reported by many users to occur from as little as 10-20mg per day. Doesn’t happen for everyone, but people should be aware.
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  6. susan silberman

    susan silberman New Member

    Sep 1, 2020
    What about L-lysine as HCI, free form. Is that pure? Sorry. Just looking for the right one.
    Thank you
  7. John of Ohio

    John of Ohio Active Member

    May 17, 2014
    Lysine HCl (lysine hydrochloride) is the lysine-hydrochloride salt of pure lysine. The HCl ion keeps the lysine stable and unreacted while in dry storage. But when consumed the HCl ion dissolves away, making the lysine freely available in the body. A pure lysine HCl product will function well to slow or stop herpes virus replication.

    --John of Ohio
  8. Lachlan

    Lachlan New Member

    Sep 7, 2023
    3 months into JOH. Have people found that there is an inconsistent improvement in their symptoms? For example, my hearing is now as good as it has been in years in my affected ear. Fullness and tinnitus greatly diminished from pre JOH days. But these past two weeks I am experiencing some balance issues and dizziness when moving my head too quickly. Is it possible that the brain has to counter-balance with the improved signals it is now getting from the inner ear which is now unbothered by an active herpes virus? Could that explain the dizziness?
  9. April55

    April55 Member

    Aug 10, 2017
    All of us are different but it took almost a year to stop having vertigo attacks (that finally happened in 2018) and I still take many of the supplements but I still have balance issues and the occasional day where I get a brief dizzy feeling that passes quickly thankfully. Your guess seems like a good one but who really knows since this malady is so complicated to manage? I hope you have better luck with your symptoms soon.
  10. noein

    noein New Member

    Sep 10, 2021

    I've been diagnosed for a few years now (on diuretics and low salt diet) and figured I'd give this regimen a try. I've lost around 50 percent of my hearing in my affected ear (fluctuates) and have constant tinnitus. I have bouts of dizziness in clusters that occur every 1 to 3 months on average.

    I started about a week ago on 3000mg of Lysine and just introduced Vinpocetine today. No relief yet - which isn't surprising. I will report back if/when my symptoms subside or improve - or if they don't improve after the 6 month period.

    Thank you for all of this,
  11. April55

    April55 Member

    Aug 10, 2017
    Good luck! It took me almost 8 months for the vertigo spells to stop. I had weekly ones and then after about 3 or 4 months I was down to one a month. And then finally in June of 2018 I had my last attack. I am still taking 3 of the supplements. I am too superstitious to stop even if it was just a coincidence that it seemed to help.
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  12. noein

    noein New Member

    Sep 10, 2021
    Interestingly, two weeks into the regimen and I've been experiencing multiple episodes of dizziness (not vertigo) daily, which lasts for 30 to 60 minutes or so which is new to me so definitely has worsened my symptoms. It's manageable, but still disruptive.

    Hopefully this is a sign that this regimen will work for me if I stick to it.
  13. Thierry

    Thierry New Member

    Aug 30, 2023
    Hi, i'm wondering if anyone can help? I have had Meniere's now for about 5 years and this year the vertigo / tinnitus / drop attack holy trinity were making my life miserable and that is when I discovered this forum.

    I started off the regimen about 3 months ago with Lysine and within 1 month I was taking the full regimen of Lysine, Lemon Bioflavonoids, Vitamin B complex, Vitamin D + K2, Magnesium, Gingko Biloba, Vinpocetine, MSM, Vitamin E and lastly slow release Vitamin C.

    My symptoms have improved massively and have gone from weekly episodes of vertigo and sometimes weeks long stretches of constant tinnitus and aural pressure with the occasional drop attack to virtually no more vertigo and occasional tinnitus.


    For the past month and a half I have developed persistent insomnia. This is very unusual as I have always been a good sleeper and generally quite a calm person who doesn't spend a lot of time on screens. I'm not under any stress and I have been over everything and I feel almost certain this has developed from the medication.

    Has anyone else had this experience and does anyone have any knowledge of what might be causing this? Obviously it's great that the vertigo has stopped but the insomnia is pretty awful at the moment and affecting my daily life. Maybe I should specify that going to sleep is easy and hasn't changed but I wake up consistently about 2-4 hours before my alarm every morning feeling ready to start the day.

    As I have said, this is very unusual and any advice would be welcome.
  14. John of Ohio

    John of Ohio Active Member

    May 17, 2014
    Try deleting the vinpocetine, or, at least, take it only in the morning. After a week or so, see if that improves sleep.

    --John of Ohio
  15. Mark55

    Mark55 Active Member

    Feb 23, 2020
    Washoe Valley, Nevada
    Prior to starting the Lysine, I was 5 months no vertigo, but ear fullness, tinnitus and sensitivity bad. First day at 1500 mg, moved to 3000 mg following week. short duration vertigo. Increased episodes each day. Then came the drop attacks... 1st one in a store, 2nd one in a ditch. 3rd one hit hard in kitchen, but I took a knee and done in 15 seconds. In fact all were short in duration. No attacks for the last 7 days or so. It's not BPPV, I have had that in early years. Here's the thing, shortly after taking my two Lysine, My head gets loopy. Very light headed almost drop attack feeling in the head. I power through it and go on. But this happens every day and gets worse after my two pills in afternoon. I considered stopping to see if it makes a difference, but too committed now. The feeling is tough to deal with. Always fear the drop is seconds away haha! As John has said, sometimes it gets worse before getting better. And... almost 30 days now with the Lysine.
    Have a blessed and dizzy free day!
    • Like Like x 1
  16. Grenadineflaps

    Grenadineflaps New Member

    Aug 10, 2023
    4 month update: My symptoms of ear fullness went from 10x daily, to 2x weekly, and the intensity of the pressure is very minimal. Daily disorientation, dizzy spells, and brain fog is gone. Tinnitus has decreased significantly. It's still there, I'd rate it out at 1, or 2 out of 10 per day. What's changed is the frequency and duration of the tinnitus. There has been days where it will kick on for a few minutes then I get distracted and its gone. Prior to JOH, tinnitus was LOUD and would be present a lot of the day, especially at night after exercise. No vertigo!

    I haven't changed my diet much. Weight is stable. Low sodium for the last 2 years since my MD diagnosis. No alcohol. 1-2 cups of coffee per day.

    I feel like I am myself again. The mental health part of MD affects me still such as the fear and depression of the symptoms returning. The catastrophizing thoughts such as, “I am going to go deaf, lose my job, and lose my house, etc”. Extreme but it’s common with chronic illnesses. My wife has noticed an improvement in mood. I am connecting more with my 3 and 6 year old which means everything to me.

    I am so grateful to John, and science for this gift.

    For new members, here's what I am taking:

    -Lysine, 1000mg, 3x daily, (morning, noon, night)

    -Lemon bioflavonoid 500 mg, daily (noon)

    -Vinpocetin. 10mg, 3x daily, (morn, noon, night)

    -Ginko biloba 500mg, 1x daily (morn)

    -Vitamin C sustained release, 500mg, 1x daily (noon)

    -Vitamin E-400 IU mixed tocopherols, 1x daily (noon)

    -No more Methylsufonylmethane, started with it, but trying to eliminate what I can.

    I've added "Dr. Berg's Vitamin D3, K2, Magnesium w/ MCT Oil.” 1x daily. This is recommend by many ENT’s for Tinnitus.

    Lastly, I take 250 mg Magnesium Daily. Google says 400 mg is daily max.


    Betahistine, aka Serc, 8mg, 2x daily (morn, night). If I am symptom free for longer than 3-4 months I will titrate down the Betahistine. Betahistine is not made in the US. I have it shipped from Canada. I believe a compounding pharmacy will make it for you, but it's pricey. I think last I called they wanted $85 for 120 pills.

    I may be rushing to this conclusion, but based on JOH findings and my own experience, I believe that Lysine, in combination with Dr. Berg’s Vitamin D3, K2, and Magnesium w/ MCT oil, would be a killer combo to battle MD.

    Quick side note: even though my symptoms have improved, I have noticed that if I have limited sleep, say less than 5 hours, my symptoms kick up the next day. Sleep is so important for this disease folks!

    Any questions, please reach out. If it’s lengthy, a direct instant message may be appropriate.
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2023
  17. Paul101

    Paul101 Member

    Jan 30, 2023
    I am only taking 120mg of ginkgo is that ok
  18. John of Ohio

    John of Ohio Active Member

    May 17, 2014
    You might try doubling the ginkgo, to two 120s. See how that works.

    --John of Ohio
  19. Paul101

    Paul101 Member

    Jan 30, 2023
    Did you not say 120mg on your regime or was that changed
  20. John of Ohio

    John of Ohio Active Member

    May 17, 2014
    Actually, I don't recall the amount of ginkgo I listed in my regimen. If it was 120mg, that should be enough. I don't take any of my regimen anymore; completely free of symptoms for many years now.

    --John of Ohio
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