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John of Ohio

JOH (John of Ohio) Regimen for Meniere's Disease details

  1. Jon Owens

    Jon Owens New Member

    May 25, 2023
    Ive started on the Olive leaf extract and also the vinpocetine OLE has helped some folks with MD. I was taking the 1000mg/day lysine/ JOH regimen over the last year with good results, but last week started to get tinnitus again bad and slight vertigo, not serious. So I've stopped the lysine b/c it clashes with the OLE they cancel out the benefits. Ill update hopefully.
  2. Mark55

    Mark55 Active Member

    Feb 23, 2020
    Washoe Valley, Nevada
    So I have been taking Lysine along with a high Lysine/low arginine eating plan. I started the Lysine back in November.prior to starting Lysine, no vertigo previous 5 months. Had several short duration drop vertigo attacks as soon as I started Lysine.
    Never had a drop type till on the Lysine. Over the last 2 weeks, I have had sudden onset vertigo that would put me to my knee and hanging on. Very short.like 15 seconds. Spin stops, I get up and continue with what I'm doing. This has been daily for 2 weeks now. Today, out shoveling snow and super bad drop hit me. Felt like someone knocked me down hard. Similar to one I had in November. Hard hitting and took some time to get on my feet. I had just taken my afternoon 1000 mg Lysine before going outside. (I take 3000 mg a day). The big question: do I keep on the Lysine? Go off of it and see what happens or increase to 4000 mg day or more?? Been about 3 1/2 months on the Lysine. Thoughts, ideas please?
    Thanks for the responses! I have been under treatment of upper cervical chiropractic. In 20', remission phase for almost 2 years. MD came back with a fury. Last July went on SPI-1005 drug trial. Took out the vertigo. Wanted to see if I could put it to bed, thus the Lysine. Short vertigo and 2 bad drop attacks.... argh. I have a
    Thanks for the responses. I am gonna stop and see how things go. I have been under the care of NUCCA Chiros multiple times over the years. The last (6 months ago) made things worse. Been to acupuncture treatment as well. Nada....I have been on the SPI-1005 drug trial on the real stuff since July. No vertigo till November. As far as Eppley, been there, done that. I have had major head injuries, accidents, TMJ, amalgam fillings and found out Dad had Menieres. Too many potential causes to filter through, though I have tried many since diagnosed in 2018. I will be adding the Serc (Betahistine) to my list in the next month or so. Who knows, I might even go antiviral and Lysine down the road. We shall see what the future brings. Y'all are in my thoughts and prayers. Stay strong!
    • Like Like x 1
  3. Mark55

    Mark55 Active Member

    Feb 23, 2020
    Washoe Valley, Nevada
    Never looked into the olive leaf extract. I will check it out.
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  4. Thierry

    Thierry New Member

    Aug 30, 2023

    Update on my insomnia: after stopping the vinpocetine and rejigging a couple of the pills (vitamin D, B gingko) to the morning instead of evening it is basically all gone - thanks!

    I have been on the regimen for about 6 months now and my symptoms have improved a lot although they're not gone fully. (Thanks so much John) I get an occasional week of tinnitus or vertigo here and there but ultimately so much fewer than it was.

    I'm just wondering if it's a good idea to start reducing the pills and if so, which ones would be best to drop out? Obviously not the Lysine but maybe a few of the vitamins? Not sure.. Or if this is a good idea at all?

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  5. Pa Cowboy

    Pa Cowboy Member

    Mar 17, 2019
    I'm not John (nobody is) but my thoughts would be to continue for at least one year before considering reducing anything.
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  6. Good Listener

    Good Listener New Member

    May 29, 2023
    Yes I agree. I’ve had what seemed like two distinctive events surrounding the s start—or discontinuation — of the regimen.

    At the beginning, I experienced the only vertigo thus far within 2-3 weeks of starting (as JOH had predicted). The other was when I stopped taking the regimen for few weeks I had the first two attacks of SSN hearing loss in 3 months. I now operate under the idea that none of this hurting me to keep taking it.
  7. Paul101

    Paul101 Member

    Jan 30, 2023
    Well done
  8. apenultimate

    apenultimate New Member

    Mar 23, 2024
    New member here, and first of all I'd like to sincerely thank JOH for the regimen. In Nov. 2021, my Meniere's was at the point where I was having vertigo attacks and nausea/vomiting daily unless I took meclizine multiple times per day, which of course helped, but made me super sleepy all day. It was unsustainable. My doctors had tried diuretics (actually seemed to make things worse!), steroid injections into the ear (no effect), and were on the verge of doing the surgery. Of course I had stopped salty meals, caffeinated drinks, alcohol, and even chocolate to a certain extent. Did not make any difference.

    I saw your regimen online, and started with the lemon bioflavinoid, which didn't help much--except that my nausea and vomiting stopped when having a vertigo attack. I'd still be on the floor, but at least I wasn't making a mess! So, perhaps there is some good that comes from the lemon bioflavinoid!

    After 1.5 months of that (and continued meclizine), I started in on the vinpocetine. Let me tell you, for me THAT is the item in your regimen that works best. I felt almost normal for the first time in a couple months after taking the first pill, and soon I scaled it up to two and then three pills a day. No vertigo at all.

    After about 4 months, the effectiveness of just those 2 supplements seemed to be waning just a bit (I felt closer to having vertigo then I had been), so I started the L-lysine. It seemed to help solidify the non-vertigo and I took that religiously for about 5 months (six 500 mg pills per day). Honestly, though--that many pills is hard to keep up every day. And I let it slip after 5 months, and until now I've been taking only two to four 500 mg pills per day (some lucky days I'll hit six pills). I know, according to the regimen, that's not enough to make a real difference. But, my lemon bioflavinoid/vinpocetine combo seemed to be picking up the slack again, and my vertigo disappeared.

    About the second half of 2022 (7 or 8 months in), I started drinking coffee and alcohol once in a while, and it was okay. My tinitus never entirely went away, but with the semi-regimen, the ringing was low and easily tolerated. In 2023, I started drinking coffee every day. The ringing came back and reduced, varying greatly throughout the year, but no vertigo. About a month ago, I had my first vertigo episode in more than two and a quarter years, and had to cut out my coffee and alcohol again. Now things are good again.

    At any rate, a bit more data to throw onto the pile. I've avoided the surgery. I can find the lemon bioflavinoid in the United States (nutritionexpress.com) and continue to take it, as I have seen some benefit on the nausea end. Vinpocetine is the greatest supplement having action for me. The L-lysine seems to have benefit, but I don't have the discipline to take it at this time (my days are way too busy, and I'd rather ensure my mid-day vinpocetine (taken with food) than the mid-day L-lysine (taken without food).

    Feel free to ask any questions. That's been my experience. But, as I said before, none of these last 2+ years would have happened without you JOH! A thousand thanks!!!
  9. apenultimate

    apenultimate New Member

    Mar 23, 2024
    Just to add--because I continue to drink caffeine and alcohol on occasion, my hearing in my right ear continues to slowly degrade. The loss of hearing has not stopped at all. However, I've come to accept that--the hearing in my left ear is still 100%. If I start losing hearing there, or getting tinitus in my left ear, then I will (very, very) reluctantly eliminate my caffeine and alcohol intake just to preserve my hearing. But, not before. That's my personal choice. I'm in my mid-50s and male.
  10. apenultimate

    apenultimate New Member

    Mar 23, 2024
    Sorry, my first post is awaiting moderation--had no idea my second post, shown above, would just sail right through!
  11. Jon Owens

    Jon Owens New Member

    May 25, 2023
    apenultimate The other night I had raging tinnitus and some bad nausea/dizziness no vomiting fortunately, just came back after a good while 12 months or more, I'm better now but tinnitus still bad. I will listen to your advice and raise my lysine from 1k mg to 2k and quit the coffee, see how that goes. thanks for the info.
  12. apenultimate

    apenultimate New Member

    Mar 23, 2024
    Jon--yeah, the coffee can really set things off, especially for me when allergies are very bad (which right now in California, they are terrible). I find when allergies go away, I can usually resume coffee/alcohol to some extent, although that probably does not help my hearing loss or tinnitus.

    That's just me, though. I'm sure there are many people for whom allergies play no role.
  13. Diane B

    Diane B New Member

    Mar 30, 2023
    Hi Susan, I just started the regimen, but already take a lot of pills for other conditions. This Meniere's added to an already messed up body:( I found Horbaach L-Lysine 1000mg on Amazon. It's smaller, has a full 1000mg and is an easy to swallow pill.

    I found Betahistine and was able to get my ENT to prescribe it. I woke with horrible tinnitus and pressure just over a year ago. We tracked back dizziness and nausea, that a previous ENT call BPPV. I haven't had any dizziness or nausea spells, but the pressure causes horrible discomfort with medium noises and my tinnitus is more bearable, after the Betahistine. My hearing loss is mid level in my right. My left ear also has tinnitus and pressure, with occasional hearing loss.

    Fingers tightly crossed that the JOH regimen will help. I've been on the Lysine 2 weeks, lemon Bioflavonoids for a week and just start the Vinpocetine.
  14. noein

    noein New Member

    Sep 10, 2021
    Hey all,

    I've been on the regimen now for a bit over 6 months and figured I'd provide some updates.
    I'm taking 3000mg of Lysine, 10mg of Vinpocetine, 1000mg lemon bioflavonoids and 120mg Ginkgo Biloba daily. I've maybe missed a day here and there.

    I've had no vertigo since starting the regimen. Note previously it was common for me to go 3-4 months without an episode, however I'm still vertigo free at 6+ months, I consider that a win. I do have occasional off balance days still that meclizine clears up, but doesn't impact my life much.

    Tinnitus/hearing wise I'd say slight improvements, but it fluctuates. I'm not super concerned here regardless as vertigo/dizziness is my main issue.

    Overall I feel like I've seen some decent improvements since starting the regimen and I plan to continue for at least another 6 months before reducing anything. I'll likely add MSM and Vitamin D as well (haven't yet). I still take a daily diuretic as well.

    Hope this helps anyone and I'd recommend giving this regimen a shot if you haven't tried it yet.
  15. David Enzler

    David Enzler New Member

    Apr 26, 2024

    Hello togehter
    My Name is David i'm 27 year old and have now since about 3-4 year my Meniere Problems.

    I have been taking your cure since the end of January.

    First L-Lysine
    -January 27th Lemon Bioflavonoids
    -February 3 Vinpocetine
    -February 12 Ginkgo Biloba
    -February 18 Vitamin C
    -February 24 Vitamin E
    -March 2 MSM

    Before I started the cure, I simply had a feeling of pressure, tinitus and drowsiness.

    Since I have been taking all the components together, I hear much less and have pulsating tinitus. Because I could hear much less, I had to go to the doctor and they always injected cortisone shots into my ear. I have not been taking the treatment since April. But my ear hasn't improved since the injections.

    Two years ago, my doctor put a T-tube in my eardrum so that I could equalize the pressure better. Does anyone have any experience of whether this treatment works at all with the T-tube in the ear?

    I would be very pleased to hear an answer.

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