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Need Advice

Discussion in 'Your Living Room' started by PattiD, Dec 24, 2015.

  1. Vicki

    Vicki Guest

    don't blame you nroper, do what you can do stop the symptoms
  2. Cheryl

    Cheryl Active Member

    May 23, 2014
    The human body needs 500 mg of sodium a day to survive. If one is going that low with sodium, then they're probably not eating enough food to get other required nutrients a body needs.
  3. BumbleBea

    BumbleBea Fallen Angel

    May 13, 2014

    The advice I can give you is that for the shower and other places that bother your ears, try the wax ear plugs they sell for kids to put in their ears when they swim.
    I've used them in the shower, when it's windy, or even places with loudness all around. I've even worn them in my home because they just feel comforting. You can still hear and because they are wax you can fit it to any size.

    Call me weird, but I even carry them in my purse just in case. You never know if say you're going to the grocery store and the noise is bothering you.

    Hope this helps some.
  4. PattiD

    PattiD Member

    Dec 19, 2015
    I probably am not getting enough sodium then. I'm trying to stay low, but probably too low, especially since I drink so much water. This is getting so complicated. I just wish I knew my triggers already.

    BumbleBea, that is great advice. I was actually thinking of getting some ear plugs, and was just thinking tonight of putting some of my husband's foam ones in my purse because we are due for a fire drill at work.
  5. Cheryl

    Cheryl Active Member

    May 23, 2014
    I would agree, PattiD. Drinking that much water is flushing a lot of sodium out of your body. Do you have your electrolytes checked by your doctor regularly? My doctor told me to stay around 1500 mg per day.
  6. Vicki

    Vicki Guest

    Patti, keep a journal, when you get symptoms write down what you have eaten that day up until when you got symptoms.

    But if you want to avoid certain foods in general they would be to make sure your daily intake of lysine is more than arginine.
    Follow the MAV diet which can be found in our forums DB.

    eating nuts or raisins (both high in arginine) makes me feel horribly off balance and can bring on a vertigo attack for me.

    You may be getting dizzy from the very low salt diet. I agree with Cheryl to have your electrolytes checked and your blood pressure
  7. scott tom

    scott tom Active Member

    May 14, 2015
    Do you take daily valium or other benzos? They are known to cause tinnitus and hyperacusis.
  8. PattiD

    PattiD Member

    Dec 19, 2015
    I need to be checked more often. I feel I'm out here by myself with my doctors. No one talks to the other. My endocrinologist sees me once a year and no one checked my thryoid levels so consequently I was hyperthroid which caused me other problems. I thought it was Meniere's and anxiety, but it wasn't. I had thryoid cancer almost 7 years ago, so I have no thyroid. I rely on Synthroid. My PCM wanted me to see my endo to get my levels checked. This isn't such an easy task. I have to get a referral to see him. I begged her to check my levels because I thought I was Hyper, but instead she put me on Lexopro which made things worse. I begged her again to check my levels and she finally did. I was right. I was hyperthryoid, and I stopped Lexopro because it was horrible.

    THe visit to the ENT was horrible in Oct. and he walked out of the room and told me to see a different ENT (more specialized). He wanted to put me on diuretic, but I questioned him and he didn't like that. So then I had to wait 2 months to see this other guy in the city. This ENT specialist recommended I don't go on a diuretic just yet.

    I have no drugs at all besides my Synthroid. I see a new PCM next week and I'll have a list for her to check.

    Really the only constant saving grace I've had is my chiropractor who has given me lots of tips and advice. He even told me to salt things now and then because my brain needs salt.
  9. PattiD

    PattiD Member

    Dec 19, 2015
    Felt good last night and fullness has diminished in ear. I've been using ear plugs while blow drying my hair, and that has helped. Went to bed and slept great. Woke up a little early and was just laying there, noticing the ringing/humming in my ear was less. Turned my head slightly to the left and slowly but surely the ringing/humming started getting louder and louder. Messaged my neck and did exercises but it's still coming on strong. Sounds similar as my furnace. Wondering why turning my head to the left would cause this to happen in my right ear. I have to go to work and I hope nothing happens.
  10. Vicki

    Vicki Guest

    have you been checked for BPPV? that's a simple fix if that's what's going on BPPV is common with MM.
  11. PattiD

    PattiD Member

    Dec 19, 2015
    Can you have both? No one listens to me. This whole MM thing started when I was exercising after 25 years of not. I was going crazy with 4 days a week, sometimes 2 classes back to back. I was doing great! Then one day I was doing a plank and something in my ear/head area popped. It didn't hurt. It just popped. The muscle behind my ear/head was sore, but not bad at all. Lasted a few days. Then about a month later I got my first vertigo. I tell this to every ENT, neurologist, doctor, but no one seems to listen. I think it started there.
  12. Cjbeau

    Cjbeau Member

    Apr 8, 2015
    I know the feeling of thinking that no one listens. I went to many different doctors before I found one that kind of listens. It sounds like you could have a fistula, which is difficult to diagnose and find on an MRI. The only way to find it is to do exploratory surgery. For a while I thought I had a fistula because my dizziness started with a forceful sneeze, and I think my neurotologist is partially convinced that I do too, but all tests point to Meniere's and that's what we're going with. You might want to Google perilymph fistula to see if your symptoms match and if they do, bring it up with your ENT or your neurotologist.

    My neurotologist also told me that meniere's can be caused by trauma to the ear, so you might have experienced some head trauma while exercising.
  13. PattiD

    PattiD Member

    Dec 19, 2015
    Interesting! I will definitely bring this up to my doctor next week. I'm also going to bring up Dr. Gacek's article. I just wish it was the ENT I was seeing and not my PCM. There are days I second guess diagnosis of Meniere's. Maybe I should listen to myself. Thanks for sharing!
  14. BayMama

    BayMama Member

    Jul 12, 2014
    Yes, listen to yourself! You have the most info and you.

    And yes, you can have both. I have had BPPV. The Epley Maneuver is amazing. I've been able to stop vertigo with it--of course it needs to be BPPV vertigo to stop it!

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