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Sounds inside the head like music and seeing things that aren't there--upsetting

Discussion in 'Your Living Room' started by yanksgirl, Jul 11, 2016.

  1. yanksgirl

    yanksgirl Member

    May 12, 2014
    After all I've had put into my body this week--trips to E.R. and having pain meds and b/p meds, etc. due to Migraines occuring from reaction to Prednisone, and then having the tinnitus get louder was enough. Then I have music--an actual song go on in my one ear. A good one--but I could hear it plainly and then when trying to go to sleep, I saw things moving like shadows and then sparkly things in the air and when I'd open both eyes I'd see it was shadows and light, etc. But was upsetting. Anyone ever have this happen? Sure has messed up my day. I feel anxious, weepy, etc. But have kept busy cleaning house and did a load of clothes. But just having to push and now another mild headache is occurring and my b/p is up some so took meds and am going to rest. I see my Ent this week and my primary and have balance therapy too, so alot ahead of me--but hoping for some good news after all this. Just needed to vent. Wonder if anyone has had similar symptoms after a bad week--no vertigo, just awful head pressure and dizziness going on! Thanks
  2. 15 year vet

    15 year vet New Member

    Jul 8, 2016
    I am not a doctor; I speak only from experience. You are having visual and aural hallucinations (yes you can have hearing hallucinations like songs, as well as visual hallucinations which, by the way, don't have to be green monkeys who talk to you - they can be wisps and shadows and sparkles and things that appears larger or smaller than normal). Visual and aural hallucinations can be attributed to "migraine" which you can have without headache or vertigo.

    People refer to "migraine" as if it is a singular event or a number of singular events. Not true. When you say "migraine", in reality you are talking about the migrainous brain that is very susceptible to "seizures" of nerve cells. In other words, it is not a one time headache or vertigo episode, migraine is an ongoing condition with "flare ups", just as, say, psoriasis is an ongoing condition with flare ups. Because it is nerve cells behaving badly, it can also produce "states" instead of "episodes", like visual disturbances and the feeling of someone trying to pull you backwards, rocking, or overall lightheadedness or light dizziness (which can be disturbing if you don't know what it is) that are persistent over time.

    Before going on anti-seizure med for migraine, I heard phones ringing, I heard singing and instrumental songs (which were quite lovely actually) and people talking, I saw exactly what you describe and more.

    You need to see a good otoneurologist (also neurotologist) and if none is available, the best neurologist available. Look up information on migraine and visual and aural hallucinations, including Alice in Wonderland syndrome to take to the doctor.

    The brain is very very powerful in the ways it creates reality and surreality (schizophrenia) and makes it so believable. It can be very disturbing to experience some of the things it creates while cells are "spasming or seizing", if you don't know what is happening.

    Go see a doctor who can help with this. Best of luck.
  3. 15 year vet

    15 year vet New Member

    Jul 8, 2016
    I take back a little of what I just said. With migraine, you would probably get more value from a neurologist than you would with an otoneurologist who is more oriented toward inner ear and dizziness/vertigo. You do, definitely, need to see one of those, instead of an ENT and/or GP.

    Ask about trying lamotrigine, an anti-seizure med that helps a great deal with migraine.
  4. yanksgirl

    yanksgirl Member

    May 12, 2014
    Thank you for your insight and experience with this. Good to know you aren't abnormal when experiencing what this can cause. I do plan to see a Neuro doctor in the near future. I am currently seeing a Neuro-ent, one of the best in the area for treatment of Meniere's--as I was told by the Ent who referred him to me in 2008! I see him this week and will share with him all that's happened due to the med's bringing on the Migraine's and all that has gone with them. Will update here when I have seen him, my primary and eventually (soon) a Neuro doctor!
  5. 15 year vet

    15 year vet New Member

    Jul 8, 2016
    One time I was driving with someone in the car which added to the stress and came over a rise on a small hill where the dip was out of visual range so I could only see the rise opposite the dip (no visual continuity to the road).

    On the other small hill coming my way was a car that was absolutely, no doubt about it, perpendicular to the road. It was coming at me completely sideways, wheels in the air. No matter what I did, I could not make that image correct. Even though I knew that it was wrong, my heart was still pounding and my foot was still braking. Then as it got close in the dip, it corrected. Man.

    Also, once while driving at a stop sign, I was suddenly sitting about 2" off the ground (in my car) and the pavement was swirling like oil on top of water that has been stirred. That was also pretty unnerving.

    Like I said before, once you know what it is it takes some of the scariness away. Even if it does not take the symptoms away.
  6. Lisa

    Lisa Member

    Mar 21, 2015
    Yanksgirl my son when he was 11 Ike sufferers from
    Migraines and had visual and hearing disturbances, actually seen someone standing over him with a knife human size spiders and voices I thought he was schisophenic (not sure of spelling)thank god his doctor was so amazingly good he said it was from migraines at its worse , he put him on singulair and that controlled his migraines , his were due to allergies and sinus problems. Feel better
  7. yanksgirl

    yanksgirl Member

    May 12, 2014
    Today is a really bad anxiety day! Body shaking all over at times and nausea going on. I feel it's all my nervous system has gone thru this past two weeks. Usually xanax helps but so far today it hasn't. Can hardly type due to my hands shaking. I usually get better by noon of I have this in the mornings, but right now I've been up 3 hours and it's only 9:00 and I'm still feeling awful--b/p elevated some, headache and shakiness going on. No fun. Sure hope things improve as the day wears on. Just venting. Thanks for listening. No visual disturbances last night but yesterday had bad tinnitus and feeling anxious all day and today is worse--but the tinnitus isn't as bad. So troublesome!
  8. 15 year vet

    15 year vet New Member

    Jul 8, 2016
    When I was on here long ago, in the throws of frequent, bad vertigo attacks and the anxiety it brought, a wise person on here said something that has stayed with me and I have used often, not only with vertigo/migraine.

    She said that they teach the special force military (maybe all military) to use a "porthole" technique. You envision yourself on the other side of a very thick wall with a porthole in it. And you are looking through the porthole at what is going on.

    This really does separate YOU/yanksgirl/the essence of you that is bigger than the disease state/ from what is happening to yanksgirl. It gives you needed distance and separation from the fear, anxiety of a disease state.

    It has worked really well for me.

    Best of luck.
  9. BayMama

    BayMama Member

    Jul 12, 2014
    My heart goes out to you, yanksgirl. I hope tomorrow is a better day.
  10. yanksgirl

    yanksgirl Member

    May 12, 2014
  11. BayMama

    BayMama Member

    Jul 12, 2014
    I'm so glad you had a better day yesterday. I hope this was too. Lots of good wishes to you.
  12. Lisa

    Lisa Member

    Mar 21, 2015
    Yanksgirl, It's definitely sounds like panic attacks
    Which I am all too familiar with unfortunately .
    If you take Valium or Xanax regularity you can
    Be going through withdrawals, eventually
    You build a tolerance and need a stronger dose. This
    At one point in my life I thought I was going
    Through this from Valium and I was told
    I had to up the dosage and start a tapper.
    For me it was actually a b12 deficiency
    Causing my symptoms. Take care and read
    About the withdrawal symptoms from these
  13. yanksgirl

    yanksgirl Member

    May 12, 2014
    No Valium--except when told to do so by my doctor. It never has helped much at all. Xanax I take fairly regularly (low dose-1/2 tablet) for getting thru difficult days with the Meniere's, etc. My doctor said 3 a day is fine and not to worry about being addicted--said, 'so what if it helps you'? I stay at the 2 a day most days. I definitely have had bouts of anxiety during the last couple of weeks for sure--due to weaning taking and weaning off the Prednisone. A wonderful drug evidently for hearing loss, but for many I've talked to, causes such side effects while taking and especially when weaning off. I'm still in that last part--weaning off. You need the meds but find you can't take them and it really 'gets to you'! Thanks Lisa for you comments
  14. moodymom27

    moodymom27 Active Member

    I also take valium just for when I feel an attack coming on. I take xanax 1 mg two to three times a day depending on how it's going with my anxiety. I have severe anxiety with out Meniere's so this certainly did not help. I too was concerned about possibly gettting addicted to the xanax but I have been on this a while and have some days I haven't take any and am fine. My problem was that I was waiting until the anxiety got so bad that it was hard to stop it by taking a xanax as needed so my doctor put me on a maintenance dose of 2 mg per day with 1 mg added midday optional if needed.
  15. bill

    bill New Member

    Aug 1, 2014
    Ormond Beach
    Ever since "my" meniere's started (tested and identified by Mayo after VA sent me there), I have
    had multiple sounds (that vary) in my head and various visual distortions.

    This is pretty much all the time, seriousness sort of controlled by meclizine.

    None of these things give me a clue when a really bad dizzy (back and forth or spinning) spell is going to hit.

    One clue is the "fullness" or pressure in my ears seems to increase when things are going to become exciting.

    Of course the cool part is the sound variations in my now deaf ear.

    You might as well try to laugh at it, cause it isn't going away.

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