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Imbalance Means I Break Things?

Discussion in 'Your Living Room' started by Autumninthefall, Dec 5, 2017.

  1. I’m really embarrassed. I’m going to have to tell my apartment manager that I single-handedly managed to break BOTH bi-fold panels off of the track in my closet...because I walked into them. I wish they were just out of alignment, but no, I actually broke them off the track. :-\ I broke them both within the span of a week. (Note: balance has been worse lately) Does anyone else have a problem breaking things and/or running into things?
  2. Pupper

    Pupper Active Member

    Oct 15, 2016
    Picturing you walking into the panels making that Godzilla sound.

    I don't break things but I am especially careful to shuffle my feet in the kitchen when my dog is around. He likes to sleep in the middle of the pathways. Or directly behind you. Well, pretty much anywhere that inconveniences you the most.

    In the dark it's harder. I remember before my VNS, reading Cheryl talking about it. I hate to say I thought, "bah, I'll handle walking in the dark just fine. How hard can it be? I'm a athletic guy, not some fragile woman."
  3. tdoak

    tdoak Member

    Feb 13, 2016
    Ontario, Canada
    I do not experience any imbalance issues with my mm, unless I am having an attack, and I sit or lie down then. I think if we all listed our specific symptoms they would be a lot items not listed in books or by the specialists.
  4. Mac

    Mac Active Member

    Oct 23, 2017
    I had a shunt surgery in Oct 2016. In Feb 2017 I had maybe my worst attack ever.

    My balance has never come back. So incredibly frustrating. Honestly worse than hearing.

    I use night lights in my room. I have to. Stinks.
  5. Paris 48

    Paris 48 New Member

    Sep 4, 2015
    I used to have drop attacks,would literal crash into things,took a glass casserole
    down with me once. :eek:
    Don`t have those anymore but my balance is not great,esp. on concrete.
    17 years of MM has done its job!
  6. mbgphoto79

    mbgphoto79 Member

    May 11, 2017
    Greensboro, NC
    I'm usually ok, except after an attack I'll be jacked up for a week before things settle down. I just keep a hand out in font of me, especially at night.
  7. Nickyschick

    Nickyschick Member

    May 13, 2015
    I've fallen down the stairs a few times and ripped the blinds down trying to grab onto whatever I can on my way down.... fortunately i was never seriously hurt.... just bruised and sprained wrist....
  8. Thanks, everyone. Always helps to know the insanity is real. Actually, Pupper, I generally tend to emit more of the Homer Simpson, “Doh!” sound. Spouse now just knows to ask, “you ok?” Upon emittence of said sound. ::sigh:: I also have to shuffle around my dogs. God forbid you accidentally tread upon the delicate German Shepherd paw. With the sound they make, you would think they’d been beaten.
  9. June-

    June- Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2014
    As everyone said, when you have a balance deficit, you compensate with the eyes which makes darkness problematic. Before i knew i had a balance problem, i ran i to a lot of walls, literally fell flat on my face just walking down the street a few times and things like that. I dont r mmber if i broke anything except for myself duri g that time. In the twenty years since found out i had a balance problem, i only fell down once even though the balance deficit was greater because i knew i had a problem and took precautions, made modifications etc. So, may i suggest night lights and a cane. The cane is to aid your balance. Put a hand on a wall when you need to.
  10. Thanks, June. I’m actually starting vestibular therapy soon, and the cane necessity issue is something they’re evaluating...yes, I have to leave a light on at night!
  11. Cheryl

    Cheryl Active Member

    May 23, 2014

    She was not fragile
    like a flower;
    she was fragile
    like a bomb.

    I'm sure that's what you meant. ;)
  12. Cheryl, you’re my hero, and you just made my day. I needed that, so thank you
  13. Cheryl

    Cheryl Active Member

    May 23, 2014
    I'm glad that brightened your day, Autumn. Women do so much. We can't afford to be fragile. I'm pretty sure that's the last word anyone would use to describe me.
  14. Pupper

    Pupper Active Member

    Oct 15, 2016
    Cheryl, that little poem was right on and funny.

    I did mean the walking-in-darkness thought from a strictly physical strength-balance point of view. If you know my thoughts on nurses you'll know my thoughts on womens' strength.
  15. Cheryl

    Cheryl Active Member

    May 23, 2014
    I have read your thoughts on nurses and I also appreciate the explanation about your physical strength point of view. You're out of the doghouse. ;D
  16. Hahaha Cute Cheryl.

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