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Did your antiviral make you nauseous?

Discussion in 'Your Living Room' started by Pupper, Dec 7, 2017.

  1. Pupper

    Pupper Active Member

    Oct 15, 2016
    I had my MM doctor up my dosage of Famciclovir from 500mg daily to 1000mg daily. Started the higher dose yesterday, and last night I threw up in middle of the night. It must be the Fam because I never throw up (unless I'm spinning fast). But I've looked at historical threads and don't see where anyone has gotten nauseous on antivirals. I did not throw up on my girlfriend's hair because I sleep alone since my VNS surgery.
  2. scott tom

    scott tom Active Member

    May 14, 2015
    Yes, it's not uncommon. It's likely the virus putting up a fight.

    You might try working your way up to the max dose, but it will take longer that way.
  3. June-

    June- Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2014
    No, do you drink enough water? It did initially make my distortion worse.
  4. PapaJoe

    PapaJoe Member

    Jun 11, 2014
    It sounds like a die-off reaction.

    If you knock back an infection, the dead viruses have to be cleared by the liver, and that makes you feel bad. If you have a big infection, the reaction is often severe. You might expect it to do that for a few days, but it should eventually subside. This can happen with anti-fungals or other infections.

    So it may be a sign that the antiviral is working. Like June said, drink plenty of water (not soft drinks or fruit juice) or unsweetened herbal tea. The more you drink, the faster you'll get it out of your system
  5. June-

    June- Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2014
    When i first took antivirals, i imagined that the temporary worsening of symptoms was because the lesions in my ear caused by the virus were changing as they diminished. Any physical change in such a tiny space would cause a change in symptoms. I almost quit the antivirals when this started to happen but the distortion though worse was somehow different than it had ever been before. For that reason i was willing to consider that it might be a good sign. And indeed it was for me. My bad period only lasted a few days before i started to get intermittant improvement. Intermittant being the operative word. Good luck, keep us posted please.
  6. June-

    June- Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2014
    ^^ intermittant at first, increasingly steady over time. Finally permanent, though the ear will always be fragile.
  7. mbgphoto79

    mbgphoto79 Member

    May 11, 2017
    Greensboro, NC
    No, although a little heartburn. I'm guessing this is because I usually take the lysine and AV at the same time on an empty stomach.

    On another note it's good to keep hearing of the effects of beginning an AV regimen and how things get worse for a time. I've steadily gotten better after by "brutality weekend" and I hope this continues. Strangely after my last attack, the hearing in my affected ear was noticeably better. This didn't last long, but it was intriguing at least.
  8. scott tom

    scott tom Active Member

    May 14, 2015
    Yes, the key to AVs is patience. Very hard for us, but necessary. The virus has done a lot of damage. It takes time to overcome.
  9. June-

    June- Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2014
    AV's are not know for side effects. Taking anything else?
  10. Pupper

    Pupper Active Member

    Oct 15, 2016
    I take an antibiotic called Doxycycline. I took it with the AV last night. I'll try and take them separately from now on. But I'm almost certain jumping to 1000mg of AV made me vomit all by itself.

    It was weird. When I woke up nauseous I thought I must be spinning. But when I focused on the night light, I wasn't. I was all, hmmmmm, ah yes, the AV. And I only got nauseous once I changed positions.

    Man, all these bodily issues we have. The human body is such a weak, pitiful thing. It's wonder we populated the Earth to something like 8 billion of us. We must really like sex.

    By the way throwing up like a regular person (like last night) is so easy compared to the spinning MM kind.

    This is gross talk. Sorry.
  11. scott tom

    scott tom Active Member

    May 14, 2015
    Antibiotics are very much known for causing nausea. I would definitely take them separately.
  12. BayMama

    BayMama Member

    Jul 12, 2014
    No problem here. That's what we're here for. It gave me a good laugh, and nice to be around those who can relate to these weird, awful experiences. I am definitely with you--vomiting without spinning much preferable situation!!

    I haven't vomited on AVs, but I had some really weird, disturbing tinnitus at first. When I spoke the sound echoed and distorted. That might have scared me off if I hadn't been prepped by the fabulous folks here. That passed very quickly (I think a day or two), and then my tinnitus really quieted down, which was one of the first big positives.
  13. Onedayatatime

    Onedayatatime Active Member

    Nov 22, 2016
    My side affect was Hyperacusis. It set in on day 3 and faded away the week after I stopped taking them.
  14. Pupper

    Pupper Active Member

    Oct 15, 2016
    It doesn't make me nauseous now. Seems the problem was mixing it with my antibiotic.
  15. PapaJoe

    PapaJoe Member

    Jun 11, 2014
    Everybody here has thrown up probably more times than you can imagine :)

    The doxy can make you sick, but that's often a sign that you've got another bacterial infection going on. MM is possibly caused by more than one type of infection at the same time, often fungal, dental (bacterial) and viral.

    And you said that the anti-viral made you sick with a higher dose, so it sounds like you might have a pretty good viral and bacterial load.

    So don't ditch the doxy. Talk to your doctor and see about taking a lower dose of the doxy for a while, or alternate the anti-viral and the doxy. A week of anti-viral, take the weekend off, then a week of doxy.

    These types of reactions (die off) can last several weeks but you can control them somewhat by varying your dosage. The reason you're vomiting is that the doxy is killing off bacteria too fast for your immune system, and this triggers a general reaction where your body is trying to get rid of anything 'foreign'.

    Unfortunately, the die-off reaction is something you have to push through, but there are supplements that can help with the symptoms and drinking plenty of water helps.
  16. PapaJoe

    PapaJoe Member

    Jun 11, 2014
    A serendipitous(?) report.

    I've been taking anti fungal meds for a month or so, and I just started taking doxy along with it. After a few days, I got sick, threw up and had a three day fever. So yes, I'm even more convinced that the nausea is a die off reaction.

    So I'm going to start alternating the anti-fungal meds with the doxy, and not try to mix them. I'll do five days of one, take the weekend off, then switch to the other for the next five days.
  17. Pupper

    Pupper Active Member

    Oct 15, 2016
    Antibiotics (doxycycline) must be taken continuously to be effective. When I get off doxy, and get back on, it always causes diarrhea. I stay on it consistently (every other day) and I'm fine. This is the same with most antibiotics.

    The nausea the other night was from taking doxy and famciclovir at the same time (meaning the same gulp). When I spread them out...fam in morning...doxy at lunch, everything is fine.
  18. PapaJoe

    PapaJoe Member

    Jun 11, 2014
    Cool - the main thing is to find what works best for you. keep at it!

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