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Is there a better climate for mm

Discussion in 'Your Living Room' started by Woodsrider, Dec 12, 2017.

  1. Woodsrider

    Woodsrider Member

    Apr 16, 2017
    I typically have most of my issues in the spring and the fall every year. With the exception of this year it has continued right into winter. My doctor says this happens with many of his patients. So is there a better part of the country where people have less problems when the weather changes?
  2. June-

    June- Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2014
    Maybe it is allergies. Allergy treatments take a lod off the immune system. They help many meniers patients. If it is allergy related, you will probably be better off elsewhere no matter where home is, until you have been the new place long enough to develop local allergies. I always did well when i crossed the mississippi. btw, you do not have to have typical allergy symptoms sneezing etc to be affected by allergies. Snaky little bastards.
  3. Gardengal

    Gardengal Member

    May 12, 2015
    So with allergies that do not present with sneezing, etc....how does one get an ENT to treat for such things? Are there tests or is it something to try, like AVs? Sorry if this is a ridiculous question...
  4. BayMama

    BayMama Member

    Jul 12, 2014
    My symptoms definitely get worse during allergy season. I think anything that impacts the ear area exacerbates symptoms because everything is such tight quarters there.

    I run an air filter in my house, which helps a lot. I wear a mask when I garden or sleep outside when camping. I believe that the MSM in the JOH routine is helping my allergies, too. Now that I am taking allergies more seriously, my last spring and fall were much better than the prior ones.
  5. I went to an allergist who did much more extensive allergy testing than the ENT. Even though I have no outward symptoms, she found I was allergic to mold and certain trees. I started allergy shots at the end of the summer so we will see how it goes. They told me it could take a year! As June said and I will never forget "it's like turning the pages of a phone book". Fingers crossed next spring, I don't have as severe of problems! Good luck!
  6. Gardengal

    Gardengal Member

    May 12, 2015
    Thanks for these replies, I love the analogy of turning pages in a phone book!
  7. June-

    June- Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2014
    Go to an allergist and explain your suspicions. An allergist can do tests.

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