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Been having significantly more attacks - should I try lysine or acyclovir?

Discussion in 'Your Living Room' started by three4rd, Jul 30, 2019.

  1. three4rd

    three4rd Member

    Apr 6, 2016
    Going to change the focus of this thread here for a bit.....how many out there are using triamterene HCTZ as a med for Menieres? If so, how effective?
  2. wendy

    wendy Member

    May 18, 2019
    I have used it for 10 years. I actually take a half tablet once a day. It did not stop my attacks in 2010 when they went off the deep end. After I had the Streptomycin/steroid injections, I continued to take the diuretic to present at the half tablet daily. My symptoms flared again the end of last year. I think it helps but did not prevent the worst.
  3. Tacio Domingos

    Tacio Domingos New Member

    Jun 19, 2019
    Shame you can't find it online. I buy it personally at the store. They are super cheap here. Less than 3 EUR for a 60 x 8mg box. Luck.
  4. three4rd

    three4rd Member

    Apr 6, 2016
    Sorry to hear that the T-HCTZ has not been of greater help. I'm going to try it and see how it goes, but will need to consult with my doctor and exchange chlorthalidone for the triamterine. Both are diuretics, but T-HCTZ seems to be the one that is most often prescribed.
  5. wendy

    wendy Member

    May 18, 2019
    I hope it is helpful to you.
  6. jaypr

    jaypr Member

    May 12, 2014
    liverpool uk
    Try Serc don't give up on trying to find a way to get it.
  7. Rebecca

    Rebecca Member

    Jan 19, 2019
    Dario, I have been taking Beta Serc for about three months. I have to get it through Canada Pharmacy as I live in US. The Serc actually comes from Turkey, which I'm not totally comfortable with. But, like everyone else with this terrible disease, I will try just about anything. I have not heard of Setear. Could you please explain more? Also, if you are taking Serc, where from, and what dose? Right now I am taking 16mg three times daily. I haven't had full blown vertigo attacks. But, brain fog, tinnitus, headaches, ear fullness, (sometimes to the point I feel like I will have vertigo at any moment), and basically NEVER feeling very well. So, maybe the Serc is working - just not giving me the relief I was hoping for??? I've had MD for 19 years. Was able to control things with diet and water pills for several years. About 8 months ago things went south again. Now I also have tinnitus in my other ear, which makes me really nervous that I might be going bi-lateral.

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