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Riding in a car is horrible. Anybody?

Discussion in 'Your Living Room' started by Gardengal, Oct 17, 2019.

  1. Gardengal

    Gardengal Member

    May 12, 2015
    Hey guys, I have a general question. I have a very difficult time riding in the car. When I am feeling fine it still bothers me. I don’t really like to go more than an hour, I feel like it triggers dizziness. When I am in a rough patch I really hate it and avoid it, sending the husband out for groceries, etc. I have read where ppl feel better when they drive or feel bad when they go up a mtn or something.

    I guess I was wondering if anyone feels this way and if anyone has any coping techniques. I wear sunglasses which helps. I just feel like my world is pretty small. Only about an hour from my home. Bleh.
  2. AnneT

    AnneT Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2014
    Yup me too.

    My otoneurologist told me years ago that the vibration of the car is kind of a perfect frequency to make our messed up vestibular system feel yucky. Idling at a red light in old crappy cars is very gross for me.

    If my head is feeling off, the speed of driving on faster roads also feels challenging.

    I wonder if electric cars will be better for us, in terms of the vibrations factor. I’ve ordered an e-Golf. I’ll get it in 5 months - I’ll let you know how I like it!
  3. AnneT

    AnneT Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2014
    PS sometimes I’ll nibble a bit of gravol, meclizine or clonazepam. Just enough to help, but doesn’t make me too sleepy to drive safely.
  4. Gardengal

    Gardengal Member

    May 12, 2015
    Hmm. Interesting! Glad I am not the only one. Do keep me posted on the e-car! I need to try meds when in the car. I also have little kids and they are loud which makes traveling particularly miserable for someone already suffering a bit.
  5. Megan Henry

    Megan Henry Member

    Oct 5, 2019
    Driving helps my dizziness
  6. Bonlyn

    Bonlyn Active Member

    Dec 29, 2017
    New York
    Motion sickness is stated to be a classic problem for people with vestibular migraine and migraine associated vertigo.

    Once we were driving back from Vermont in a violent rain storm, through the mountains. I started to feel the worst motion sickness ever, which ended up in a vertigo attack.

    When I am in remission, I generally have no problems with motion sickness, unless I am in the back seat.

    On the other hand, I know there have been times I have felt off and I drove in the car and felt a bit better.

    I have menieres and mav. So maybe it depends on what kind of attack I am getting.

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