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MAV in between bouts of Menieres?

Discussion in 'Your Living Room' started by Riplip, Jan 23, 2020.

  1. Riplip

    Riplip Member

    Mar 16, 2018
    Ok so I am thinking what I deal with on a daily basis and what I consider the new normal is MAV between all the major Menieres takedowns. Should I take a aspirin or ibuprofen every day to try and calm down the forehead tightness, neck and shoulder tightness, quick movement issues, focusing, light sensitivity, plain old head full fog and ear pain crap? I'm already doing so many other things for Menieres. IDK just read another article and thinking again....this ongoing no answer try this and try that crap sucks!
  2. Gardengal

    Gardengal Member

    May 12, 2015
    Read “heal your headache” by David Buholtz. I think he specifically says not to take those OTC pain relievers. He even goes so far as to say that Menieres and MAV are overlapping/related diagnoses. He will walk you through a diet to try and how to do it. Worth a read if you thought MAV was a possibility for you.
  3. Gardengal

    Gardengal Member

    May 12, 2015
    I always think I have MAV too, bc I don’t have a ton of vertigo attacks (2-4/year since AVs) but I have constant dizziness, car sickness, noise and visual sensitivities. I think taking magnesium and B2 supplements are an easy first step for trying to ease MAV.
  4. Riplip

    Riplip Member

    Mar 16, 2018
    I would think mine was only MAV as well if I didn't lose almost all my hearing in both ears and diagnosed bilateral Menieres by MEE. My attacks are horrible but spread out. When they come its like a bunch throughout a few weeks and then a month or two recovery and then I sit in this purgatory stage of constant disequilibrium for months until it decides to happen again. Super fun.
  5. Riplip

    Riplip Member

    Mar 16, 2018
    I just ordered it. Nothing to lose. Thank you
  6. Gardengal

    Gardengal Member

    May 12, 2015
    Sounds like me too. Fun indeed. Keep us posted on the book! And if anything helps!
  7. Onedayatatime

    Onedayatatime Active Member

    Nov 22, 2016
    Nothing to lose, everything to gain.

    I was playing the Menieres game for 3-4 years,getting ready for a Laby when a VNG test indicated normal vestibular function. That is when my doc started treating me for MAV. I went all in and jumped on the Buchholz diet as well. It's been 6 months now that I have been vertigo free. I have pretty much managed to get the lingering dizzy under control as well. I learned a side affect of all MAV meds is dizziness. With the Buchholz diet, i am down to one 25mg tab of topiramate daily. Aside from the restrictive diet, life has pretty much returned to normal. I feel better than I have for 2 years. I also have Menieres. My left ear hearing is gone.
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  8. Riplip

    Riplip Member

    Mar 16, 2018
    I guess I will see. My VNG test showed abnormal vestibular function. I will give it a read. I've had a pretty damn strict diet for the last 2 years but with all the ups and downs I don't think its really the answer but the diet itfself is pretty healthy so I just stuck with it. I'm convinced nothing controls this and it just does what it wants.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. Onedayatatime

    Onedayatatime Active Member

    Nov 22, 2016
    The MAV diet is all about removing trigger foods, not low cal, not keto, net med. Somehow I manged to let go of my fav peanut M&M's. I don't know how, but I did it. Up until we hit on this (MAV) I would agree. Nothing seemed to really control it. If it helped, it was temporary or limited. I'm gonna stay on the MAV train until it no longer works.
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    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1

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