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Just had shunt surgery

Discussion in 'Your Living Room' started by flyjetz, Mar 16, 2020.

  1. flyjetz

    flyjetz New Member

    Sep 8, 2014
    Diagnosed with MM in 2010. Been fighting a losing battle for ten years with diuretics, JOH, and antivirals. Vertigo has gotten noticeably worse over the last two years. Finally decided to get more aggressive and had the endolymphatic shunt surgery two days ago. Still dealing with ear pain and 10-15 second durations of dizziness at random times of day. Also, the ear they operated on is protruding out quite a bit and I have no feeling in the upper half of my outer ear. Can anyone who has had this surgery tell me if these are normal post-op symptoms? Will I regain the feeling in my ear or is this permanent nerve damage? What can I expect in the weeks and months to come? Thank you.
  2. Clare

    Clare Active Member

    Mar 31, 2018
    I haven't had a shunt, but when I had my laby the upper part of my ear was numb like yours. Feeling gradually came back over a week or so.
  3. flyjetz

    flyjetz New Member

    Sep 8, 2014
    Thanks Clare. Did your ear stick out a bit after the surgery? I'm hoping that's just swelling or am I going to look funny for the rest of my life?
  4. Clare

    Clare Active Member

    Mar 31, 2018
    I had a mummy style bandage around my head for a few days, so I don't know what oddities were lurking there. Try calling your surgical team tomorrow to find out what's normal and what to expect. Your poor head has been through a pretty invasive experience, and it's entitled to several days to recover.
  5. California Sun

    California Sun Active Member

    May 23, 2019
    I've had shunts done on both ears. What you describe sounds similar to the aftermath I had.
  6. flyjetz

    flyjetz New Member

    Sep 8, 2014
    Thanks for the reassurance. Did the ear return to the proper place, and did you regain feeling?
  7. Kevinb003

    Kevinb003 Active Member

    May 15, 2014
    My ear returned to proper place after sac decompression, later after laby, and later after cochlear implant. Completely normal what you are describing in my experience.
  8. flyjetz

    flyjetz New Member

    Sep 8, 2014
    Great. Thank you everybody! I feel much better now!
  9. California Sun

    California Sun Active Member

    May 23, 2019
    The ear did return to the proper place. The feeling in the top part of the ear came back fairly quickly, but it stayed numb behind the ear where it was cut for quite a while, but the feeling there eventually returned as well.
  10. flyjetz

    flyjetz New Member

    Sep 8, 2014
    Just wanted to check back in for anyone reading this thread later. It's been about 7.5 weeks since my surgery. The ear has returned to the proper location, and the numbness has reduced quite a bit. I have feeling again on the outer surface of the ear, but still have some numbness behind the ear and where the ear attaches to the head. But it keeps getting better. Oh, and I've had no vertigo, dizziness or brain fog for a month and half now and I feel amazing every day. Considering I was having an attack almost weekly, I am beyond thrilled with the results so far, and just pray that this continues.

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