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Red Meat or Eggs?

Discussion in 'Your Living Room' started by Lacebug, May 2, 2020.

  1. Lacebug

    Lacebug New Member

    May 1, 2020
    Annandale NSW
    I am eating a very clean (non-processed) diet and have reduced my salt intake substantially. However, I am wondering whether it is okay to eat eggs, or red meat when you have Menieres? Do either cause chronic inflammation?
  2. Dario

    Dario Member

    Apr 30, 2019
    I eat a lot of both - no problems
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  3. California Sun

    California Sun Active Member

    May 23, 2019
    I eat both and have never had a problem. It might vary from person to person, though. If you think these things might be problematic, eliminate them from your diet for a while and see if it makes any difference.
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  4. IvanA

    IvanA Active Member

    Apr 30, 2020
    I speak regular english. Google Translate:
    My doctor came to tell me that I could drink coffee, despite the fact that later I read in all places that it should not be taken if you have meniere. So just in case, I'm eating the healthiest diet possible and I only eat red meat once every 7-10 days, what I eat most is chicken and fish. In addition to a lot of vegetables, fruit and nuts.

    On eggs, I have never considered them a bad food, not even for cholesterol (except if you have it very high). My first attack was 47 days ago and I have eaten 3-4 eggs per week and it has not gotten worse.

    But I have also read in this forum that one of the possible causes of meniere may be due to allergy to something, maybe my meniere is due to a virus and yours due to allergy to eggs. They also say that it could be due to consuming dairy products, but I didn't take any of this before my attacks and now, in my new healthy diet, I consume milk and yogurts. Try and you will know.
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  5. Autumninthefall

    Autumninthefall Active Member

    Aug 10, 2019
    Free range red meat/eggs are easily obtained where I live, and at a reasonable price. I don't eat much red meat, only because I hate the fact I can't chew steak. (TMJ) And no, unfortunately, even with treatment, there is no benefit to my Meniere's symptoms. Since I consume such small quantities of red meat, if anything, it points to lack of red meat contributing to my symptoms. I consider red meat an innocent party, and should not be implicated as a source for my Meniere's symptoms. I love eggs, and I have a great balance in my cholesterol. My doctor tells me to try to eat them daily. Of note, I don't flavor my eggs with salt. I use Olive oil and dill.
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  6. Clare

    Clare Active Member

    Mar 31, 2018
    There's a balance to managing Meniere's without taking out more of your quality of life than the disease already does. Try to identify which things are triggering for you rather than going into total deprivation. For me, before my labyrinthectomy, a spike in sodium (like a slice of pizza) could set off a vertigo episode several hours to a day later, and that episode could turn into a bad phase of more frequent attacks lasting a month. So, clearly my quality of life was improved by carefully managing sodium intake -- avoiding canned and processed foods in addition to banning cheese-loaded pizza. But if I eliminated an enjoyable food without evidence that it caused a problem, then I would have just lowered my quality of life for no benefit.

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