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Hello, I'm new here

Discussion in 'Your Living Room' started by Maria, Oct 2, 2020.

  1. Maria

    Maria New Member

    Oct 2, 2020
    (sorry for the long post...)

    Hello, my name is Maria, 39 years old (spanish). I just wanted to share my story just in case any of you could give me some hope. I'm a bit depressed at this moment..

    I am still looking for a diagnosis but it looks like I have atypical meniere or endolymphatic hydrops. My ENT thinks it is autoimmune related.

    Everything started on 2013, thankfully I haven't had any vertigo attack yet. I lost some low frequency hearing in my right ear that year. I had all the symptoms, aural fullness, tinnitus, distortion, robotic hearing, cacophony, whatever.. awful, this is actually the worst part for me. I recovered some hearing and distortion disappeared but the tinnitus got stucked there and a random clicking sound (this can be heard from outside) when I lay down on my left. None could give me an explanation for that.

    After that, I've got at least an episode every year. On 2015 it became bilateral. My left ear started to sound robotic as well. This happened after giving birth my daughter. I took a course of prednisone and it cleared up in a few days. Since then, every year it comes back, randomly. First time it hit on April and again in September, but other years it has come back on February, June... It looks like there is no pattern at all. I always take prednisone but it clears eventually and randomly, not sure if it really does anything at all.

    I had an episode this summer, on June, but I recovered quite quickly, in a few days.

    Right now I'm struggling again with the low frequency hearing loss and the distorted hearing. I know that I'm fortunate not having any vertigo attack but I'm always scared (panic) it can come eventually. I started 30mg prednisone last week (wednesday), and tappered down to 15mg on wednesday, even I haven't recovered yet. (My ENT said to low the dosage, I don't why)

    I tried Serc for a while at the beginning.. I don't know if I should tried longer. As I remember it did nothing for me. I got in touch with Dr. Gacek, tried Acyclovir, then Valtrex. It did nothing as well.

    Then I read Joe Bongiorno story and tried antifungals for a while. It didn't work..

    I found out I had low vitamin D, so I take Calciferol during winter. Actually, I took it this september 20, and my left ear started robotic the next day. It could be coincidence.

    I also tried Hydroxyl for a while but as long as I remember it did nothing as well.

    Thanks for reading, just need some support..

  2. Kevinb003

    Kevinb003 Active Member

    May 15, 2014
    Hi, Maria. Sorry (lo siento) you are having issues. I also am having the same issues right now and I understand it is hard. If I have learned anything over the past 15 years that I have had this condition it is that nothing is predictable. Our symptoms show up whenever they decide to. I know that isn’t comforting, but what hopefully is comforting is that we all have gone through something similar to what you are going through. Look for other alternatives here such as the JOH regimen—it has helped many, but you have to give it time much like the prescription antivirals.

    Try to cope as best you can and try to find the things that give some relief until it subsides again. I know that’s hard, but it’s all we have at times. Buenos suerte and I hope you are feeling better soon!
    • Like Like x 1
  3. Irishstu

    Irishstu Member

    Apr 28, 2019
    Hi Maria, so sorry to hear you are going through this. Mine is acting up again also recently. A lot of people on this message board say Serc takes while to work, so maybe try that again. I am also on JON and i believe that helps too. Some people on this forum also got relief fromChiropractic adjustments so that could be worth looking into. Also there are a number of pharma companies out there in Phase III trials of drugs that will be able to help us in due time so keep the faith!
    • Like Like x 1
  4. IvanA

    IvanA Active Member

    Apr 30, 2020
    Hola María, yo también soy de España. El SERC tarda como mínimo dos meses en empezar a hacer efecto y unos seis en hacer un efecto pleno, aunque también afecta la dosis ¿Cuanto tomaste? Yo llegué a estar en 24mg cada 8h, después baje a 24mg cada 12h y esta semana he empezado a tomar 18mg cada 12h.

    La prednisona es un tratamiento que hay que ir retirando lentamente, siempre que te lo receten para cualquier tipo de enfermedad la dosificación será igual, tomarás una dosis alta para empezar y tendrás que ir bajándola poco a poco durante una o dos semanas. No hay nada raro en ello.

    Los antivirales ¿Cuanto tiempo los tomaste? Les pasa un poco como al SERC y depende mucho de cada caso, hay gente que nota mejoría en 10 días y otros en este foro tardaron 2-3 meses en empezar a notar su efecto.

    Otras cosas que puedes comprobar son tus cervicales y tu boca como posibles infecciones en las encías, muelas del juicio dando la lata o TMJ. También puedes hacerte test de alergias muchos aquí han aliviado sus síntomas al encontrar que eran alérgicos a algo y empezar a vacunarse, las vacunas para la alergia hay que ponerlas varios años antes de estar curada de todo así que si lo haces y no mejoras con la primera vacuna no te extrañes y no lo dejes a medias.

    Posibles anemias que producen síntomas de meniere: B12, Vitamina D y Hierro. Yo estoy tomando un complemento con todas las vitaminas porque el resto de vitaminas también pueden ser beneficiosas para el oído interno o el sistema inmunológico y cuando más mejoría he notado ha sido estos días después de empezar a tomar hierro hace unos 10 días. En mi caso pedí una analítica a mi médica y dijo que no tenía nada, pero cuando la examiné yo vi que estaba al borde de tener anemia de B12, D y Hierro. Concretamente de D el mínimo es 30 y yo tenía 31 y eso en Julio tras haber estado tomando el sol durante dos meses y tomando alimentos reforzados con D. En Hierro tenía por ejemplo 270 y el mínimo era 200, pero el máximo 900; además la anemia del Hierro es muy difícil de detectar en sangre ya que si comes alimentos con hierro en los días cercanos al análisis te subirá el dato, pero tu cuerpo puede seguir necesitando un suministro de hierro constante durante meses para recuperarse del déficit así como sus reservas. Es una anemia que produce muchos problemas graves (debilidad, acúfenos, perdida de cabello, defensas bajas, mareos, nauseas, etc) pero tarda años en manifestar estos síntomas porque el cuerpo antes de manifestar que necesita hierro lo que hace es tirar de las reservas del hígado, médula, etc.

    Las mujeres antes de la menopausia necesitáis más hierro que los hombres (nosotros 14mg/días, vosotras 18mg/día), pero en un embarazo necesitáis todavía más, no recuerdo ahora la cifra, pero sobre 24mg/día. Hazte unos análisis y si no tienes el hierro cerca del valor máximo, tomate dos meses un suplemento de hierro para mujeres (si compras para hombres o el normal suele tener 14mg). Pregunta a tu médico si puedes tomarlo por supuesto, pero te recomiendo que le digas que te notas débil o cansada porque si algo he aprendido de tratar con mis médicos sobre mi Meniere es que si le dices que quieres probar una cosa distinta para Meniere se cierran en banda, no te escuchan y no te recetan ni te hacen análisis ni nada, te despachan con un "Para Meniere sólo hay SERC".

    Por último, el estrés puede probar Meniere también. Busca en google "acúfeno por estrés" "hipoacusia por estrés" "vértigo mareos por estrés" y verás que explican que mucho tiempo estresado genera adrenalina y puede cortar el riego sanguineo del oído interno y dañarlo. Si te relajas puede que mejores, concretamente lo que quieres es bajar el cortisol en sangre y para ello pues eso hay que relajarse, hacer deporte a mi es lo que mejor me ha funcionado (20-30 minutos de footing cada 2 días). Tampoco esperes mejorar por correr una semana, necesitarás meses.

    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Donamo

    Donamo Active Member

    May 12, 2014
    Hi Maria
    Yes, I agree with what IvanA said. Probably. LOL

    One thing you didn't mention trying is diet. Some people get help, and me, by eliminating some foods, like nuts. Have you looked at the Heal Your Headache book?
  6. Maria

    Maria New Member

    Oct 2, 2020

    I haven't but I will. Actually I do have aura migraines VERY sporadically. In fact, I think that I could have cochlear migraine.

    The most disturbing thing about all this stuff is that I've got very long periods, say a full year, without any symptom. So definitely something triggers this f**** distorted hearing.

    I think I've got a quite healthy diet but I am going to eat the same every week just in case.

    I have to say that distorted hearing disappeared this Saturday evening. It was the 11th day of prednisone. The thing is that I don't know if it is just coincidence...

    Thanks for your advice,

  7. Maria

    Maria New Member

    Oct 2, 2020
    Thanks for your answer. I really hope this studies succeed but it's been 7 years now since all this started and nothing has changed so I'm kind of loosing my faith on that..

    I'm going to try JON. Is it better to try every complement and then try to quit one by one to see what it does the trick? Or just take all of them?
  8. Maria

    Maria New Member

    Oct 2, 2020
    Hola Iván,

    We should probably switch to english language because it could probably be useful for other users. Can I DM you in our language?

    I don't remember the dosage of SERC I tried but I remember it did nothing. I would have probably taken much more but I guess I followed some useless ENT advice...

    As for prednisone.. it is very weird because I've recovered my left ear while I was taking 15mg, but I didn't while I was taking 30mg. I'm not immune specialist but I think that how prednisone works is not a matter of time, rather than high dosages to keep the immune system depressed. My sister has got many autoimmune diseases and I know I've got at least Anti-nuclear antibodies but I don't have any systemic autoimmune disease. But I think that at the end this has to be autoimmune related.

    I got in touch with Dr. Gacek, he prescribed first Acyclovir for 3 weeks and then I switched to Valtrex. I took it for at least 6 weeks or more. But nothing changed.

    Thing is that I don't know if I could recover my hearing just doing nothing. Probably it's a matter of time and the ear heals itself. I just don't understand what is going on.

    I tried chiropractic as well, osteopath, acupuncture.. I even tried foot insoles (?). I ended up in the operating room having a cerebral angiography to look if it was vascular related. I literally get desperate each time this distorted hearing comes back.

    I had a clear full year in 2019 and I was taking Vitamin D. This summer, in June, I had another episode, I was fine on Vitamin D. Actually, this September the distorted hearing came back just a day or two after taking my Vitamin D. So something I thought could be the culprit faded...

    I will be adding supplements on my diet and try to eat every week the same foods. It is probably related to diet but it's hard for me to believe it has to do with diet because I had a full year free of any hearing issues and my diet didn't change much.

    I got tested for allergies, twice. Nothing. But I did have an allergy for a while because I had some itchy red spots on my elbows sometimes. Those red spots haven't return anymore.

    Finally, about stress theory. Let me say I truly believe that our body and mental state is connected and I don't discard it has a huge relationship. That being said.. last year I went through a huge amount of stress, and nothing happened. This year while being at home, peacefully, resting, due to covid confinement, this f**** distorted hearing came back again. It took a few days to clear but I was absolutely relaxed. So I just don't know.

    Thank you very much for your insights.


  9. Irishstu

    Irishstu Member

    Apr 28, 2019
    I am taking all of them but i believe that the Lysine, Lemon Bioflavonoids, Vitamin C and Vinpocetine are the most important ones.
  10. Mindosa

    Mindosa Member

    Jun 8, 2020
    So you eliminated nuts and after that you are feeling good?
  11. Donamo

    Donamo Active Member

    May 12, 2014
    Well, I eliminated nuts and other things, as recommended in Heal Your Headache ( I never had headaches, really) back when I had it bad in 2013,14 or so and I took AV's for a long time then too. Then i was absolutely fine for several years except for tinnitus which was minor and slight low frequency hearing loss.

    Then my wife and I adopted the Plant Paradox diet which has a lot of nuts and Wonder Wife was baking things with almond flour etc. stress of whether to travel to Florida this year, Covid anxiety and BAM, my Menieres came back.

    Now I have eliminated nuts and other things and I am improving. I expect to get some AVs soon.

    Below is a list of foods from my notes from 2012, it probably came from the book:

    10/4/2012, 6:34PM



    Coffee, tea, iced tea,and cola. Even decaff coffee and tea ( which contain additional chemical triggers ) may be a problem. Also, beware of coffee substitutes. Try caffeine free herb tea ( without citrus and other trigger flavors).


    White chocolate ( no cocoa ) is okay, carob is questionable.


    Chinese (and other ) restaurant food ; soups and bouillons; Accent and seasoned salt; flavored, salty snacks;croutons and bread crumbs;gravies;ready - to - eat meals; cheap buffets;processed meats;veggie burgers;protein concentrates;and low - fat, low - calorie foods. Watch out for hidden MSG.


    Aged, canned, cured, fermented,marinated,smoked,tenderized - or preserved with nitrates or nitrites. Hot dogs, sausage , salami, pepperoni,bologna ( and other meats with nitrites), liverwurst,beef jerky, certain hams, bacon,pates,smoked or pickled fish,caviar,and anchovies. Also , fresh beef liver and chicken livers, and wild game ( which contain tyramine ).


    The more aged, the worse (Permissable cheeses include cottage cheese and good quality American cheese ). Beware of cheese containing foods, including pizza. Yogurt ( including frozed yogurt ) sour cream and buttermilk are also triggers.


    Avoid all kinds, as well as nut butters. Seeds are okay.


    Especially red wine, champagne and dark or heavy drinks. Vodka is best tolerated. Clear ( ideally distilled ) vinegar is allowable. Don't overdo condiments ( ketchup, mustard,and mayonnaise) made with vinegar.


    Citrus fruits (oranges,grapefruits,lemons,limes, tangerines,clementines and pineapples ) and their juices - as well as bananas.Also avoid raisins (and other dried fruits if preserved with sulfites ) raspberries,red plums,papayas,passion fruit,figs,dates and avocados.


    Plus sauerkraut,pea pods, and certain beans ( broad italian,lima,fava,and navy,and lentils). Allowed leeks,scallions,shallots,spring onions; also garlic.


    Less than one day old; homemade (or restaurant baked ) breads,especially sourdough,as well as bagels,doughnuts,pizza dough,soft pretzels,and coffee cake.


    Saccharin (sweet n low) may also be a trigger for some. As far as I know, sucralose (Splenda ) isn't a problem.


    Perhaps soy products, especially if cultured (miso) fermented (tempeh) or otherwise highly processed (e.g. soy protein isolate/concentrate ). Watch out for soy sauce containing MSG. Less risky are unflavoured tofu and soy milk and flour. Soy oil is safe. Possibly tomatoes ( and tomato based sauces ) mushrooms......whatever gives you a headache.
  12. IvanA

    IvanA Active Member

    Apr 30, 2020
    Nuts and dried fruits are rich in arginine so if you have a viral cause for Meniere you may notice improvement if you stop eating it. The same thing happens with citrus fruits such as orange, etc.

    What is a bit strange about your list is that you remove from your diet a lot of products that can be triggers for very different causes of Meniere and the normal thing is that each person only has to leave a couple of them and not all according to what affect you. For example vinegar, yeasts, etc. They are triggers for people whose cause of Meniere is a fungus, nuts and citrus fruits for viruses, etc. Even the salt, caffeine, chocolate, sugar, sweeteners and alcohol that are usually triggering for many people is very rare that all are at the same time for a single person.
  13. Donamo

    Donamo Active Member

    May 12, 2014
    It's the "kitchen sink" approach. At the beginning, or anytime really, who knows for absolute sure what their particular cause is, or if it is any of these. If cutting out all those things or at least drastically reducing them improves your situation, then you are winning. If you want to gamble with your winnings, you can add things back.

    My approach would be to cut out as much as possible until such time as you want to risk a relapse.

    For me, I'm pretty sure mine is viral, but I'd rather go without some things unnecessarily and get back to my normal healthy self. There are not too many things on the list that are absolutely essential to me. I still have some coffee and salt because it doesn't seem to bother me but I have reduced coffee, never had a lot of salt.
  14. Mindosa

    Mindosa Member

    Jun 8, 2020
    So eliminating nuts did improve your headache, but not MD symptoms, right?
  15. Mindosa

    Mindosa Member

    Jun 8, 2020
    I noticed that coffee helps me to manage my MD symptoms like pressure in the ears and overall feeling. Caffeine narrows blood vessels - maybe this is somehow helping with the ear pressure?

    I don't know, maybe this is just coincidence, but my MD symptoms started after 2 weeks when I quit coffee.
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2020

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