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Meniere's May Be Mold/Fungus Induced

Study/Paper Cited (optional):
  1. AllenCervantes

    AllenCervantes New Member

    Oct 24, 2020
    If these diseases are caused by mold and fungus, then why don't you go for mold remediation or find ways to prevent it to happen.
  2. Lisa4pizza

    Lisa4pizza New Member

    Sep 18, 2023
    Hey all,

    I see this thread is a couple years old but I just stumbled upon it and found it extremely interesting and pertinent to what I'm going through with Meniere's.

    I've had a mild case of suspected Meniere's in my left year since 2020 but 2 months ago I suddenly started experiencing an ultra intense version of symptoms - very loud tinnitus, ear fullness and pressure, tremmors, vertigo (I never had vertigo from Meniere's previously), brainfog, and basically processing sound was very painful.
    I was keeping a diary of daily symptoms and I could pinpoint the exactly day in which these symptoms first appeared. And I noticed the weekend before this day, I had spent the entire day cleaning out my extremely dusty, dirty, old garage. Through a recommendation, I went to see a naturopath who suspected I was exposed to toxic mold and sure enough my mycotoxin test revealed that I had extremely high IGG and IGE immune responses to a few different mycotoxins, including penicillium toxin. My naturopath also revealed to me this toxin has been linked to Meniere's, exacerbating inflammation in the ear. I later tested my garage and the results also showed there was a high level of penicillium toxin present.
    To me, this is a conclusive link that my ear issues are linked to mold, but I have yet to find an ENT who will agree with me as they cannot visually see any physical mold in my ear..
    I've also been told by ENTs that you cannot get fungal infections in the inner ear which I don't believe to be true.

    I'm working with the naturopathic doctor to detox the mold from my body through supplements but my meniere's symptoms are still there (although they are better than at the start of this whole thing). I'm nervous to take anti fungals as I hear they are really harsh on the liver and kidneys, and I'm pretty sensitive to medications.
    Has anyone ever tried using anti fungal ear drops? I'm wondering if a localized approach would work and that way I could spare any damage to my liver / kidneys.

    Here's the article linking mold to Meniere's disease inflammation if anyone is interested.
    Proinflammatory cytokines and response to molds in mononuclear cells of patients with Meniere disease | Scientific Reports


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