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Hearing fluctuates/knocks on the eardrum with wind. Does anyone else happen?

Discussion in 'Your Living Room' started by IvanA, Dec 9, 2020.

  1. IvanA

    IvanA Active Member

    Apr 30, 2020
    I have already mentioned this in the past, but it really is a symptom that I have not yet managed to find any other Meniere that also has it. I explain a bit what I feel although it is difficult because it is a strange feeling:

    When someone opens a door to a room quickly I notice a knock on my eardrum. I don't know if it's in the eardrum really, but it feels like it's in that area. It is obviously annoying.

    Also, when it is strong wind outside the house and it hits the windows of the room I am in, I feel the same sensation as when someone opens a door. And I also notice in each blow as if the audition came and went briefly, it is a sensation that only lasts a second, but that is repeated continuously with each wind blow.

    By the way, I also notice this sensation in my healthy ear although in a milder way.

    I know that there are people who have fullness in their ears, especially when the weather is bad; but I do not notice my ears full or plugged, what I notice are like bumps in the eardrum and the sensation that the hearing goes away.

    With the antivirals in high doses I was about 10 days without this symptom, but now it has returned. It was the first time the symptom gave me a break since March. Perhaps it is Meniere for a viral cause without more, but it strikes me that nobody else feels it.

    So does anyone else have this? I don't know if it would reassure me more to know that it is common or on the contrary to see if I should investigate this symptom further in case what I have is not really Meniere.
  2. Ledwards

    Ledwards Member

    Jun 7, 2020
    I think I know what you’re talking about. Certain movements or sometimes sounds will make like a noise in my head. It doesn’t happen all the time. And actually i havent noticed it lately. But it sounds similar to what you describe.
  3. Donamo

    Donamo Active Member

    May 12, 2014
    I don't have that symptom. I can tense some muscles in my jaw and back of my tongue that cause a loud buzz as I do it, and sometimes it happens involuntarily but I don't think that is at all the same as what you describe.

    Yours sound to be external air pressure related. What about riding in a car with the window slightly open - that might be a situation where you could control pressure change and try to figure out more about what is happening?

    I wonder if it is pressure related, it could be blocked or restricted sinus? If you hold your nose and blow, does that cause it? I just tried it and found out that it does cause the buzz that I have. Huh, I didn't really know that until now! o_O
  4. IvanA

    IvanA Active Member

    Apr 30, 2020
    What you describe sounds like hyperacusis, I also had it a few weeks after the vertigo attack, fortunately not anymore.

    I don't usually move a lot from home because I study remotely and with Covid since February I have hardly traveled by car other than to go to hospitals, when he went to the hospitals he went by highway and if I noticed something was bothering my ears, I wouldn't know say what, I think the altitude changes, but it was not exactly the same as this symptom.

    The stuffing of the nose I do notice something similar to when the hearing comes and goes when I breathe only through my right nostril. The knocks on the eardrum only occur when someone opens the door. I suppose that those knocks require an external stimulus and by breathing through only one fossa I am stimulating internally.

    The problem is that I don't know who to turn to with this symptom, I told my ENT specialist and he ignored me. Actually, she didn't pay much attention because according to her everything is due to stress, but I have accepted this disease for months, I sleep well and I am even encouraged because if I pass in a year I will finally be able to say that I am a lawyer, the first in the family.
  5. Donamo

    Donamo Active Member

    May 12, 2014
    ENTs really don't seem to be much help with this disease. Anyway, best of luck with your studies. I know lots of lawyer jokes but I will wait until you graduate :)

    I graduated as a nuclear physicist but became a computer programmer, so you never know!
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  6. Mindosa

    Mindosa Member

    Jun 8, 2020
    It could be related to eustachian tube dysfunction and middle ear muscles

    On the basis of our clinical experience, it has been noted that an unusually large proportion of patients with Meniere's disease have intermittent eustachian tube blockage.
    Eustachian tube blockage and Meniere's disease - PubMed


    Tensor Tympani muscle is ebryologically related to the Medial Pterygoid jaw muscles.

    The Tensor Palatini Muscle also can dysfunction leading to Eustachian Tube dysfunction.

    The tensor palatini muscle pulls on the eardrum and leads to Eustachian tube malfunction.

    Eustachian tube problems can lead to pressure build up and feeling like you have water in your ear.

    The TMJ is adjacent to the ear, so swelling and inflammation often has a direct effect on the ear/s. Inflammation can cause blocked Eustachian tubes, and if the fluid in these tubes cannot drain properly, hearing is almost always affected (stuffiness, clogging, pain and/or hearing loss).

    Our study provides evidence demonstrating that treatment of Eustachian tube dysfunction may be useful in preventing the hearing of Meniere's patients from becoming worse.

    Some research has shown evidence that treating patients with isolated sensation of fullness in the ear with antimigraine treatments can improve their symptoms.

    And there are lots more info related eustachian tube and Meniere's disease on the internet

    Last edited: Dec 10, 2020
  7. Mindosa

    Mindosa Member

    Jun 8, 2020
    If it is the case, eustachian tube balloon dilation operation may help you
  8. June-

    June- Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2014
    I used to have this on windy days.
  9. IvanA

    IvanA Active Member

    Apr 30, 2020
    Did it heal over time? Any advice?
  10. June-

    June- Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2014
    It went away when other symptoms went away with treatment of antivirals and allergy treatment. It was part of the whole array of symptoms i had.
  11. IvanA

    IvanA Active Member

    Apr 30, 2020
    Thank you, at least it helps me to know that it is a possible symptom of Meniere because I could not find any allusion to it.

    I will wait to see how I evolve and to continue fighting.
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