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Recurrent Vestibulopathy vs MD

Discussion in 'Your Living Room' started by JohnD, Apr 15, 2021.

  1. JohnD

    JohnD New Member

    Apr 15, 2021
    Hi all,
    I am new to this forum just found it 2 days ago. I have severe vertigo attacks since 2015 December. My first spinning attack happened at my work place in my office working on computer. The attack last for 4-5 hours in total.
    My colleague called the ambulance and I end up to ER. After 2 months on Feb 2016 I had a second attack on the same place at work. Between the attacks I was dealing with all bad symptoms (dizziness, fatigue, off balance, motion sensitivity, anxiety).
    After running a few tests with my specialist he told me about an early Meniere possible.
    I had completed my hearing test and came fine with no any changes. Also an MRI was done for brain and right ear and were fine as well.
    On Feb 2017 .. ..I had my 3 rd vertigo attack which was trigger at a GYM place during my exercising. Staff members called the ambulance and again back to ER.
    My specialist recommended me Betahistine between 48-96 mg/day.
    I was talking Betahistine 48 mg /day between 2017 Feb and 2020 and I was free severe vertigo attacks. Some days I had mild symptoms like off balance, tired , more associated with BPPV.
    After 3 years ..on June 2020 , I was at work when a new vertigo spell came back for 6 hours. It was associated with nausea and vomiting.
    After a few days I went to see my specialist ... he put me on Betahistine 96 mg /day.
    After 3 months (on Sept 2020) I had another vertigo attack which was very severe lasting for 20 hrs. I was vomiting a lot and the recovering was so difficult at this time. After this attack I developed motion sensitivity, I was not able to stay in the car as a passenger. I was so sensitive at motion and getting dizzy very quick once the car started to move. I tried to drive and gave up I was getting dizzy focusing to drive. This attack affected my vision and I could not focus any object for more then 2 weeks ...having my eyes very busy (nystagmus). My specialist put me on prednisone tablet for 2 weeks ( 1st week 40mg/day and second week 20 mg/day).
    This helped me to recover my vision. I was free vertigo attacks until December when I had a new attack caused by motion sensitivity. I was wondering if anybody experience this motion sensitivity during driving, screens, tv....to trigger a vertigo attack
    This year 2021, I already had 3 attacks started on Feb , March , April. The attacks were mild (2-4 hrs spinning) compere with those from the last year... but still enough to stop my activities.
    The recovering period after the attacks is so long in my case.
    Having attacks every 3 weeks I decided to go in disability for awhile. Not sure if this vertigo will stop and to be free of symptoms one day...
    After I had completed a few tests ( rotation chair, caloric, hearing) my doctor report says" Recurrent Vestibulopathy Vs early Meniere's disease".
    I did not loss any hearing so far...during the attacks I have only a pressure (on my right ear) but not any hearing loss or decreasing. I was wondering if this is associated with MD!!!!!..... is anyone on this situation??. and why is still an early Meniere considering my first attack was on 2015.
    PS. On January 2021 my specialist tried the injection with steroid in the middle ear. he decided to treat me as a MD pacient. I was ok until Feb 20 ( 3-4 weeks free symptoms).... after I had another vertigo attack.
    Thank you.
  2. Joeyv1234

    Joeyv1234 New Member

    Jun 27, 2020
    Vestibular migraines perhaps?
  3. JohnD

    JohnD New Member

    Apr 15, 2021
    Hi Joeyv
    I was thinking about vestibular migranes but I don't have headaches prior vertigo attack . It happened on time or twice.

    I have my specialist notes below...

    In summary, I suspect presents with a right peripheral vestibulopathy, most likely
    recurrent vestibulopathy versus early Meniere's disease. Less likely would be vestibular
    migraines and certainly given the vestibular test results I think unlikely. I think his low
    caloric responses are artifactual given the rotational chair results He seems to doing
    better on a prednisone taper. He will continue this. We have also discussed betahistine
    titration for vertigo prevention. I will review him again in 3 months
  4. Joeyv1234

    Joeyv1234 New Member

    Jun 27, 2020
    My understanding is that vestibular migraines don't have to present with a headache. There is an excellent write up on here from a member who goes into detail of the symptoms of vestibular migraines - you should be able to find it using the search facility.
  5. JohnD

    JohnD New Member

    Apr 15, 2021
    Thank you.
  6. June-

    June- Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2014
    The Book “Heal your Headache” is often recommended on here on that subject. I don’t suffer from this. There are many here who do who can talk about it. I do know however that migraine symptoms of various kinds often does not involve a headache.
  7. JohnD

    JohnD New Member

    Apr 15, 2021
    Thank you June
    I just received the book.
    • Like Like x 1
  8. TexOkie

    TexOkie Member

    May 7, 2021
    Tulsa, OK
    I have Vestibular Migraines and they are painless. They do present with dizziness and nausea. I lay down and take a pong nap when they come on, that is if I can get to sleep. I also draw the shades and turn off all screens.

    most days now I listen to TV and only glance at the screen from time to time. If I sit down in front of the TV and attempt to watch nonstop, I’ll end up sick to my stomach and dizzy.
  9. JohnD

    JohnD New Member

    Apr 15, 2021
  10. JohnD

    JohnD New Member

    Apr 15, 2021
    I have the same problem when watching TV, screens and sometimes driving (motion sensitivity).
    I drive only short distance. When I have an attack my dizziness turn into spinning for hours and bad nausea.
    My doctor thinks that it is an early Meniere but not sure about which ear yet. My hearing is perfect on both sides.
    I have explained to my doctor about my symptoms during the attacks ( fullness /ringing on the right ear during the vertigo attacks). I showed him a video with my eyes movement during the attack. He told me that the video is indicating my left ear to have problems. Unfortunately I don't have a clear diagnostic yet and vertigo attacks come every 3-4 weeks.
    Don't know what am I doing not being able to drive and return to work yet. Also unsteadiness during the vertigo attacks. I am already in low salt diet , no alcohol and caffeine.

    I my opinion it is vestibular migraines ... but my doctors disagree on this diagnostic.
  11. TexOkie

    TexOkie Member

    May 7, 2021
    Tulsa, OK
    Is it possible the video image is reversed? I’ve seen videos made with mobile devices where the left is on the right and the right is on the left. If so, that could be the reason he says it’s the other ear.
  12. JohnD

    JohnD New Member

    Apr 15, 2021
  13. JohnD

    JohnD New Member

    Apr 15, 2021
    Hi TexOkie,
    I just checked my camera and is fine, it does video on the right way. The image is not reversed.
    Thank you for this observation.
    My eyes were moving to the left side during the attack (nystagmus) and my doctor thinks that my left ear is causing vertigo.
    Do you experience spinning room during the attacks? what kind of dizziness...
    Thank you.
  14. TexOkie

    TexOkie Member

    May 7, 2021
    Tulsa, OK
    No, I don’t experience the spinning sensation, I just get dizzy and can’t keep my balance. In the last couple of months it has resulted in falls where I’ve banged my skull on the pavement and a wall. The doctor originally said it was my neuropathy, but on my last visit he threw Menieres into the mix.

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