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John of Ohio: Does a negative HSV blood test mean stop taking Lysine?

Discussion in 'Your Living Room' started by ncmenieres, Jun 9, 2021.

  1. ncmenieres

    ncmenieres New Member

    May 22, 2020
    I had been taking Lysine 3,000mg a day as part of JOH regimen, but my test for HSV came back negative.

    Does that definitely rule out Herpes as a potential trigger and mean the Lysine has little purpose to remain in my regimen?
  2. John of Ohio

    John of Ohio Active Member

    May 17, 2014
    First, herpes simplex virus (HSV) tests may not be sensitive enough to detect relatively inactive cases of HSV infection. The virus is there, but not replicating very fast; slow enough to suppress detection, but still able to inflame inner ear tissues, causing Meniere's symptoms.

    Or, the causative virus may not be the herpes simplex virus; rather, another herpes virus.

    The only really important question is if the lysine gave you symptomatic relief. If so, continue with it. If not, try taking it for up to six months. For some, it can take nearly that long before it works.

    --John of Ohio
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  3. ncmenieres

    ncmenieres New Member

    May 22, 2020

    Thanks for your input. In my case, the attacks have increased in frequency since increasing the Lysine. Symptoms have gotten worse. I was thinking perhaps it was “things getting worse before they get better” due to a virus reacting to the Lysine.
  4. IvanNew

    IvanNew Active Member

    Jan 18, 2021
    What kind of test did you do? Of pharmacy or a medical blood test? The virus are detected and there are detecting antibodies against the virus. I do not know the sensitivity of each of them, but the normal thing is to become the antibodies because it does not fail, the problem is that having antibodies does not mean having the active virus, can have antibodies of having fought against the virus in the past.

    I imagine that yours was not antibody or if you have received a false negative because 99% of the world has antibodies against herpes because it is a common virus that is very easily spread, when sharing a drink, kissing, etc. The most common thing is that someone has infected you by kissing your cheek and of course most have passed the chickenpox that would generate another type of antibodies that should also appear in an analysis because not to do it or it is a false negative or you are not Immunized-vaccinated against smallpox.

    (Actually all this will have been explained a thousand times during the Covid pandemic because it is the same functioning of the antigen tests versus PCR, herd immunity, performance of vaccines, etc.)

    In any case although some studies suggest that the cause of Meniere can be viral and origin for herpes, it is not necessary to rule out that the cause may be another virus that would not come out in the test, but the lysine could help him.
  5. ncmenieres

    ncmenieres New Member

    May 22, 2020
    Mine was a medical blood test.
  6. June-

    June- Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2014
    There are many human herpes viruses. Chicken pox, cold sores, cmv mono, Epstein barr mono, roseola, genital herpes, I forget the rest. And tests are not so much negative and positive end of story, they are more complicated than that. No one knows which one and in what state exactly they affect the inner ear. Keep doing whatever is working for you I would say.
  7. jose suarez

    jose suarez Member

    Nov 2, 2020
    I take 8000 mg of lysine daily. Is that ok or i should lower the dosis? Before my tinutus was very low the sound and now again is increasing. I been with JOH regimen for 6 months should stop using it and then start again?

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