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newly diagnosed with questions

Discussion in 'Your Living Room' started by Kim1101, Jun 9, 2021.

  1. Kim1101

    Kim1101 New Member

    Jun 7, 2021
    Hi! I was told by my ENT that I most likely have Meneire's Disease and I have so many questions. I am a runner and enjoy exercise but due to the dizziness I experience, my husband is concerned. I have cut back my sodium intake to 1500 or less, I started taking Ginger Root and I have been taking water pills and my dizziness has subsided. I am curious if the lower sodium intake will affect me during running. I don't usually run long distances but I am doing a half marathon this Sunday (6/13). Any advice is appreciated!!
  2. yellowboy

    yellowboy Active Member

    Jul 11, 2020
    This &%$# disease affects everyone differently. Do whatever you want to do until you can't do it. You will find your limit, and it may vary if you are having a good day or bad day. My biggest problem was getting a good nights sleep so I didn't feel like a zombie all the time. I am now on an antidepressant so I only feel like a zombie half of the time.
  3. jaypr

    jaypr Member

    May 12, 2014
    liverpool uk
    Do yourself a favour and or borrow purchase a copy of Heal your headache by David Buccholz. Don't be put off by the title. I bought it in 2005 I have never looked back.Only come here occasionally to pass the news on to unfortunate people like yourself who are looking for answers. Wishing you well
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. redwing1951

    redwing1951 Well-Known Member

    May 13, 2014
    New Hampshire/Florida
    I am not sure if the lower salt intake will affect your run. I would make sure that you drink plenty of water the day before your run and during the run. Very important to stay hydrated! Dehydration can cause dizziness even if one does not have menieres. Keep running and exercising as it is a great stress reliever. Stress can exacerbate menieres. Best of luck in your race. And remember to hydrate.
    • Like Like x 1
  5. Onedayatatime

    Onedayatatime Active Member

    Nov 22, 2016
  6. Onedayatatime

    Onedayatatime Active Member

    Nov 22, 2016
    Not sure what u mean by water pills, but diuretics can lower your potasium level which can prove dangerous. I was monitored while on diuretics and was placed on a potassium supplement. It took a while for my potassium level to drop if i remember correctly.
  7. bob_

    bob_ New Member

    Oct 21, 2018
    When taking a diuretic, eating less than 1500mg sodium per day, and exercising a lot, I’ve had symptoms of having too little sodium in my body. It feels like dehydration, but drinking more water doesn’t help. You may want to consult with your ENT.

    Then again, the run already happened, so I hope it went well.
  8. Rubygirl

    Rubygirl Member

    Oct 4, 2020
    While nobody should be eating excessive sodium, I think that in many cases the balance of sodium to potassium in a food is important as the two offset each other. 1500 mg/day is the one-size-fits-all number that is thrown out there but for someone like yourself, your needs would be much higher. I just recommend making sure that you are getting at least double that in potassium. Especially with meals... if I know there is a little more sodium than I would like in a meal I make sure I eat a banana with the meal or easier still, pop some potassium supplements. Postassium is your best friend!!!
  9. david2salsero

    david2salsero Member

    Oct 28, 2017
    San Jose
    What you’ve listed is limited. I’m curious how they came to that conclusion? Please do share why you see diagnosed with MM. I’m an athlete. I’m back on a diuretic that doesn’t reduce your potassium levels. I had a recent bout of hearing loss that I’m now dealing with again. The most important thing to do is journal to find what your triggers are. It’s a long journey. Don’t give up.
  10. Onedayatatime

    Onedayatatime Active Member

    Nov 22, 2016
    Do diuretics cause low potassium?
    A simple search will connect the use of some diuretics to reduced potassium levels.
  11. Brian

    Brian Member

    Jun 20, 2021
    Your doctor is an idiot. You don’t have Ménière’s, maybe an electrolyte imbalance but not Ménière’s.
  12. Kim1101

    Kim1101 New Member

    Jun 7, 2021
    My symptoms are loss of hearing in my right ear along with tinnitus and the dizzy feeling. My CT scan and MRI don't show any blockage.
  13. Kim1101

    Kim1101 New Member

    Jun 7, 2021
    He diagnosed this based on loss of hearing along with tinnitus and the dizziness I experience 24/7
  14. Kim1101

    Kim1101 New Member

    Jun 7, 2021
    Thank you! I was under 3 hours so I was pretty happy!
  15. Cheryl

    Cheryl Active Member

    May 23, 2014
    Hi Kim,

    Typically, at least in the early stages of Meniere's, 24/7 dizziness is not a symptom. I realize everyone is different, but doctors say there are episodes of vertigo and nothing in between them. That was my experience early on.

    My Meniere's is bilateral now and I've had a VNS in one ear, so at times I do have some dizziness, but what you're experiencing does not sound like Meniere's to me.

    You owe it to yourself to get a second opinion from a neurotologist. Most basic ENT's aren't really qualified to diagnose and treat Meniere's.
  16. Kim1101

    Kim1101 New Member

    Jun 7, 2021
    I drink between 80-100 oz of water a day so I'm pretty sure I am not dehydrated.
    • Like Like x 1
  17. Kim1101

    Kim1101 New Member

    Jun 7, 2021
    Thank you. He is basing it on the CT scan, the MRI and the hearing loss and tinnitus in my right ear
  18. Star

    Star New Member

    Jun 9, 2021
    Hi, I was just diagnosed two or three weeks ago based on bilateral hydrops, vertigo episodes with hearing changes and ear fullness. The diuretics help me a-lot but I couldn't stay on because I have low blood pressure and it got too low to function. I am on a low sodium diet too. Definitely doing better but not as well. I got my hearing tested while on the diuretics and it was good. Last time mild hearing loss. I'm waiting on mri in a couple weeks to rule out anything else going on. I'm glad you had a great run. Good luck!
  19. david2salsero

    david2salsero Member

    Oct 28, 2017
    San Jose
    Well, keep exercising as this will also provide positive benefits. I’ve been able to do this between my bouts of major episodes every 5-6 years.
  20. Corn

    Corn New Member

    Jun 26, 2021
    I too was newly diagnosed with this disease. Though I don’t have the vertigo ( only realized I did have them occasionally over the years but thought it was because I wasn’t eating properly ) or nausea. I’m struggling with the idea I may get that soon. It all started in April when I woke up with a plugged feeling in the left ear. Just thought it was plugged . Left it for a week and then went to doctor, prescribed steroid nasal spray. Didn’t clear it up and I was very sensitive to loud noises such as cars driving by, trains be loud , fridge .went to another doc then went to ER because of huge panic attack. They referred me an ENT within a week. He said ears weren’t infected . Did a scope of Eustachian tubes and said they were not open . Prescribed nasal spray CTscan and hearing test. So I’ve been going from GP to ENT for past 3 months with no real guidance on diet and what . I’m on diruetics and betahistine. Just finishing up prednisone for second time. I did get frequent cold sores as a child and adult life. I also had shingles 4 years ago. So I’m thinking that could be part of the problem. Just would like some hints on how to deal with the ever changing weather here and how people through their daily lives. ( like family life, work, etc)

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