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Exercise and Hearing Loss

Discussion in 'Your Living Room' started by david2salsero, Aug 3, 2021.

  1. david2salsero

    david2salsero Member

    Oct 28, 2017
    San Jose
    My recent episode (third time in last 15 years) has taken out the remaining hearing in the low frequency. After steroid shots, oral prednisone, areintroduction of diuretic and betahistine things have marginally improved. One thing that frustrates me is my love for exercise causing my hearing to get worse as well as tinnitus. It recovers over night to the bad baseline. Has anyone experienced fluctuations like this? There is also pulsating tinnitus. Actually goes away when I exercise but so does the hearing in the bad ear. Also get the high pitch tinnitus in my good ear; that too goes away. Anyway, looking for folks that may have similar experiences.
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  2. JustLiving

    JustLiving New Member

    Jul 12, 2021
    Actually I do get hearing loss often when I workout hard. I love weightlifting and have noticed when I lift heavy I lose some hearing but it’s always bounced back after. I started drinking Pedialyte when I workout tho (which helps with hydration) and it has helped me tremendously haven’t lost hearing while working out but I also have cut back on the amount of weight I do.
  3. Todd

    Todd New Member

    Nov 16, 2020
    I found that pushing too hard physically (exercise beyond limits or too little sleep) would trigger episodes.
  4. david2salsero

    david2salsero Member

    Oct 28, 2017
    San Jose
    Thanks for sharing your experiences. I will bring this up with my OTO next week when I see them. Something about our episodes here with exercise lead me to think there is a vascular component to our condition.

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