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Do antivirals inevitably stop working?

Discussion in 'Your Living Room' started by EkkoMusic, Nov 22, 2021.

  1. EkkoMusic

    EkkoMusic Member

    Jul 26, 2021
    My background: Cochlear hydrops Mid-2020 to present. AVs mid-2021 to present. I had a GREAT two months on the AVs recently and I felt practically cured. This week (month #4 on AVs) I’ve experienced a nasty reactivation; my ear-fullness is back to its worst.

    I am aware this is a complex topic. I ask because I saw posts from several users reporting this happening, usually after a few years. "AVs don't work for me like they used to," etc.

    Could this be because we accumulate more viral load throughout life, ultimately reaching a point that surmounts the antiviral’s effect? Or is HSV (or other viruses) developing resistance to the pharma?

    I am also curious, for those who’ve experienced this: Did this occur because you stopped taking the AV, or did it occur while still on it?

    I am currently on Famciclovir 500mg b.i.d and Betahistine 16mg t.i.d, but I am open to adding a natural (olive leaf, monolaurin, oregano oil, etc) if necessary.
  2. Brian

    Brian Member

    Jun 20, 2021
  3. Donamo

    Donamo Active Member

    May 12, 2014
    It's a good question. I am struggling right now and the AVs aren't working as well as I expected. In your case, after just 4 months, I don't think it could be a factor, i.e. I expect they are still working.

    BTW, what does b.i.d. mean?

    Sometimes this disease just seems to get more active for no reason. Can you think of anything that might have triggered yours? Bad sleep? Red wine? Anxiety or stress?
  4. Nathan

    Nathan Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2014
    Subsurface ocean, Europa
    Latin "Bis in die" - twice a day.
  5. Korya13

    Korya13 New Member

    Sep 2, 2021
    Tell what you eat, drink?
    Food can reactivate the virus and your dose of AV is not large enough to stop the virus.
    Try adding monolaurin and a large dose of vitamin C (every 2 hours)

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