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Help. Not sure what to do.

Discussion in 'Your Living Room' started by TR3B, Apr 26, 2024.

  1. TR3B

    TR3B New Member

    Jan 13, 2024
    I had my first Meniere's attack in 2017. At the time I had no idea what that was. It sounded like an F14 was trying to take off out of my right ear. Called every doctor on the earth, ENT and otherwise but no one could see you for weeks at best, months at worst. I walked in to Ohio State Otolaryngology begging for help and they let me sit in the lobby until I went deaf (right ear) literally. Even THEN they still wouldn't see me. Got an appointment 2 weeks later but my hearing in my right ear was completely lost.

    Now it's happening again but it's different. There's a sudden onset of a deafening 'mid range tone' tinnitus emanating from the rear center of my skull. It's so loud I'm having trouble hearing anything out of my good ear over it. It's even so loud it's masking the constant loud tinnitus I have in my deaf ear. My threshold for pain and misery is abnormally high but this is so bad I've been awake for over 24 hours and my hands are shaking. I also seem to have completely lost all the low end of my hearing but I can't tell if it's actually gone or I just can't hear over the tinnitus (if it even is tinnitus).

    Same deal with calling the doctors today as last time. OSU won't return my phone calls again, my back up emergency ENT guy is in surgery until next week and my primary care physician is out for a week. Anyone new I try to contact says they can't see me until August. I tried calling all the local ENTs and even a few neurologists and even with an 'urgent' referral the wait months.

    I've reached a dead end. Has any body else been through this? What did you do?
  2. EAOfficial

    EAOfficial Member

    Jan 10, 2024
    North Jersey
    Dr Gacek has a theory that these issues are caused by herpesviridae, and prescribes antivirals. He does telemedicine. Worth a try.

    If when your problem first started if you had done hyperbaric therapy it may have helped. Less hope now but worth a try if money is no object. There are places that do it at $200/hr
    • Fistbump/thanks Fistbump/thanks x 1
  3. Donamo

    Donamo Active Member

    May 12, 2014
    Hey TR3B - sorry to hear about your troubles. I wouldn't lose too much sleep over not being able to see a doctor, they don't have many answers about inner ear problems anyway.

    One thing you can do is to keep a detailed log day to day about your diet, your sleep, blood pressure, blood sugar and anything else you can think of. Look for patterns, something has to be triggering these episodes, IMO. You are going to have to be your own doctor.
    • Fistbump/thanks Fistbump/thanks x 1
  4. TR3B

    TR3B New Member

    Jan 13, 2024
    That's the truth. It's become that way with nearly everything. It's both sad and terrifying.

    I will look him up. Thank you.
  5. Kevinb003

    Kevinb003 Active Member

    May 15, 2014
    Check out the Michigan Ear Institute. Definitely worth the drive up north. They got me in right away with pretty severe issues, but keep in mind that was also back in 2004.
    • Like Like x 1
  6. JanieJiffy

    JanieJiffy Member

    Apr 30, 2023
    Yes, you not only have to be your own doctor with most exotic problems (like Meniere's) but even if doctors understood much about it, all specialists all seem to have a wait time for an appointment of about 3 months. The medical system is a mess, partly because doctor reimbursements, especially from Medicare, are way too low for doctors to survive unless they are doing surgery or other procedures.

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