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Acupuncture has helped me!

Discussion in 'Your Living Room' started by Keithyboy, Oct 18, 2020.

  1. Keithyboy

    Keithyboy New Member

    Oct 18, 2020
    Hi all,
    I’m new to this website, but just want to jump on and share my story. I know it’s not a one solution fits all, but I’m hopeful this will be helpful to someone.
    I first got Menieres in mid 2018. Hadn’t had any symptoms beforehand, until suddenly at work one day I got a full on vertigo spell where I couldn’t stand up and was vomiting etc.. I passed it off as some viral thing until I got it again a few days later. And again and again...
    I went to the gp who sent me to an ENT specialist. They both diagnosed me with Menieres and put be on low salt diet, no caffeine/alcohol serc, and stemitil. The stemtil worked for a few months but then stopped working. Serc just made me really lethargic and I felt crook on it all the time. I gave it a few goes but eventually stopped as symptoms continued to get worse. Tried vitaminB supplements but they made no difference.
    I got to the point where I was getting a full blown attack nearly every day with constant tinnitus. I couldn’t have a social life at all and couldn’t even plan anything or commit to anything at work.
    I do believe God is in control of it all and He helped me keep a job so that I could still provide for my family.
    I think it was around May this year I decided to try a Chinese doctor. I’ve been going there one a week since then. (6 hr round trip but it’s worth it!)
    He has been giving me acupuncture and mixing up herbs for me to make up as a brew every day. I had one more major attack a few weeks in, but since then I am nearly back to normal. I still have constant tinnitus, but it is down to around a 3/10 most days. Still get a bit of dizziness now and then but nothing like it was. I’ve kept going on the low salt diet for now but I’m not being as strict with it.
    I’ve also had recommendations to see a naturopath. Anyone had experiences with them?
  2. Justme77

    Justme77 New Member

    Feb 8, 2020
    It's funny you mention this because I just told my husband tonight that I'm willing to try anything, even Acupuncture. This is great to hear! I'm glad it helped you!
  3. IvanA

    IvanA Active Member

    Apr 30, 2020
    Congratulations on your improvement! Keep informing us of how you are doing over time since for now it has only been 5 months since you started, the interesting thing is to see if it works for 1-2 years.

    By the way, do you know what herbs he's giving you?
  4. travelershe

    travelershe New Member

    Jan 18, 2019
  5. travelershe

    travelershe New Member

    Jan 18, 2019
    So glad you are better! For me I find that there is little rhyme or reason for flare ups. Alcohol is a personal trigger however. And I do watch sodium and caffeine intake. Otherwise those mountain roads can aggregate as well. I do have eustasian (sp)? tube dysfunction, which really limits my flying anymore, sadly. But Menieres just shows up most of the time with NO apparent reason noted. Ugh. Remember, herbs are drugs so be careful. Best to you.
  6. merlin007

    merlin007 New Member

    Mar 22, 2020
    Please can you ask your acupuncture practitioner which point are being needled and what the herbs are.

    I am seeing one now with no success
  7. Weeba

    Weeba Member

    Jun 19, 2020
    I went to acupuncture for 3 months 3 times a week. He said my problem was in my kidneys. Stuck needles in my ankles mostly. Still got vertigo so quit going to him. Happy it worked for you!
  8. yellowboy

    yellowboy Active Member

    Jul 11, 2020
    Good luck to you. I may try it. I have not stopped alcohol, as my ENT never said I should. In fact my consumption has gone up since this crap started. It has unfortunately been my crutch. I should try stopping drinking before I try the acupuncture.
  9. Rubygirl

    Rubygirl Member

    Oct 4, 2020
    For anyone considering acupuncture - please make sure you consult someone who has trained for years in Chinese medicine and this is what they do full time. By this I mean that many other practitioners - MDs, chiropractors, physiotherapists, etc. will offer "acupuncture" as part of their many services but many (not all) such practitioners take a course over a few weekends, learn a few points and off they go!

    That is not Chinese medicine. Chinese medicine is a very complex thing that takes years to learn, with it's own interpretations of the cause of disease and its treatment. Quite frankly, you likely won't find help from someone who doesn't have a full grasp of Chinese medicine theory. Note too that Chinese medicine is more than acupuncture. As mentioned by Keithyboy in the original posting, his treatment plan included Chinese herbs. A properly trained Chinese Medicine practitioner will give you not only the needles but herbs and discuss diet with you (for example, Meniere's from what I understand is considered "fire" or "Yang rising".... so the dietary recommenations would be "cooling" foods.... It's a comprehensive approach and that is what you want if you are going to spend the money!

    Regarding naturopathic doctors - definitely worth considering especially for their ability to order certain lab tests such as IgG Food Sensitivity Testing as well as their ability to provide IV vitamin therapy (Vitamin C, gluthione) and of course give you ideas about the best supplementation. Although between the other suggestions here such as the JOH regimen, high dose B Vitamins, pycnogenol, etc.... you could probably figure that out on your own. They would also be able to provide guidance on Candida and Leaky Gut Syndrome (though again, you can do your own reading... but they can do the testing to confirm).

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