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Discussion in 'Your Living Room' started by Matt M, Jun 22, 2018.

  1. Matt M

    Matt M New Member

    Jun 8, 2018
    Was curious if anyone has experience or researched the effect of Aldosterone therapy aka "hearing hormone? My understanding is our body's sodium, potassium and water levels are kept in equilibrium through aldosterone secreted by the adrenal gland. There seems to be some intriguing data that aldosterone supplementation may improve hearing and does not have the side effects of the current treatment with steroids and may better address the underlying cause of hearing and vestibular issues.

  2. April55

    April55 Member

    Aug 10, 2017
    This is a wonderful link and article. Thank you so much for posting it. I have tried pycnogenols, diuretics, JOH, antivirals and I still have had 'episodes' of dizziness and vertigo over the last 2 years. I think some of it has helped reduce the severity of symptoms but I am always on the lookout for a silver bullet and my hearing and tinnitus in my bad ear have never improved since it started in June '11. If I could find something to make me hear better and help the tinnitus even if it didn't stop the Meniere's symptoms totally it would be so worth it.
    I am thinking of buying the Aldo-Spray without a 'scrip and it ships from overseas and doesn't say exactly where....just EU. At least I will just be spraying it in my ear and not ingesting it in case it is not up to US standards. I can't even find a US supplier if I had a 'scrip. Thank you again for giving me a new avenue in my quest for healing.
  3. dwaynehoover

    dwaynehoover Member

    May 13, 2014
    Hi, where did you see Aldo spray? I would imagine you spray in your nose or mouth. How could it help in your outer ear? Thanks
  4. April55

    April55 Member

    Aug 10, 2017
    Hi Dwayne. I found info on Aldo-Spray (drops that go in the ear) at nearly the end of this article. Not available in the US. There is an oral pill of the same bio identical drug but if you can bypass the whole body and apply something just to the ear I am onboard to be a test rat.
  5. zotjen

    zotjen Member

    May 12, 2014
    Maybe it's just me but something sounds fishy about this. The website appears to be a thinly disguised commercial by International Antiaging Systems. Any website that houses articles about "breakthrough" products and then provides links so you can buy those products raises red flags. Below are two separate profiles of the author of the article including one that claims he invented the nicotine patch although doing a search showed otherwise.


  6. Cheryl

    Cheryl Active Member

    May 23, 2014
    Spraying something into your outer ear isn't going to do anything for Meniere's. As I stated in another post, the inner ear is deep within the brain and is surrounded by rock hard bone. There is no way for the spray to get to the inner ear.
  7. April55

    April55 Member

    Aug 10, 2017
    Zotjen and Cheryl..............thank you both for your common sense responses. I am so desperate for some relief from tinnitus I almost ordered it today just to try it and hope for results. But both your points make a whole lot of sense so I am saving my $59.99 for something more worthwhile. Do you think the oral version has any chance of being legit?
  8. brianfrood

    brianfrood New Member

    Jul 11, 2016
    I did try Florinef (albeit a low dose) for a few weeks without any change in hearing. Dr. Staecker (in Kansas City) recommended it. He has one patient who still uses it regularly and has had some improvement. I have not seen any.

    Sailing Guy

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