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[Ask] Tips for dizziness and balance issues

Discussion in 'Your Living Room' started by ckdk, Feb 7, 2018.

  1. ckdk

    ckdk Member

    Jan 8, 2017
    Hi All,

    I have been experiencing daily dizziness and balance issues lately. i still on JOH and acyclovir 800mg b.i.d.

    any of you also have daily dizziness and balance issues? how do you adapt or overcome that?

  2. yanksgirl

    yanksgirl Member

    May 12, 2014
    I have dizziness daily and have to 'work at balance' when walking 'free style'--meaning without an arm or wall or something to 'focus on'.

    I don't use a cane or walker--have learned to figure out what works to help me walk 'ok' most of the time. It's when I bend over or turn quickly I have a problem.

    Also I'm taking a new medication and I never do well on new meds--so one of the side effects is 'dizziness' as it is with most meds. I never have taken any of JOH's regime--though I see where many have and have done great on it.

    I did take anti-virals and they didn't help me.

    I just don't want to add more OTC things that all have side effects of one kind or another to my already full counter of them and prescription meds for other issues. Just don't do meds well, so take only what I have to take. Hope you feel better soon.
  3. ckdk

    ckdk Member

    Jan 8, 2017
    thanks Yanksgirl, may i know what medication do you take for your MM? thanks
  4. yanksgirl

    yanksgirl Member

    May 12, 2014
    I don't take it for MM--specifically--but for the anxiety and somedays depression that has come with dealing with the symptoms of MM over the last few years. When I had vertigo--I took 2 mg Valium once or twice a day--and if a vertigo attack occurred, I took Meclizine and another Valium.

    I've tried anti-virals but not very long as the doctor wouldn't give me a new script and it didn't help me anyway. Many here are helped with it.
    The new medication--which now after 4 weeks is making me very nauseated--is Zoloft (generic Sertaline). I called my doctor today and he said to take 1/2 of the tablet at a time--morning and evening of the 25 mg. (lowest dose) and see if that helps the nausea.

    It is helping the depression some so far, so I hope to keep on taking it but this nausea is pretty bad right now. I also supplement with 1/2 a low dose Xanax when needed. No more vertigo since my shunt surgery in 2012.
  5. teesdale

    teesdale Active Member

    Oct 24, 2014
    I have been on A/V's since June and have been completely symptom free since 10 July. Even my hearing has improved.

    Now, for the last three days I have been experiencing daily mild dizziness. Mostly, like Yanksgirl, when I move my head quickly or in other positions like shaving in the mirror.

    After nearly seven months of bliss, I am now bummed. But, I'm hoping that vestibular exercises can help. There are several that can be easily found through a google search. Physical thereapists can also help.

    A very interesting demonstration is to march in place. Then close your eyes while continuing to march in place. For me, within 45 seconds I have unknowingly made a 90 degree turn away from my bad ear. I believe most people turn toward the affected ear but the PT told me it varies. If you try this make sure you have plenty of room or someone to keep you safe. Best of health to you.
  6. yellow

    yellow Member

    May 13, 2014
    Better known as the Unterberger Test. My ENT has me do this test at most sessions along with a hearing test. Presumably to monitor the beast’s progress or deterioration?

    The reality gap between the starting and ending positions is always an eye opener, both literally and metaphorically!
  7. marie

    marie Member

    Jan 6, 2017
    I too have had mild dizziness lately despite staying on low sodium diet and Acyclovir 800 mg 2 x day. It's not bothersome as I'm thankful that I haven't had vertigo in 6 months or more. I've been walking instead of biking and sometimes it down to cope. A couple times I've pulled off the road when driving. Thankfully I still drive. I was sad when i was sick and couldn't drive.
    I wonder if my mild dizziness has anything to do with the flu which is worse this year.
    My best to everyone.
  8. teesdale

    teesdale Active Member

    Oct 24, 2014
    I've been wondering too, Marie. Probably more like hoping that it is due to a flu or cold. I dread the dizziness once again becoming the norm.
  9. ckdk

    ckdk Member

    Jan 8, 2017
    yes, i was also tested everytime during visit to ENT. sometimes I marched on spot, sometimes to my left, sometimes to my right.

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