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Botox and inner ear

Discussion in 'Your Living Room' started by Megan Henry, Oct 6, 2019.

  1. Megan Henry

    Megan Henry Member

    Oct 5, 2019
    I was curious if anyone here has ever received Botox? It may have been a contributing if not the contributing factor to my ear problems and dizziness. I started getting fullness and tinnitus 2 weeks after Botox injections in my forehead and crows feet area. But I've received injections 3 times prior to the injections in question. Doctors and nurses say totally unrelated, but we all know how they are. The dizziness/rocking feeling came 2 months into my diagnosis of Meniere's, originally diagnosed with eustachian tube dysfunction and then later as cochlear hydrops. Frankly still not unsure of what I have. Cochlear hydrops hydrops seems most congruent with synptoms. Would love any input. Thank you!
  2. James

    James ''Everywhere I go there I am'' GS

    May 12, 2014
    I get botox every 3 months for migraine and no symptoms from it.
  3. Bonlyn

    Bonlyn Active Member

    Dec 29, 2017
    New York
    Hi James,

    Curious about the Botox for the migraine. The Heal Your Headache Guy , Buccholz, doesn't think they have a high success rate, but after failing on two other vestibuler migraine meds was curious about your journey. All of the migraine magazines have ads for the Botox. Do you have vestibular migraine or just regular migraine?

    Did you try other meds before the Botox?

    You may pm/ conversation me, so not to mess up Megan' s thread. Thanks!
  4. Megan Henry

    Megan Henry Member

    Oct 5, 2019
    Hi James,

    Thank you for your response. My symptoms started 2-3 weeks after getting botox. I also got it around my crow's feet area. Do you just injections in you head and neck? Would love to get them again honestly because they helped with my headaches as well. All the doctors say no way, totally unrelated.
  5. James

    James ''Everywhere I go there I am'' GS

    May 12, 2014
    Hey Megan,
    I get the injections in my head around the ear on the head,in my jaw and the top part of my neck around c-1.
    I did it for Tmj as I was sent by my dentist do a demonstration for dentists.IT helped so I keep getting it.Bonlyn I will message you.I think my story might be in the old archives under Success stories if that category is still around.
  6. Nathan

    Nathan Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2014
    Subsurface ocean, Europa
    Can we please substitute the plural noun "crow's feet" for "happy happy wisdom grooves"? Or simply "wisdom grooves"?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. redwing1951

    redwing1951 Well-Known Member

    May 13, 2014
    New Hampshire/Florida
    Nathan you just made me increase my happy happy "wisdom grooves."
    • Like Like x 1

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