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Coming to terms with menieres

Discussion in 'Your Living Room' started by Laramy Black, Jul 27, 2021.

  1. Laramy Black

    Laramy Black New Member

    Jul 27, 2021
    I have just been diagnosed with menieres at 30 today. Reading websites has seriously brought me down.
    I have finished all the test prescribed by my ENT and by what i can tell i am at the start of this. The ECoG showed 55% in my left ear, and the hearing test showed i have a small amount of hearing loss in the mid range. lows and high are still well above the normal line. the VRG reveled i have lost 40% of my balance from my left ear. i have had 3 attacks over the last year and a half. i currently feel like i am on a boat or have exaggerated movement.

    As someone who just lost there job because the tests where taking to long, what things do you recommend? I have another visit with my ENT tomorrow over first steps as well it was finally diagnosed.

  2. snapper

    snapper New Member

    Sep 22, 2020
    I was diagnosed at age 69 and was discouraged as well. My ENT follows the recommendations of the Balance Center in Tampa and has brought me along quite well. I am episode free for more than 6 months after a course of acyclovir (3 a day for 3 weeks, 2 a day for 3 weeks, and 1/daily since). I also take Dyazide and found out about vitamins B5 and B6 on this site and added those around the time I started the acyclovir. My hearing in my left ear was down over 60% and is all the way back. Not everyone is as fortunate as I have been but there is some hope, don't be too discouraged.
  3. Laramy Black

    Laramy Black New Member

    Jul 27, 2021
    Thanks for the support. got some good news (i think) today.
    Due to how all the test came back my ENT think it is still not meniere's, but i still have some of the symptoms listed.
    Reason being that my hearing is still majority above normal, the vng showed no major disruptions in the canal. just 40% loss of signal from the left ear. only real sign was the 55% in my ECoG in my left ear.
    Guidance so far is keep up with balance training and removing salt from my diet.
    The fear came from 2 PT's thinking it may be meniere's but the doctor saying it probably is not.
    and seeing how wildly different everyone is i can see that possibly being true, only time and effort will tell.

    I will be following up every few days with my new diet and may try vitamins listed here on the forum to test.
  4. JustLiving

    JustLiving New Member

    Jul 12, 2021
    I am 21, was diagnosed when I was 20 with bilateral meneires disease. Now they are questioning if that really is what I have. Some things that have helped me the most is keeping a low sodium diet, being put on a diuretic, and STAYING HYDRATED! These are simple things that have made my day to day manageable. I’m still not 100% and have been sent to a different specialist but I’m doing much better and not having vertigo everyday! I’m sorry you lost your job because of this. I am a college student as of now and struggling in classes and I have also lost my job due to making my health and schooling a priority. Don’t get discouraged! Your health is more important than any job. Take care of yourself
  5. Laramy Black

    Laramy Black New Member

    Jul 27, 2021
    So similar boat, menieres like symptoms but Dr questioning if it is truly menieres. Kinda makes sense due to the fact of how tightly everything is packed in the head. Also how hard it is to fully understand and watch what is going on in ones head.

    Good to know that water and low sodium helps. What amount of water are they telling you to drink? for me they told me to take my weight in lbs and divide it by 2, then take that number as FLoz and add an extra liter on it[current-lbs/2+33oz (33oz is about 1 liter)]. I am on the heavy side, it came out to 4.8 liters a day. I have noticed my pressure headaches and migraines are majorly reduced (like typing out on this forum is enough of a distraction to not notice it) as long as I maintain that amount of water. If I slip, the next day is kinda rough. Still doing VRT for the daily on a boat like feeling(for me growing up near the ocean, getting off the boat like feeling).

    Hope your schooling goes well and you find a place that is willing to work with you. Doing that my self right now (finding a place of employment). You will have 1 thing up on me, I dropped out of college before flunking out.
  6. Laramy Black

    Laramy Black New Member

    Jul 27, 2021
    Been following the water guide by my doctors, the migraines are so much less now.
    Also following the low sodium rules as well. About 1000mg is where i am aiming for, much lower than the last year and a half (door dash orders for nearly every meal).
    I have noticed some new things in my ear i have had multiple days of repetitive popping noises in my ear, like if you turn a water bottle upside down to pour out the water, the little noise it makes trying to get air back in. it will last anywhere between 30 seconds to a min. And the biggest thing that scared me was a full blown airplane style ear pop. been 3 days since that and no vertigo issues related to it.
    Will also message my ENT, but any one else had similar things?
  7. Blakeh

    Blakeh Active Member

    Aug 20, 2016
    Hi Laramy,

    Hang in there. This forum has solid support and resources. There are plenty of people on the forum living a normal with Menieres.

    My point is, there is hope and all is not lost.

    Hang in there!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. Brian

    Brian Member

    Jun 20, 2021
    Eustachian tube opening?
  9. Laramy Black

    Laramy Black New Member

    Jul 27, 2021
    Not sure. Still no update from my ENT this is the 2nd question I have asked on their new medical portal and no response.
  10. Brian

    Brian Member

    Jun 20, 2021
    Yea no one cares we’re all just $$$$$ to the doctors.
  11. Laramy Black

    Laramy Black New Member

    Jul 27, 2021
    not too sure about that, for some yes.

    And i get where you are coming from. we are in a boat of "something is wrong and i want help figuring out what to do" nothing hurts more than feeling like the person(s) you need to trust don't show a good response.

    With free time during job hunting seeing all the similar disorders and all the different sources, it is very clear that menieres is still not very well understood, and those who found fixes (i wont call them cures until data comes in about rest of life relief) may be a different variant.
    Like the information out online is just so different from each other. Like for those who have been getting relief from anti-virals i found a link on hopkins saying it is Labyrinthitis and Vestibular Neuritis.
    The messaging system my ENT has is also new, within the last month it was stood up.
    There is also the diffrence between primary Endolymphatic hydrops and secondary. Secondary seem to be versions of menieres with known root causes, such as upper back and neck trauma, and auto immune disorders. For those with secondary treating the first issue helps with menieres.

    So i will keep going with the diet, the water. will add chiropractics to my list as i have grown up with scoliosis, and worked a desk job for 10+ years with bad posture. and maybe ad in some yoga who knows.

    All I know is I had an unhealthy lifestyle before my first attack with multiple daily doordash/grubhub orders and 3-4 cans of red-bull daily, mixed in with stress from work and lack of sleep from the stress, caffeine, and sleep apnea. Focusing on my health in general first while job hunting should hopefully help me.
  12. Brian

    Brian Member

    Jun 20, 2021
    Hopefully it pans out. I’m in really bad shape right now and very bitter about this. My Neurotologist just said to me “I have nothing more to offer you” and this is a famous on in NYC he said he had exhausted all his options. Right now I’m on diuretic, low sodium, but I had intratympanic dexamethasone shots. All of those did nothing. My condition was flared by the COVID vaccine from Pfizer and I am praying it gets better once my immunity wears off, because I cannot go on like this.
  13. Brian

    Brian Member

    Jun 20, 2021
    I forgot to mention that the Neurotologist also put me on an 80mg taper for prednisone with Klonopin and nothing.
  14. david2salsero

    david2salsero Member

    Oct 28, 2017
    San Jose
    Try to rule out allergies both airborne and those caused by food. You get poked a lot, but the results will at least rule out allergies.
  15. Brian

    Brian Member

    Jun 20, 2021
    Thanks David I have tons of allergies food, environmental and drug.I feel much worse during pollen season in the spring and summer. I had 5 days of non stop vertigo last July plus my asthma was bothering me. I was in rough shape.
  16. Megan Henry

    Megan Henry Member

    Oct 5, 2019
    Hi Brian,

    Are you doing any better?
  17. Brian

    Brian Member

    Jun 20, 2021
    I am worse now from tapered the Klonopin I was on. The tinnitus is beyond severe. I’m at the end of my rope. I’m actually in the hospital now due to my parents stopping a suicide attempt. The Klonopin has caused withdrawal symptoms including increased tinnitus, which was already bad.
  18. Megan Henry

    Megan Henry Member

    Oct 5, 2019
    Oh Brian. I'm so so sorry. I understand. Have you noticed the symptoms from the vaccine have subsided some atleast. I'm here to talk whenever you need. Ok? I can assure you if you hang in there it does indeed get better. I promise you. I've lived with this asshole for over two years. I strongly recommend an antidepressant, therapy and THC. But do what works for you. I'm here for you.
  19. Megan Henry

    Megan Henry Member

    Oct 5, 2019
    Oh Brian. I'm so so sorry. I understand. Have you noticed the symptoms from the vaccine have subsided some atleast. I'm here to talk whenever you need. Ok? I can assure you if you hang in there it does indeed get better. I promise you. I've lived with this asshole for over two years. I strongly recommend an antidepressant, therapy and THC. But do what works for you. I'm here for you.
  20. Brian

    Brian Member

    Jun 20, 2021
    Has not subsided one bit. Thanks for your support. I just can’t go on like this.

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