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Feeling left out

Discussion in 'Your Front Porch' started by Karenplus8, May 26, 2014.

  1. Karenplus8

    Karenplus8 Active Member

    May 12, 2014
    I have been left out of a lot of things because well I have six kids at home. So I understand not being invited to things. However, we are part of a church that I love and the Pastor and his wife we have known for 10 years watching their kids grow up and even homeschool our kids. Their daughter is getting married on Saturday the 7th and I bought things to make her a very nice quilt but I assumed we would be invited. Dumb me! I don't want to feel hurt. I am not her daugthers friend. My Son who is 18 was verbally invited but he doesn't drive yet (he is learning). They have kept it out of church news and out of church announcements. So I would assume she wants a small wedding. Hard to do as a pastors kid. I just feel left out and unwanted and like I don't want to go to church anymore. I hate to be an inconvience to anyway and I feel so much like one since the Menieres crap took over my life. Anyway any thought on how I can feel better?
  2. That's no reason to not want to go to church anymore. Can't you just brush it off and continue to praise God? Or maybe if you do feel that upset over it, ask. Tell'em that you would like to attend. Good luck!
  3. Karenplus8

    Karenplus8 Active Member

    May 12, 2014
    I don't blame it on Menieres I blame my feelings on Menieres does that make sense?? I am so much more sensitive and emotionally raw since I have been dealing with it. Just getting these feelings out has helped.
  4. Intrepid

    Intrepid Be original

    May 17, 2014
    First...here's a BIG HUG! You're probably overwhelmed with taking care of a big family and dealing with your symptoms. Sometimes that can make a person more sensitive than usual. I hope more fun events come your way and that you can attend them.

    Be kind to yourself today :)
  5. BumbleBea

    BumbleBea Fallen Angel

    May 13, 2014
    You need to make yourself feel a little better about having Menieres. Here you have found a place where people understand you, that's a plus. Don't take not being invited personally and don't give up on church because of it. Everyone is welcome at church.
  6. Karenplus8

    Karenplus8 Active Member

    May 12, 2014
    Not giving up on church I love my church family! I have never felt so at home in a church. They accept you as you are and do not judge where you have been. Major plus for me. I have more people I call friends who I know are truly friends here at this church. Yes, I am overwhelmed trying to do things at home. My husband has today off so I am playing games more then I usually do.
  7. BumbleBea

    BumbleBea Fallen Angel

    May 13, 2014
    Hi Karen! It's good to have Husband home to help. Have fun online!
  8. fcclimber

    fcclimber New Member

    May 27, 2014
    So sorry Karen - just read this. I hope you're feeling better now. I do know what you mean. Meniere's and hearing loss left me w/ that same raw feeling you describe. I felt left out of things, and hyper-sensitive about it. And it didn't seem to matter what arguments the logical side of my brain made - I still felt hurt.

    What everyone has said is true. Many people choose a smaller wedding for so many reasons; I'm sure you understand that it's not a slight against you. Your church family sounds like a wonderful group of people. :) My advice - make that quilt. Put the care and love into it - and send it with your best wishes. I suspect it'll help you feel included, and I'm sure it will be much appreciated and valued.
  9. BumbleBea

    BumbleBea Fallen Angel

    May 13, 2014
    Hi Karen, how are you doing?
  10. Karenplus8

    Karenplus8 Active Member

    May 12, 2014
    fcclimber- that is word for word how I feel! I think Menieres has just made me super sensitive. I am going to make the quilt but I am going to take my time. I am not going to rush to get it done. I am going to aim for fall/winter. I have other things that need done and my Menieres is super active so that will take the stress off.

    Bumblebea after this trip I am feeling pretty raw but good. I just wish my a bit of my hearing would come back :( I have lost enough that in the past three days I am missing words all over the place.
  11. BumbleBea

    BumbleBea Fallen Angel

    May 13, 2014
    Maybe you just need a couple of quiet days. I have an ear infection, my ears are clogged and my husband is tired of hearing me say, what? My daughters undergoing a lot of tests so I'm stressed. I'm on an antibiotic and now I think I have a UTI.,sigh. I'll call the Dr tomorrow and hopefully he will call in a script and I don't have to see him.
    I'm trying not to get stressed,that never solves anything. So, I'm reading, playing fun and games, I've even done some small walks. Keeping busy keeps my mind off of the tinnitus and the other stuff, too.

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