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First time on water pill

Discussion in 'Your Living Room' started by Jedirusty, Apr 22, 2019.

  1. Jedirusty

    Jedirusty New Member

    Apr 8, 2019
    Been almost a week on BP/water pill and I'm feel some changes in my pressure and tinnitus. Definite decrease in the ringing at times and the pressure has gone down and is at the verge of releasing. It almost feels like my ear is gonna pop. Oh what sweet relief that would be!

    But it hasn't happened yet...

    Has anyone had their pressure fully go back to normal taking these meds? Also had some weird side effects maybe kidney pain during the first 3 days or so, nothing since then but I think I'm gonna get some blood work in a month or so to make sure by body can handle these.
  2. Bulldogs

    Bulldogs Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2014
    Rusty...I can’t say the diuretics helped me but they did give me gout a few times... talk about pain like I have never witnessed. Worst pain of my life.

    I read if you want to flush your system and the hen drink lots of water...in the long run the water pill/diuretic makes you retain water/fluids.
  3. Clare

    Clare Active Member

    Mar 31, 2018
    I didn't like the side effects of the diuretic I was on (spironolactone; the normally prescribed HCTZ side effects were worse), but it definitely reduced vertigo episodes for me. I tried reducing from 50mg to 25mg and set off a bad phase of symptom flare-up. So for years I stayed at 50. I'm also quite sodium-sensitive, and I believe the diuretic helped to lessen meniere's symptoms. But I was really glad to say goodbye to it after having my laby last August.
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  4. Jedirusty

    Jedirusty New Member

    Apr 8, 2019
    Yea That's what the doc had me on, I think I'm done with them as well, Not sure if my kidneys just don't like them or they triggered kidney stones but ever since I started taking them I would get periodic lower back pain that would almost bring me to my knees. Looks like I'll have to stick to the low sodium diet and try other things..
  5. zotjen

    zotjen Member

    May 12, 2014
    I also had some minor kidney pain when I first started taking diuretics but it went away after about a week or so.
  6. Robert Wilson

    Robert Wilson Member

    Feb 7, 2019
    I've only been on the diuretic for 5 months or so. I think it is helped, but I think the supplement approach (JOH, plus anti-migraine COQ10 and magnesium, plus B5/B6) helped more.

    I still have all symptoms, but definitely less, and I often have zero pressure in the years which is great. Still comes on some based on dietary issues, weather, or allergies.

    I am leery of the long term effects of the diuretic, but I'm afraid to stop taking it right now.
  7. Jedirusty

    Jedirusty New Member

    Apr 8, 2019
    I called my doctor and told him about the kidney pain and made me feel like an idiot saying it couldn't have been the water pill causing the pain, but it was just too coincidental.. I know my body, never had that pain before so I decided to stop taking it and will pursue the low sodium route again and see what happens. I hate when they don't listen!!
  8. AnneT

    AnneT Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2014
    I finally gave in and tried Diamox, if only to be able to tell the doctor I’ve tried all the medical options and it’s time to give me gent, laby or palliative care.

    I am tolerating the Diamox better than I thought, and it probably helps during restaurant food. I don’t like the dry mouth, and worry I’ll have dental issues if I’m on it too long.
  9. California Sun

    California Sun Active Member

    May 23, 2019
    I have tried the diuretic a few times over the years. My experience with it each time was that it seemed to help for a short time and then stopped working.
  10. tiffin

    tiffin New Member

    May 28, 2019
    I was on a diuretic (Dyazide) and a low sodium diet for several years, and my symptoms completely resolved. I only had fullness and hearing loss (cochlear hydrops), so I was lucky. I discontinued the Dyazide but kept the low-sodium diet.

    I was able to tolerate the Dyazide, though I did find that I had disabling back cramps (which I originally though was kidney pain, having experienced a serious kidney infection in my early 20s) whenever I sweated a lot due to activity. It's a weird sort of pain, starting off with a general feeling of "not great", then settling into the lower back. But it definitely is not typical back pain — I have sciatica, and that's nerve pain and is totally different. The cause of the back cramps was low potassium, so I learned how to dose myself with potassium chloride when they happened.

    I was largely symptom-free for a decade, though if I was eating at restaurants a lot (i.e., not sticking to the low-sodium diet because of travel) or before my menstrual cycle began, I would sometimes have fullness.

    In the past few months, the fullness is back full-time and I have hearing loss again. Unfortunately, my otologist has since retired, so I'm trying to find a new one. And I'm hoping that the diuretic will work again for me.
  11. Megan Henry

    Megan Henry Member

    Oct 5, 2019
    I was oh HCTZ for just 1 week and passed out because my blood pressure went too low. Me and medications don't mix. Have Acyclovir sitting on my desk right now and I'm being such a baby about not wanting to take it.
  12. Clare

    Clare Active Member

    Mar 31, 2018
    I had problems with HCTZ then was prescribed Spironolactone and told to eat a banana daily to help with potassium. For 15+ years had no problems other than the typical diuretic dry mouth.
  13. Megan Henry

    Megan Henry Member

    Oct 5, 2019
    I thought spinronolactone was A potassium sparring direutic?
    • Agree Agree x 1

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