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Discussion in 'Your Living Room' started by solari, May 11, 2014.

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  1. solari

    solari MM.org Janitor Staff Member

    Admin Post
    Greetings, friends.

    I originally created Menieres.org as a coping mechanism for all of us to learn how to deal with the disease as well as share what works for us. In the past, folks would debate or even vehemently disagree with certain ways of healing or dealing with Meniere's Disease.

    We need to be able to share what works for us without having to defend it or argue it with others.

    Yes, what works for you may not work for others. And that's fine. Others can simply provide their own solutions or suggestions. There is no need to degenerate or dismiss other's solutions because they don't work for you or fit your ideals or whatever it is rocks your boat.

    This is a coping forum, not a debate forum.

    We're all adults here. We each -- to our own -- decide what works for us and research things on our own. I don't want groups of people following others around and harping on what doesn't work or whatever. It's not the spirit or intention of Menieres.org.

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