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Has anyone tried to get Ebselen (SPI-1005) online?

Discussion in 'Your Living Room' started by Mindosa, Oct 25, 2020.

  1. starmanj

    starmanj New Member

    Dec 6, 2020
    FYI Amazon has ebselen but it's very expensive. You need at least 12 grams a month, and 25mg from Enzo life sciences is $108. $480k/month, which is absurd.
    This place carries it but out of stock (as I'm sure most things made in China are hard to get now):
    Buy Ebselen - Powder, 1g
    It's $60/gram there. Other places sel lit for even more ridiculous prices, like $357 for 50mg.
  2. IvanNew

    IvanNew Active Member

    Jan 18, 2021
    I would not buy anything that was not approved by a drug agency in a trusted country (the FDA in the US, the EMA in Europe or their equivalents in Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, etc). Once approved for any of these, the question remains whether taking ebselen is the same as taking SP-1005. The main ingredient in a drug may require chemical alterations and modifications to achieve the desired effect.

    For example, you may need bread to stop the hunger that affects you. If you buy 1kg of flour and eat it by the spoonful, you will probably have a bad time and it takes a long time to stop feeling hungry.

    To make bread, you not only need flour but also chemically alter it with water, yeast and heat.
  3. Autumninthefall

    Autumninthefall Active Member

    Aug 10, 2019
    If it was okay to turn on NRF2 24/7 that would be fine, but it's not that simple. :( It's like playing with fire.

    If anyone wants information on this VERY SPECIFIC topic, here are two of the many examples available:

    1) Too much of a good thing may lead to too much of a liver as well
    Too much of a good thing may lead to too much of a liver as well: When uncontrolled and overabundant, a protein that protects against harmful oxidants appears to fuel liver enlargement and may be linked to host of metabolic conditions

    summary reads: "Researchers suggest that prolonged exposure to a pair of antioxidant proteins may contribute to enlargement of the liver and fatty liver diseases."

    ~short story: You do not want permanent activation of NRF2, or you may experience undesirable consequences.

    2)NRF2 and the hallmarks of cancer
    NRF2 and the hallmarks of cancer

    summary reads in part: "In this Review, we explore the roles of NRF2 in the hallmarks of cancer, indicating both tumor suppressive and tumor promoting effects."

    ~short story: The regulation and dysregulation that takes place between NRF2/KEAP1 in cancer makes it a continuing attractive goal in cancer research, but is proving to be much more complex a relationship than originally thought.
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  4. Autumninthefall

    Autumninthefall Active Member

    Aug 10, 2019
    Follow-up to my NRF2 comments above with regard to increasing glutathione levels: It's probably best to do it naturally via food, as you are highly unlikely to eat too much, while it is easy for anyone to take too much of any one supplement~especially when no scientific data exists in the guidance of upper limits of tolerance before the possibility of harmful effects may occur.
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