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Hello All

Discussion in 'Your Living Room' started by KalNoodle, May 15, 2014.

  1. KalNoodle

    KalNoodle New Member

    May 15, 2014
    Hello everybody!
    I just stumbled across this forum a few days ago, and so far it's been very helpful.

    So a little about me: I was finally diagnosed with MD back in February, but I've been getting vertigo attacks with increasing frequency since 2008. Since Feb. I've been on a diuretic and a low sodium diet, without any change. Unfortunately, meclizine doesn't help the vertigo, so I've been told to basically deal with it. I'll be going to see a specialist soon to have other tests done and to discuss other treatment options, and that appointment can't come soon enough. I'm very lucky that my SO is extremely supportive. He understands that I have no control over the MD and that I'm doing everything I can to help myself at the moment.

    I am very happy I found a support community online and hope to be able to contribute as well.

  2. Vicki

    Vicki Guest

    Hi Kallie,
    Welcome but sorry you have to deal with this disease. You may want to look out the database in old forums or this one and give antivirals a try. It has help quite a few of us including me, I have been vertigo free for over a year since taking them. The problem with treatments for MM is not 1 works for everyone. But many have found something that works for them, whether it be avoiding certain foods, taking allergy shots, antifungals, antivirals, it takes some time and trial and error. Good luck! I hope you find your way to relief soon.
  3. BumbleBea

    BumbleBea Fallen Angel

    May 13, 2014
    I agree with Vicki that you should ask your Dr to give anti vitals a try and print some of the information found here to show them in case they aren't aware of it. This disease is so hard to deal with and the help of an understanding Dr can go a long way!
  4. KalNoodle

    KalNoodle New Member

    May 15, 2014
    Thanks guys. I will definitely talk to my doc about antivirals in addition to surfing the old forum to find other info!

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