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Is it the CPAP?

Discussion in 'Your Living Room' started by Fisherman42, May 25, 2021.

  1. Fisherman42

    Fisherman42 Active Member

    Sep 5, 2014
    It’s weird. I was diagnosed with sleep hypopnea about 2 months ago and started a CPAP machine therapy and since then my dizziness has been really bad. Motion bothers me like never before, I have weird periods of floating like I’m about to have an attack but it never starts. After the sensation passes headaches start and nothing takes them away, lorazepam slows it down a bit, and meclizine just makes me sleepy. Anyone else experiencing this or have experienced it ENT thinks it could be MAV kicking in and sent me to a neurologist but I can’t get in anywhere til the end of the month. I wasn’t exactly great before the CPAP but not this bad.
  2. Hiro

    Hiro Member

    Mar 21, 2017
    It looks weird indeed. Do you also have TMJ or notice any balancing issue with the tooth? Other than excessive weight as a common cause, sleep hyponea / apnea may often come from imbalance in the jaw and the neck, and that is why the air flow is partially or completely blocked while you sleep. I wasn't sleep apnea, but my dentist gave me a mandibular splint which works as mandibular repositioning AND treatment for sleep apnea at the same time.

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