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John of Ohio

JOH (John of Ohio) Regimen for Meniere's Disease details

  1. John of Ohio

    John of Ohio Active Member

    May 17, 2014
    For those of you looking, here is a copy of @John of Ohio's regimen. It's an alternative that's been very helpful to many where conventional treatments did not work:

    Course of the Disease. A diagnosis of Meniere’s disease is not promising. Meniere’s won’t directly kill you, but it is likely to make your life miserable in ways that few other diseases can. For some, conventional medical treatments will adequately moderate the symptoms. But for many, the disease progresses to continuing dizziness, episodes of profound vertigo, brain fog, tinnitus, and lastly, loss of hearing.

    Conventional medical treatments for Meniere’s are often disappointing or altogether ineffective. The standard initial treatment of dietary salt restriction and diuretics works for some, perhaps even many. But too often, Meniere’s victims must eventually confront their progressing predicament. The additional medical treatments of the disease aren’t hopeful. They include chemical destruction of inner ear tissues, difficult surgeries, use of sedatives, and a number of other extreme approaches, most of which are merely palliative. If any of these had high rates of success, tens of thousands with Meniere’s wouldn’t be chronic sufferers.

    In summary, conventional medicine in most cases has not been able to effectively treat or cure Meniere’s disease. It is almost universally regarded as idiopathic, meaning that its cause is unknown. Diseases of unknown causes don’t lend themselves to easy treatment. Meniere’s is a medical conundrum for doctors and patients alike. For those who have experienced it, it’s a frustrating, disabling, disheartening condition of complex symptoms and results. Initially, there may be only mild and infrequent dizzies, along with some ear fullness. But as the disease so often progresses, things can grow ever worse. It’s something you could wish only upon your worst enemies.

    My Experiences

    Meniere’s first struck me in 1995. It progressed to where I could barely function professionally. Consequently, I researched every treatment I could find, including approaches used in Europe and Russia. I discovered that foreign medicine approached the disease very differently from American physicians, and that some of these treatments gave more relief. I refused to accept the American dogma that Meniere’s treatments could be only palliative (merely suppressing some symptoms), or that I’d have to “learn to live with it.”

    I’m pleased to report that what I came up with, for me, completely extinguished all my Meniere’s symptoms, allowing me to return to a normal life. The disease took the hearing of my left ear, but I am now, for over a decade since devising and using this regimen, otherwise “normal.” Was this merely a common period of remission, or did my Meniere’s regimen actually work for others? Several years ago I had earlier versions of the regimen posted on Internet websites where others could intelligently try it.

    * * *
    In short, conventional medical approaches beyond the usual low salt diet and diuretics may entail significant costs. Therefore, it would be reasonable to at least consider a course on this regimen before embarking on surgeries or chemical labyrinthectomies. Everything about this disease is a considered gamble or risk. A trial of this regimen may be something you might want to consider before taking up any of the other, much more expensive approaches.

    This is a matter to be decided by you and your physician, of course. I have reported here what has continued to work so well for me for over 10 years, and now also for dozens of others who have reported their results. Perhaps hundreds of others have also gained relief without posting or reporting their welcome outcomes. I hope this information is useful and offers hope.

    So that others might intelligently consider it, users of the regimen are strongly encouraged to post their results, positive or negative, on the Meniere’s Talk Forum.

    Click the file link below to download the full PDF.

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      68.6 KB
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  2. bewestbrook

    bewestbrook New Member

    Jan 14, 2019
    The 1st 2 attacks were six weeks apart to the day and within the hour. That sent me to this course of action. The next attack was 6 weeks + 3 days and much less severe. Since #3, I've learned more about the lysine/arginine ratio. Six weeks after #3, I had a lot of dizziness, but no vertigo/vomiting. Same 6 weeks later. In the weeks before the 6-week mark, I up the lysine from 3000mg/day to 4500-5000/day. I am lucky enough to have a job that allows me to schedule work-at-home days every six weeks. I still have lots to learn and appreciate this site so much.
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  3. natandhop

    natandhop New Member

    Oct 3, 2015
    Hi everyone, I'm struggling with the tinnitus now in both ears. The ear aches continue, primarily in the right ear, but with the ringing/whooshing increase in the left, there is pain as well. I was diagnosed with Menieres in 2010 and went hard core in reducing sodium, sugar, alcohol and caffeine. I'm certain I need to do this again but also wonder if it would be good to also do the JOH plan. What are your thoughts?
  4. bewestbrook

    bewestbrook New Member

    Jan 14, 2019
    Sorry to hear about the problems with pain and noise. I was diagnosed several years ago and managed to control the T with a sodium exclusion diet pretty well (mine is a constant high-frequency pitch). Then last July, I had my first full-blown attack then another attack exactly 6 weeks later. After the 2nd attack, I started in on the JOH plan. The next attack was decidedly less severe. Then I did some more reading about lysine/arginine and realized I need to control this aspect more. I also noticed a pretty consistent 6-week interval, which suggested a possible viral factor. Since that 3rd attack, I have episodes of dizziness every 6 weeks, but they don't escalate into a full blown attack, for which I am infinitely grateful. With all that said, the components of JOH can't hurt you and even though the evidence is, unfortunately, anecdotal, it seems worth a try.
  5. Joy Bannister

    Joy Bannister New Member

    Dec 17, 2018
  6. Bennyhill

    Bennyhill Member

    Feb 15, 2019
    Interesting and very long post. Excellent detail.

    However it takes months and only appears to reduce the attacks.

    I was diagnosed in 2009 and put on Serc, Moduretic (a diuretic) and Stemzine (stemital) tablets. Then I tried a vitamin treatment. Please try it because this is what it will do:
    In 7-10 days you will feel better (almost normal) and Menieres attacks will cease. Tinitus will diminish and by a month will be virtually gone. It may take some weeks or months for you to suddenly realise that you are Menieres free. It does not cure Menieres, but it stops Menieres from affecting you ever again. I am now 9 years since my last attack.

    Just try it for 7-10 days and see if you feel normal again.

    Here it is: 125mg B5 and 100mg B6 at breakfast every day.

    However if you don't reduce your salt level you may experience dizziness episodes but not a full blown attack. So you need to reduce your salt level as low as possible. I have a low salt cereal breakfast of 26mg every morning and add no salt to my cooking or my plate. Do that and no Menieres attacks ever again. However you will be on B5/B6 for life.

    Prove me herewith for just a week to ten days. It's just two water soluble vitamins.

    More details in my post in this Forum: "The Cure for Menieres Attacks"
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  7. Grant Steinkellner

    Grant Steinkellner New Member

    Aug 18, 2020
    I was diognosed with Menieres on 4/2020 after 2 severe attacks. The the first attack brought me to my knees with an ambulance ride to the emergency room. This was before I knew what was wrong with me. After the second attack I was suspecting Menieres and a trip to a specialist confirmed my fears.

    JOH John of Ohio thanks so much for the depth of my heart for your Menieres therapy program. I have followed your regime with great success thus far.

    I would like to share with everyone what I have learned about this disease and also some additional things I do on a regular basis that seems to help.

    One of the worst things about this disease for me was the living in fear of not knowing when an attack my come swiftly upon me. Here are some actions I take to prevent attacks and keep my body stable.

    Disclaimer: First of all this works for me but you may be different so consult with your doctor first before trying and meds or programs.

    • I have learned that when my ears start to ring louder than normal and I began to get that unsteady feeling in my head and fullness of ears, I have found Diazepam 5MG to calm things down. I usually only take about 2.5 mg and only do this when I feel this is absolutely necessary. This prescription calms the nerves and seems to stop the increasing anxiety that proceeds the attacks. I also keep on hand Promethazine (suppositories). Have not had to use that yet. Remember folks when then attack happens and if you are constantly vomiting pills wont help they just end up in the toilet so suppository medicine you can place in the rectum for relief.
    • I carry a pouch in my pocket always that contains the diazepam and the suppository and keep a diazepam tablet in my wallet. This gives me great peace knowing that I have this medicine with me and can take this medicine to help with a potential attack wherever I go.
    • Just like JOH regime, I treat this as a virus issue so I take a prescription Valacyclovir 500mg tablet daily. You may want to get tested for HSV virus. I was positive so this pill also help to ward off any potential cold sores in the mouth.
    • I also follow JOH johns regime in this posting.
    • You must get LOTS of sleep. AVOID STRESS at all costs.
    • I have found this disease and the related attacks seem to be triggered mostly by anxiety and stress so monitor these carefully.
    • I drink lots of water.
    • Removed all unnecessary sodium from my diet. Keep to less than 1200 MG daily if possible.
    • Eats at least 2 bananas per day. Foods high in potassium (sweet potatoes,bananas) help offset the effects of sodium in our diet.
    This regime has helped me greatly. I have also been able to fly without any issues but I do use Macks "flightguard" pressure relief earlplugs.

    Hope everyone is doing well, keep well, Stein..
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  8. eveva

    eveva Member

    Jul 30, 2020
    So much in common! Time of diagnose, history, etc. Beside JOH protocol which I started in July 2020, I am taking B5/B6 and Valtrex 500 mg/day since Sep.2020. No more big episodes!
    I am also carry with me Meclazine 25 mg, Lorazepam 0.5 mg, and gum Velamints just in case.
    I have the same triggers. In addition, my allergy periodically gives me a difficult time. I am allergic to moldy dust, dry grass, dry air... I stopped eating dairy products and noticed less mucous developed (I have chronic rhinitis). I still have some dizziness after breakfasts. Probably need to reduce salt more. I am eating every 4 hours smaller meals because I am not well when hungry. What is puzzling me is that I've started reacting very strongly to the weather changes (time before snow storms, change in atmospheric pressure and magnetic storms). My blood pressure, pulse, and general condition is reacting too much and it can lead to nausea, dizziness and small episodes.
    I would love to hear from others the thoughts on these issues.
    Thanks, eveva
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  9. Andre

    Andre New Member

    Dec 2, 2020
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  10. Andre

    Andre New Member

    Dec 2, 2020
    lysine/arginine ratio..you take both..and if so how much of each?
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  11. John of Ohio

    John of Ohio Active Member

    May 17, 2014
    A help for sound sleep is to wear a sleeping mask. Since doing this I've slept extremely soundly. Merely closing ones eyes in a darkened bedroom is quite often not sufficient. Today, with street lights and other light sources on at night --- even moonlight streaming through a window at night --- even closed eyes detect tiny bits of light. That disturbs the depth of sleep. A good-fitting sleeping mask keeps all light out of the sleeping eyes, allowing sound sleep; which has many benefits. The main function of sleep is to allow the body to remove wastes from the brain at night, during sleep. Weak or fitful sleep allows brain wastes to accumulate.

    --John of Ohio
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  12. Nathan

    Nathan Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2014
    Subsurface ocean, Europa
    Does this explain the indeterminate growth of my forehead?

    Or is this merely an illusion, created by my ever-receding hairline?
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  13. Andre

    Andre New Member

    Dec 2, 2020
    Hello John..my attacks or my not so good days are now every 4 to 5days ..do I continue 3000mg of lysine untill my symptoms are completely gone for several weeks ?
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  14. Mindosa

    Mindosa Member

    Jun 8, 2020
    John, I think it is time to add vitamin D officially to your regime. What do you think?
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  15. John of Ohio

    John of Ohio Active Member

    May 17, 2014
    Lysine (nor prescription antiherpetic drugs) has seldom giving quick, thorough relief. Suppression of the symptom-causing herpes virus in the inner ear is a long, drawn out process. So, stick with the lysine therapy for at least several months. For some, it has taken 4 to 6 months to gain good levels of relief. Most importantly, don't let up. That allows the virus to re-establish.

    --John of Ohio
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  16. John of Ohio

    John of Ohio Active Member

    May 17, 2014
    Yes, I am probably remiss in not amending the regimen with two new components:

    a) Ample daily doses of vitamin D-3; a minimum of 2000IU, but probably best with 5000IU doses.
    b) The taking of a multivitamin with ample doses (beyond the RDAs) of the B vitamins.

    Both of these strongly support the immune system in its innate abilities to suppress viral infections.

    As always when dealing with Meniere's (or any disease) consult with a physician before taking anything not so prescribed.

    --John of Ohio
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  17. Justme77

    Justme77 New Member

    Feb 8, 2020
    In my case, I have to sleep with some light. The darkness makes the vertigo/unbalance come on strong. Is this unusual for MD?
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  18. John of Ohio

    John of Ohio Active Member

    May 17, 2014
    I'm not familiar with this experience or phenomenon. If complete darkness at night induces symptoms, don't attempt to achieve this state of darkness.

    --John of Ohio
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  19. IvanA

    IvanA Active Member

    Apr 30, 2020
    It is possible, the sense of balance uses three things:
    -The inner ear.
    -The view.
    -The information that the body itself transmits to the brain.

    When one of these two fails there is dizziness or vertigo, but over time it can be compensated by the other two. In your case it is possible that your inner ear is slightly affected by Meniere and with light your sight compensates for the wrong information it receives from the ear.

    You should still consult an ENT specialist.
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  20. Grant Steinkellner

    Grant Steinkellner New Member

    Aug 18, 2020
    Hi John thanks for your great regime that is working well for me. I have also found that taking a daily dose of magnesium can help calm things too. Magnesium helps to calm nerves and can improve/strengthen brain function. I use a high quality powdered magnesium in a drink of water daily which contains 200 mcg. While i agree with you that this disease seems to be virus driven I also believe that a healthy calm strong brain function is important to fight off menieres too. If you ever get to Atlanta send me a note you have a free lunch coming. Thanks for your help my friend, best wishes Stein...
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