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John of Ohio

JOH (John of Ohio) Regimen for Meniere's Disease details

  1. Kurtin

    Kurtin New Member

    Aug 7, 2022
    Thanks for the article links. I've read a few of those before and a couple are new so I'll take a look.

    I really feel like I may be dealing with two things here. It seems like the deeper inner ear fullness (if there is such a thing) is actually a little better, but I'm still dealing with tinnitus and constant pressure. While this sounds weird (gross) when I burp internally after eating a meal my tinnitus sound gets higher pitched/louder for that moment. Sometimes during that burp I will hear a bang against my eardrum (sounds like it is from the inside...middle ear area). During said burp I can often become momentarily lightheaded/dizzy for a moment. I also have noticed a bit more pulsatile tinnitus at times...especially later in the evening.

    Regarding my flight 2 1/2 years ago. I'm really uncertain (in hindsight) whether that was due to the plane ride or viral in nature. The rest of my family were all sick during that trip and I was the only one who wasn't. Not sure if something didn't rev up but I just didn't recognize what it was. My first year and a half of this experience was very come and go day by day/week by week until it became more month by month a year ago and that really got my attention to investigate further.

    I am able to get by ear to 'try' to release but it never really does. When I do the valsalva maneuver sometimes I just get louder tinnitus and no positive results ever happen.

    Another post today talks about two things (middle and inner ear) going on so I'm going to jump over there as well because some if it sounds like me. Thanks again for all your research EkkoMusic and follow up. Any additional thoughts are most welcome and thanks for 'listening'.
  2. TommyB

    TommyB New Member

    Sep 13, 2022
    I've been following your regimen very strictly for the passed 3.5 months and my Tinnitus/Hearing loss have only gotten worse. Would you say it is time to try something else, like a prescription anti herpetic or stick with the JOH? Thank you!
  3. John of Ohio

    John of Ohio Active Member

    May 17, 2014
    If your physician will prescribe an antiherpetic drug, begin to take it. It can be another angle of attack. But there is no need or usefulness in first stopping the regimen. The regimen does not, in any way compromise or weaken the effectiveness of prescription antiherpetic drugs. Persist.

    --John of Ohio
  4. SherylD

    SherylD New Member

    Sep 25, 2022
    Hello. My issues came on as a result of IV fluid overload. Would I still need to take the L-lysine?
  5. John of Ohio

    John of Ohio Active Member

    May 17, 2014
    Well, if the accumulated fluid results because of herpes virus activity, then the lysine will help.

    What is "IV fluid overload?"

    --John of Ohio
  6. SherylD

    SherylD New Member

    Sep 25, 2022
    I had IV saline in ER and it was too much or they ran the bag too fast. It overloaded my body & caused severe bilateral ear ringing, facial swelling, lightheadedness, dizziness & nausea. Also high BP for 6 weeks, chest anxiety. Now I’m left w severe bilateral ear ringing, equilibrium off and it feels like sinuses are swollen but CT says otherwise
  7. John of Ohio

    John of Ohio Active Member

    May 17, 2014
    Ok, excess saline injected in the emergency room, for whatever reason. Well, no, lysine won't fix that.

    --John of Ohio
  8. ScaryFlyingShark

    ScaryFlyingShark New Member

    Oct 16, 2022
    Hi. I live in Europe and several items from the JOH list are prescription only (vinpocetine) or very difficult to obtain (LEMON bioflavonoids) or even illegal to import. Is there any advice for how to start on JOH if you are in the EU?
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  9. John of Ohio

    John of Ohio Active Member

    May 17, 2014
    The most important element of the regimen is lysine. It interferes, disrupts herpes virus replication. If you can get none of the other regimen components, try at least the lysine. It's the most important thing in the regimen and may be effective by itself.

    --John of Ohio
  10. ScaryFlyingShark

    ScaryFlyingShark New Member

    Oct 16, 2022
    Thank you. I have access to l lysine, ginko balboa, vitamin c and e. I will replace vinpocetine with pycegenol (french pine bark extract). Fingers crossed.
  11. Symphony88

    Symphony88 New Member

    Oct 22, 2022
    Hi my ENT doctor tested my blood for virus and it came back negative. Does this mean that I would not benefit from the supplements
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  12. John of Ohio

    John of Ohio Active Member

    May 17, 2014
    There is no blood test for viruses that can accurately, consistently indicate that a herpes virus is infecting some organ or tissue in the body when Meniere's symptoms are present. The herpes virus infecting the inner ear, thereby causing Meniere's symptoms can remain undetected. If a herpes blood test were ably predictive of a herpes virus infection related to Meniere's, it would be a common test. Very few otolaryngologists prescribe viral blood tests for Meniere's presentations. Most believe or claim that herpes virus infections simply don't cause Meniere's disease.

    --John of Ohio
  13. Dying Ear

    Dying Ear New Member

    Dec 4, 2021
    I've been taking one lysine tab 500mg per day for months but this week I had a massive cold sore.
    I've increased the dose. In recent weeks I've also been drinking daily celery juice and cutting gluten.
    Wonder if this flare up is one of those toxic dumps you read about?
    • Like Like x 1
  14. John of Ohio

    John of Ohio Active Member

    May 17, 2014
    Commonly, when herpes virus infections are treated, either with prescription drugs, or on our case with over the count lysine, the infection (symptoms) often get worse instead of better; for a while at least. The virus seems to replicate faster and become more toxic. But in most cases (not all) this if for just a period; the virus loses its battle against the antiherpetic and the infection subsides.

    This may, indeed, be what you are experiencing. Hope so. If so, you will eventually win the battle. Persist.

    500mg per day is a rather lose dose. You might want to incrementally increase to a total of 2000 to 3000mg per day. First, take 500mg twice a day for a week or two. Then slowly increase to three 500mg doses, then finally four to six. Be sure to take the lysine at least 20 minutes before eating, or later than 2hrs after a meal. If taken with food the lysine is used by the body to grow tissues (a normal process) and not much is available to suppress viral replication.

    --John of Ohio
  15. ScaryFlyingShark

    ScaryFlyingShark New Member

    Oct 16, 2022
    Hi. I can also turn the tinnitus volume up by pressing my ear. I am not sure if it's a good thing or not.
    • Like Like x 1
  16. PatrickD

    PatrickD New Member

    Oct 26, 2022
    Hi John. To manage my expectations, and understanding we are all different, for how long should it get worse before getting better? Few days? a week? a couple of weeks?


    PS: Thanks for sharing your regimens and some of the science behind it. What you're doing is akin to open source software, but for the MD community. If more people were doing the same, the world would be a better place.
  17. John of Ohio

    John of Ohio Active Member

    May 17, 2014
    "... how long should it get worse before getting better? Few days? a week? a couple of weeks?"

    A good question; but without a solid, consistent answer. Varies markedly. Generally, I think the "worse before better" time is several weeks, if not a month or two. Personally, if trying it for the first time, I'd stay on it for a whole six months, to see of it works. I seem to recall it took that long for one person. Except for the cost of the regimen elements (lysine is the most important; it's the one that can be continued) there are no hazards in continuing with it for a long time. No side effects.

    Best wishes.

    --John of Ohio
  18. PatrickD

    PatrickD New Member

    Oct 26, 2022
    I started with Lysine 6 days ago, and had more vertigo episodes in the last 3 days than in the 40 days prior (ie: I get 3-4 per day). However, 3/4 of those episodes are less intense and last about 10 minutes, and I "only" need 1-2 hours to recover. The others are the traditionnal 1-2h or vertigo, and a day to recover. This means I'm almost always in recovery mode.

    It could be coincidental. As anyone heard of such rapid change, either when starting JOH, other treatments or without doing anything special?

    PS: I started yesterday Bioflavanoid, Vitamin C & Vitamin E (all with meals), and Vinpocetine (with Lysine), with the hope it will enable my metabolism to better fight. Ginkgo and MSM will start next week.
  19. Colette

    Colette New Member

    Nov 9, 2022
    Hi John,
    I've been suffering from Meniere's for about 8 years now and just found your regimen. So excited to get started.

    Is it okay to take the L-Lysine with the other pills in the morning or does this need to be taken alone? I see it says to take on an empty stomach, I just want to make sure I'm doing this right!

    Thank you so much for posting this. I've felt very alone in this for so long!

  20. John of Ohio

    John of Ohio Active Member

    May 17, 2014
    The "empty stomach" means, take without food. Take lysine at least 20 minutes before eating, or at least 2hrs after a meal. But it can be taken with the other parts of the regimen; they don't interfere as does food.

    My best wishes.

    --John of Ohio
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