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Just wanted to say hi...

Discussion in 'Your Living Room' started by Rex T., May 15, 2014.

  1. Rex T.

    Rex T. New Member

    May 15, 2014
    I lurked about on the old forum for many years but never said anything. This place is kind of a new beginning I think.
    So if there is such a thing, I've achieved burnout, I think, I hope so. I'm deaf in my left year and still have the occasional sudden dizzy but it doesn't last long. I've read of the struggles of many of you over the years and I just wanted to say hi. Keep on truckin'!
  2. Hi Rex T. Here's to a new beginning. ;)
  3. Vicki

    Vicki Guest

    Hi Rex, nice to meet you :) too bad it had to be here though :(

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