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List of commonly used acronyms

  1. solari

    solari MM.org Janitor Staff Member

    Admin Post
    From Wobbles on our old Meniere's forums. If you have additional acronyms to add, please post on the discussion thread listed in the above tab.

    ABR -- Auditory Brainstem Response (a diagnostic test).

    ACM -- Arnold Chiari Malformation (a medical condition that has some symptoms that are similar to Meniere's Disease).

    AIED -- Autoimmune Inner Ear Disease (a disease closely related to Meniere's Disease).

    AIMMD -- Autoimmune-Mediated Meniere's Disease (some Meniere's Disease, when suspected of being caused in part ("mediated") by an overactive immune system which results in the body attacking itself). Remember that Meniere's Disease has no known cause and no known cure.

    AN -- Acoustic neuroma (benign tumor on the 8th cranial nerve).

    BAHA -- Bone anchored hearing aid.
    Beast – a derogatory term for Meniere’s Disease

    BPPV -- Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (very treatable condition that can mimic Meniere's Disease).

    brain fog -- A feeling of confusion, disorientation, or sensory overload. Many patients with chronic (long-term) medical problems experience some form of this condition. "Brain fog" is a term used by Meniere's Disease patients. Patients with other medical problems use other terms for the same feeling.

    BTE -- Behind the Ear (a type of hearing aid).
    Bump – to deliberately respond to a thread in order to move it up the display list. This can be polite if judiciously performed.

    CDP -- Computerized Dynamic Posturography (a moving platform balance test).

    CHL -- Conductive Hearing Loss (as opposed to sensorineural hearing loss).

    CI -- Cochlear implant.

    CIC -- Completely in the Canal (a type of hearing aid).

    CT, CAT -- Computerized Tomagraphy, or Computerized Axial Tomagraphy as in "CT scan" or "CAT scan"; computerized x-ray scanning that virtually simulates tomagraphy (slicing frozen tissue very thinly for examination under a microscope).

    DMZ -- Dexamethasone (corticosteroid sometimes used to treat Meniere's Disease).

    Dx, Dx’d -- Diagnosis, diagnosed.

    ECoG -- Electrocochleogram/electrocochleography (diagnostic test) (pronounced EEE-cog or eee-coe-GEE).

    EH -- Endolymphatic hydrops (condition in which excessive endolymph accumulates due to over-production or under-resorption).

    Enbrel -- Immuno-suppressant drug sometimes used for chronic (long-term) treatment of some cases of Meniere's Disease when an autoimmune etiology (cause) is suspected).

    ENG -- Electronystagmography/electronystagmogram (diagnostic test).

    ENT -- Ear/nose/throat doctor (otolaryngologist or otorhinolaryngologist).

    FWIW -- For what it’s worth (Netspeak).

    Gent -- Gentamicin (antibiotic with ototoxic properties used in the treatment of Meniere's Disease for its ototoxic properties (not its antibiotic properties)).

    GP -- General practitioner.

    grommets -- See PE tubes.

    HA -- Hearing aids.

    HCTZ -- Hydrochlorothiazide (generic name for a diuretic used in the treatment of Meniere's Disease (as well as in the treatment of high blood pressure and other conditions)).

    H/R -- Hyperacusis/recruitment (sensitivity to certain noises with or without hearing loss).

    Hx -- History (medical).

    Idiopathic -- cause unknown.

    IEH -- Idiopathic endolymphatic hydrops (many researchers equate this condition with Meniere's Disease).

    IMHO -- In my humble opinion (Netspeak).

    IMO -- In my opinion (Netspeak).

    IT -- Intratympanic (through the tympanic membrane (ear drum)).

    ITC -- In the Canal (a type of hearing aid).

    ITE -- In the Ear (a type of hearing aid).
    JOH – John of Ohio

    LOL -- Laugh Out Loud; Laughing Out Loud (Netspeak), Lots of Love.

    lo-so -- Low sodium (diet; as in "I'm doing lo-so"); also low so.

    MD -- Meniere's Disease; Muscular Dystrophy; Medical Doctor; Maryland.

    MM -- Meniere's Disease (for Morbus Meniere; "morbus" means "disease"). This abbreviation is used on the Internet by many Meniere's patients; it is also used in Germany. However, "MM" is not generally used within the medical community outside of Germany. If you use the term "MM" when talking to your doctors, they will likely not know what you mean.

    MRI -- Magnetic resonance imaging (diagnostic scan without x-rays that produces results similar to CT or CAT scans, but in much finer detail; especially useful for soft tissue (non-bone) analysis.

    MS -- Multiple Sclerosis; MS may exhibit symptoms similar to Meniere's Disease.

    MTX -- Methotrexate (immuno-suppressant drug sometimes used for chronic (long-term) treatment of rheumatoid (autoimmune-mediated) arthritis and, lately, for some cases of Meniere's Disease when an autoimmune etiology (cause) is suspected).

    NG -- Neurologist.

    NOG -- Neurotologist.

    NSG -- Neurosurgeon.

    OTC -- Over the counter (non-prescription).

    Oto -- Otologist; physician who specializes in treatment of the ear.

    OTOH -- On the other hand (Netspeak).

    Otologist -- Doctor specializing in treatment of the ears.

    PCP -- Primary care physician.

    PE tubes -- Pressure equalization tubes. Also known as "ventilation tubes" and as (principally Australia) "grommets." (Tubes inserted into the tympanic membrane (ear drum) to equalize pressure between the outer ear and the middle ear, when the Eustachian tube (a body structure that normally accomplishes equalization) becomes blocked due to infection or otherwise.)

    PET -- Positron emission tomography.

    PLF -- Perilymph fistula (opening in the round or oval windows that separate the middle ear from the inner ear) (the "perilymph" part is somewhat of a misnomer).

    Px -- Prognosis, medical.

    RA -- Rheumatoid arthritis (an autoimmune disease).

    ROFL -- Rolling on the floor laughing! (Netspeak).

    ROFLMAO -- Rolling on the floor laughing my a** off! (Netspeak).

    Rx -- Prescription.

    SEH -- Secondary endolymphatic hydrops (EH secondarily resulting from some primary event, such as head trauma).

    Serc -- Brand name of the generic drug betahistine hydrochloride.

    SNHL, SNL hearing loss -- Sensorineural hearing loss (as opposed to conductive hearing loss).

    SSD, SSDI -- Social Security Disability Insurance (U.S.).

    Sx -- Symptoms.

    T -- Tinnitus.

    TRT -- Tinnitus retraining therapy (habituation).

    TT -- Transtympanic (same as IT).

    TMJ -- Temporo Mandibular Joint syndrome (loosely: ill-fitting joint where the jaw bone meets the ear).

    Tx -- Treatment (medical); medical treatment plan.

    VN -- vestibular neurectomy (see VNS).

    VNS – Vestibular nerve section (also called vestibular neurectomy) (a surgical procedure in which the vestibular branch of the 8th cranial nerve is severed near its junction with the brain).

    VRT – Vestibular rehabilitation therapy.


    I think the above list will help people who are confused with all the acronyms that are commonly employed on this site. I did not originate the list but I had a copy on my computer before the data base on this site was lost. Unfortuantely, I do not know the name of the preson who created this list.

  2. PapaJoe

    PapaJoe Member

    Jun 11, 2014
    MM - also for the purposes of abbreviating the name,

    Meniere's Disease - MD - This one is already used commonly.
    Meniere's Syndrome - MS - There's already a disease for this.

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