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Looking for advice from cochlear wearers

Discussion in 'Your Living Room' started by yellowboy, May 5, 2022.

  1. yellowboy

    yellowboy Active Member

    Jul 11, 2020
    My doctor told me 2 weeks ago that my bad ear is useless and is recommending a cochlear implant. I have maddening tinnitus in that ear as well as fullness. I asked him if the implant and related surgery would help with the tinnitus and fullness and he said probably. Can anyone tell me if that is true based on their experience ?
  2. Kevinb003

    Kevinb003 Active Member

    May 15, 2014
    The implant will mask the tinnitus in that ear when you are wearing it. Unfortunately, when trying to sleep after you take the processor off to recharge, you will still have the tinnitus—my experience only fwiw.
  3. Gregg Miller

    Gregg Miller New Member

    Aug 10, 2022
    I am facing right now your exact issue. I am attempting to try every possible option to restore my one good ear that went deaf- but was restored back better with Prednisone- but reverted BACk to deafness after 11 days. Back on steroids but the doctor said I cannot take that med forever despite claims that you can. Ive heard 90% good about the implant- 10% bad. I dont know what to do. Good luck with your issue.
  4. yellowboy

    yellowboy Active Member

    Jul 11, 2020
    Well I got tested last week and flunked - no cochlear. My insurance plan requires a test for Medicare payment. They said my hearing was too good. They don't care how bad your bad ear is, the hearing is based on a combination of both ears. I have since talked to 2 people who said the cochlear drastically reduced their tinnitus. I am going to ask the doctor next week how soon I can take the test again and I will make sure I flunk it.
  5. Gregg Miller

    Gregg Miller New Member

    Aug 10, 2022
    I was told that hearing had to be below 10%. I have zero hearing in both ears when the steroids are not taken. If you can hear some- believe me that's a whole lot better than none.

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